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05-06-2009, 05:48 AM
I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I have no idea how to search for it and if its even searchable. This is just a muse about why AGD is Undead (i.e. why the Automag is still around).

I think one of the key reasons is product support. You're still able to buy spares for an Automag directly from the manufacturer. Lots of other manufacturers stop their support as soon as the marker stops being produced, then the parts that's left just dwindles until everything is sold, after which the markers pick up problems and get junked. Automags being so similar (and still being sold) seems to have their own slice of immortality and in the unlikely event that you need spares you can just phone AGD up or order it from the website.

What do you think? Are there other reasons? Also, why do you think does the Automag draw in new blood all the time in a steady trickle? I'm young and new to Automags for example and wouldn't have bought anything else to start with had I known about them from the start.

Automags also made me curious about the workings of other markers, so now I find myself digging into and even buying other markers just to see how they work. Anyway, that was a bit off-topic.

05-06-2009, 07:07 AM
I think it is because owning an automag makes you smarter. ;)

The TK videos are very thorough at teaching, not just teching. After you watch those and go to the field and someone asks about your gun, you are able to explain everything about its operation without sounding like a moron.

Other player is impressed with the engineering, modularity and knowledge of its owner and word spreads. Instead of keeping their china-made electros, they want to own an "antique" that doesn't rust and will run forever.

my $0.02

05-06-2009, 08:36 AM
i got my mag from my boet - well priced, which he had made up from all sorts of ebay purchases. he still has enough extra's to make up 2 more, plus his full one that looks awesome, complete with warp feed.

my opinion
its simple, its fast, its light, its modular AND its quiet.
as to customer service, i have had NO need to test that, which in itself is good, whereas my tippmann a5 arrived without an o'ring or two. w ith NO response from their online service centre.

05-06-2009, 06:26 PM
Reliable (if a little finicky) quick and quiet. They are fun to shoot.

05-06-2009, 06:37 PM
Extremely customizable (more so then most markers)
High Resale value (some appreciation even)
Great reliability
Good Product support
Good Performance

Evil Bob
05-11-2009, 05:55 PM
It has been long suspected that Tom Kaye is indeed a witch doctor and has been dabbling in dark magics....

05-11-2009, 09:31 PM
oh now there is a new model just begging to be uh... un-born...

the gun of the living dead!

dead I am the one
I shoot one of TK`s
Super cool new guns
Paint wipping through the trees
kill the Gardners please!

05-11-2009, 09:36 PM
Oh... Oh god. ...

05-11-2009, 09:41 PM
That would be a cool theme... I wish I liked Rob Z more... oh well, it's up for someone with more ballz than I ;)

05-12-2009, 12:10 AM
It has been long suspected that Tom Kaye is indeed a witch doctor and has been dabbling in dark magics....

Well his field name at his home field was "The Wizard" and in fact his name tag for reserved parking was "The Wizard". No doubt it was a make shift tag but he took it when he left. Wonder if he still has it.

Wizards dont die. When he returns he will be TK the white, or judging by the color maybe TK the grey Wizard.

TK...The Wizard

TK...The grey or white Wizard