View Full Version : Trying to do something a little different with a warp.

01-30-2002, 08:17 PM
I'd like to hook to hook up something like the intelifeed but the catch is I want the warp to spin before the gun fires. The issue is that after shooting sideways for a long burst I have to reprime the warp. I'm thinking I'd like the warp to spin with only about .5lbs on the trigger so I can just rest my finger and spin the warp. The problem is I havn't thought of a good way of doing this that doesn't stop the trigger from moving far enough to fire the gun.

01-30-2002, 09:34 PM
maybe put one of those pressure switches (like the type used to turn on laser sights/flashlights on real guns)on the grip somewhere so you could squeeze it to prime the warp and release it when it was done. I don't know where you might get one, or how to hook it up, but its an idea.

01-31-2002, 07:38 AM
Blenn......that's a good idea! An interesting thing for all the hacks to figure out. ShinyGuy......keep us posted!

01-31-2002, 11:29 AM
perhaps a switch setup like the one on the triggernomics rt-enhansor, except bent a bit further forward so it would activate soonter. or if you have an intelli-frame you could just bend the arm on the switch a bit so it would activate sooner.

01-31-2002, 12:17 PM
I had a sub-miniture switch in the Eclipse Frame on my old EvoX. The switch was set to start the warp in the first portion of the trigger pull, before the shot. :)


01-31-2002, 12:56 PM
But with trigger play on these electros these days being really short wouldn't it be more practical to have a sensor on the handle? When there's "no play to play with," I imagine that setting a sensor to activate "early" on the trigger pull when there really is no pull would be moot. Easier to just tighten your grip to activate the feed.

"Not a sermon......just a thought!":)

01-31-2002, 02:10 PM
You already have a "priming" switch. The little button on the warp feed next to where the intellifeed wire hooks into it.

If you would prefer it on your marker I would look into the thumb switches used for pistol mounted lights/lasers as recommended.

You could simply remove the existing switch, wire in the new switch and mount it to your marker frame.

01-31-2002, 09:19 PM
I want something that I can trigger with my right hand. I've tried thumb and pinky switches for laser sights on firearms and I just don't think it would feel right. The problem I've had with most switch-inside-the-frame setups is that I hit the limit of the microswitch travel before the mag fires. Just thought of milling the back part of the trigger (where it engages the safety) into a cam to activate, but not over-travel, a microswitch. I'll keep you posted.