View Full Version : Who makes halo hoppers?

04-28-2009, 06:27 PM
Hi guys, I recently bought a halo b rip with v35 off of amazon, and the seller is giving me a hard time. We are emailing back and forth, and he apparently shipped me the wrong color because they were out of stock of the color I wanted (even thought they are listed as in stock). Anyway, he said this:

The problem is that Empire is out of black, so what they are doing is sending us smoke with an extra set of black shells. So, we have some shells on the way to us. So let us know if that works for you we should have them by Thursday.

So I was wondering; does Empire own Odyssey?? Who makes halo's, and is it Empire? I thought it was Odyssey... but I guess I could be wrong. I want to know before I email this guy back, and if you guys know that would be awesome. I googled it and couldn't easily find the answer.


04-28-2009, 06:31 PM

btw you should be buing a prophecy or rotor. halos while good in their day suck.

04-28-2009, 06:32 PM

btw you should be buing a prophecy or rotor. halos while good in their day suck.

oh they do? Why's that?

04-28-2009, 06:33 PM
they are less likely to break. someone will come by and fill you in. I am going to grill or I would.

04-28-2009, 06:35 PM
they are less likely to break. someone will come by and fill you in. I am going to grill or I would.


is it worth the extra fifty bucks?

04-28-2009, 06:40 PM
If you want to spend 100 dollars on a halo, god help you.

They can be had for 40-60 bucks (with upgrades) used. (sometimes heavily, some times lightly.)

I just dropped the 150 on a prophecy. And Holy jesus i'm in love.

Go to youtube, and search "Empire Prophecy" watch the videos by Simon Stevens.

The thing is a TANK. He hits it with a hammer, stands on it, the plastic actually BENDS before it breaks.

Halo B's and Empire Reloaders (while still good loaders) would SHATTER before that happened.

Also, the most commonly broken pieces on a halo/reloader (the feedneck) is fully replaceable on the Prophecy.

Another great thing... you dont need a SINGLE tool to take it apart. Entirely, every last piece will come off by hand.


04-28-2009, 06:43 PM

great I should have asked you guys for advice before I bought.

Are the internals totally different? Will the halo really break that easily?


is there nothing good about the halo??

Well I am now trying to cancel my order guys... any more advice would be greatly appreciated. I told the guy that I want to either:

1) get the smoke halo and then receive some FREE black shells when they are in stock, or

2) cancel the order.

I am doubting he will want to send me the free black shells, so I am thinking he will just let me cancel the order. Should I really not even consider the halo? I wanted a new hopper that would last me a while for around a 100 dollars that would feed crazy fast... what are my other options?

04-28-2009, 06:57 PM
Halo's are fine hoppers. They shells are not as good as the prophecy or rotor but they are not garbage. Most likely you will get a few years out of it before you notice any issues. The rotor and prophecy feed faster but a halo should feed faster then you will need and much faster then you can legitimately pull the trigger. Plus they have had a few years to work the kinks out. I wouldn't buy a new model anything as soon as they are released. Even if the design is good there is always unforeseen problems.

04-28-2009, 07:01 PM

great I should have asked you guys for advice before I bought.

Are the internals totally different? Will the halo really break that easily?

They're just messing with you. I don't doubt that a prophecy is better than a Halo, but Halos still work fine. They're not rediculously fragile. It depends on what kind of playing you're doing.

Personally, I've had my Halo for two years, and I bought it heavily used for $45. I've dropped it on the ground (dirt, not concrete) and it's fine. I've only ever had ONE ball break inside, and I was using uber fragile paint. I have a pneumag, and it easily keeps up even when I'm using the four AA battery cradle.

Now... if you play a lot of speedball and you're diving into bunkers all the time and using super fragile paint, then maybe a Halo isn't for you. But if you're a rec player, it will serve you fine. (Sucks you bought one new, though. I have two I'd give you for cheap. :D )

04-28-2009, 07:10 PM
They're just messing with you. I don't doubt that a prophecy is better than a Halo, but Halos still work fine. They're not rediculously fragile. It depends on what kind of playing you're doing.

Personally, I've had my Halo for two years, and I bought it heavily used for $45. I've dropped it on the ground (dirt, not concrete) and it's fine. I've only ever had ONE ball break inside, and I was using uber fragile paint. I have a pneumag, and it easily keeps up even when I'm using the four AA battery cradle.

Now... if you play a lot of speedball and you're diving into bunkers all the time and using super fragile paint, then maybe a Halo isn't for you. But if you're a rec player, it will serve you fine. (Sucks you bought one new, though. I have two I'd give you for cheap. :D )

ha ha great... well at least I know now I won't be getting a piece of crap. And I don't play any speedball- I just play in the woods every 2-3 weeks with my friends. We are really getting into woods ball though, and I wanted a fast loader (that wasn't a q-loader) so I decided to go with the halo, thinking that would be the best for me in my price range.

Well if I can cancel my order, I will pm you about that :D

you don't happen to have a black one do you? :p

04-28-2009, 07:12 PM
I don't understand why people say that the HALO shells break easily. Yes you should stay away from HALO's if you like to slam them into the ground or do not know what snug is when tightening screws. I still have all 6 of my HALO hoppers with original shells and I do not baby them. They look like hell, but are not cracked. I have replaced all of the drive cones, but parts are going to wear out eventually. The only thing that bothers me about the Halo is the damn on/off button should have been made out of a rubber membrane instead of a sticker.
A replaceable feedneck is nice, but since Empire does not actually offer the replacement, it seems kind of useless. Halo shells are also only $15 shipped on Ebay and come with the lid and battery door.
Just sold 2 minty ones for $60 shipped apiece.

04-28-2009, 07:13 PM
ha ha great... well at least I know now I won't be getting a piece of crap. And I don't play any speedball- I just play in the woods every 2-3 weeks with my friends. We are really getting into woods ball though, and I wanted a fast loader (that wasn't a q-loader) so I decided to go with the halo, thinking that would be the best for me in my price range.

Well if I can cancel my order, I will pm you about that :D

you don't happen to have a black one do you? :p

Sorry... just sold my black one. The last two are both blue.

04-28-2009, 07:22 PM
Sorry... just sold my black one. The last two are both blue.

Well if my order can still be canceled I might still consider buying from you and just picking up some black shells.

Thanks for the reassurance guys... any more advice/opinions are still welcome

04-28-2009, 08:04 PM
Guy, dont read into that too much.

I stil have two or three halos/reloaders ontop of my Prophecy. I was just kinda saying how awesome it is. Not ragging on the halo.

They're still great loaders.

Check b/s/t section here, pbnation, mcarterbrown, etc etc

You'll find some GREAT deals.

I will give you this tidbit of advice: IF you can, get a Reloader b2. They're Fast, and battery efficient, as well as being sound activated (the sound of your marker firing makes it advance the ball stack.) that way, there are no eyes to burn out...

04-28-2009, 08:05 PM
in reality the worst things about the Halo's are that the feednecks break relatively easy. however ive had my halo for almost 3 years and i FINALLY had it break on me last month. new shells. fixed.

but the WORST thing is taking the halo apart. like6 screws to split the hopper. and lets all hope thats the only issue is to clean the shells. otherwise it will take you easily 20-30 minutes to take it apart and properly put it back together, and thats if you have done it dozens and dozens of times. SOO many small parts, and a pain in the A to take apart and put back together.

personaly for a Prophecy or Rotor, i would spend the extra money to buy one new. the simplicity of taking them apart to clean easily makes up for the extra cost.

but like others have said, if you have no issues with the halo, it will be everything you need and then some. they are NOT a bad loader by any means

04-28-2009, 10:10 PM
new Halos come with a different kind of material used for the shell ( Black or an ollive green color ). Similar to the older style revolution loaders before BE took over. Less prone to breaking and lighter than the older ones, but still an issue. Also no real way of telling if Amazon is selling these body shells or lilquidating the old ones.
