View Full Version : first professsional scenario documentary is getting launched soon

05-06-2009, 10:46 AM
Hi folks. I've lurked on here off on and on for a while now, but haven't had anything decent to contribute to any conversations. Finally I do. Check out my (first) and latest paintball related project:

We have shot what will be the first (to be released) professionally filmed documentary project about Scenario Paintball. My partner, Jay has been busily editing and hiring a team of editors to assist him in bringing our project to fruition with the fastest possible timeline, and because if this we're going to be releasing mid-late July 2009.

I encourage you all to check out our website: http://www.scenariopaintballfilms.com and my blog detailing our increasingly stressful project http://blog.scenariopaintballfilms.com

You can leave comments on the blog, I'd love to hear all feedback: good, bad, or indifferent

Yukon / Aaron
aaron AT scenariopaintballfilms DOT com

05-06-2009, 11:29 AM
that sounds awesome

how did it get filmed? i mean you must have a limitation to the number of cameras per firefight?
head cams must provide some diferent perspectives, but could be boring if there is too much?
how will you release it? and what sort of cost do you envisage?

05-06-2009, 11:36 AM
Technically the first Shatnerball may have you beat. I still have my Splatt Attack DVD.

05-06-2009, 01:06 PM
that sounds awesome

how did it get filmed? i mean you must have a limitation to the number of cameras per firefight?
head cams must provide some diferent perspectives, but could be boring if there is too much?
how will you release it? and what sort of cost do you envisage?

wow, lots of questions. we filmed in full HD, I was able to secure the only contract (that I know of) to film this type of project on USMA property - I had to work through the US Army public affairs office in LA. We do have some headcam footage from players that was donated to our cause, however we did utilize a full camera crew (8 guys and 6 cameras) throughout the 3 days (fri-sun). Trust me, it will be anything but boring - as many of us know, simply watching a bunch of idiots (me being one of those idiots, I was XO for the germans) run around shooting each other for 3 days boring even to us hardcore paintballers. There is a real story here and we get to watch it unfold in both an entertaining and an informative nature from multiple different personalities perspectives. we have the game producer and refs (USMA Cadets), players, and commander's perspectives very well covered. This is an introduction to scenario paintball film project. There will be a 1 hour broadcast version, and another version to be released on DVD. I opened pre-orders for the DVD yesterday, and that information can be found on our website www.scenariopaintballfilms.com

I understand many of you may know or have at least heard of the great Doobie from these forums, check out the trailer, if you know him, you'll be able to pick him out! Greg Red Hastings is in there too ....

05-06-2009, 01:07 PM
thordic, as I haven't seen a copy of the shatner dvd, i can't answer that. If we're not first, I have to apologize.

05-06-2009, 03:24 PM
Not trying to burst your bubble, just letting you know.


Its from 2003.

Good luck though, I wish more scenario games were filmed. Some scenario games are pretty cool.

05-07-2009, 07:10 AM
i did a little bit of reading about Spplat attack on imdb. it seems to me it is much more of a game tape. Basic Painting is much more of an introduction and explanation to scenario paintball. Unless "soldiers of paint" gets released really really soon, I think I'm still safe in describing us as the first "professional documentary." I do, however sincerely appreciate your (and anyone else's) input and comments. Anything you guys have (good, bad, indifferent, random insults, whatever), I'm available most every day via email aaron AT scenariopaintballfilms DOT com ...

I think one of the best attributes that makes our project so unique is I'm a scenario paintballer who doesn't know a damned thing about film making. I got hooked up with some of the right people and next thing I knew i was co-producing this project. I've been playing paintball for a while now, and the other guys have been in tv broadcast for longer than I've been playing, I think together we really have the experience to make this a project to crush all other endeavors. In doing our pre-production research I found every other project to date was either a bunch or paintballers with handycams making youtube quality stuff or real film makers not knowing what the hell is actually happening on the field and not knowing what story to tell.

eh, thats all for my rant this morning, go to get back to the day job ...