View Full Version : Germany bans Paintball

05-07-2009, 10:32 AM
The German Government passed legislation today banning the playing of paintball and laser tag in the country, citing the sports as "glorifying violence, and simulating murder." The law has not been written, and there is a large amount of resistance building up against it, but I fear it's going to be pulled through this time.
They've contemplated this after every school shooting, and the most recent one near Stuttgart looks like it finally did it. Most every killer in this country had played one of these sports at least once, and another motivating source, according to the politicians, is the playing of violent video games.
It will be interesting to see how far this goes, whether or not possession of equipment will be outlawed as well. and even to see how far they will push the sentences.
I'll let you guys know when I know more, but for now, be aware! Don't plan on playing over here anytime soon!

05-07-2009, 10:48 AM
Bummer. I just hate it when the few ruin it for the all.

So I guess you won't be needing any of those shiny guns anymore. I have a nice garage where they could be kept safe. :D

05-07-2009, 10:51 AM
Yikes, hopefully you still be able to keep all your parts since they don't have the electronics or valves. :cheers:

05-07-2009, 11:05 AM
i dont get the stupidity of governments sometimes.
if they ban paintball as a sport, then they need to ban pc games, might as well ban the pc, and while we are at it, ipods should also be banned cause they play music from slipknot. why stop there, alchohol should also be banned cbecause it changes your behaviour.

"GUNS dont kill people, people kill people." :shooting:

05-07-2009, 11:16 AM
Germany's government has been going a little bit off of the deep-end for a while. I just find it ironic that, by trying to distance themselves from their past, they are employing many of the same authoritarian, and quasi-fascist methods that were so much a part of it.

05-07-2009, 11:18 AM

Man that is crazy.

I hope it doesn't go through. Keep us posted.

And to think I just shipped a marker to Germany last week...

05-07-2009, 11:22 AM
They will be looking at looking at banning the video games as well, so they're trying sweep out everything that corrupts our minds.

05-07-2009, 11:24 AM
They will be looking at looking at banning the video games as well, so they're trying sweep out everything that corrupts our minds.

Does hating your government corrupt ones mind? Wonder how they will fix that. :tard:

05-07-2009, 11:31 AM
Dies ist ja lächerlich. Ich dachte, dass Deutchland gelassen war.

05-07-2009, 12:38 PM
Because of the country's past, the German government seems to be afraid of it's own people I swear.

It's like they think that if they don't ban EVERYTHING remotely violent, military, or combat oriented, then the German people will suddenly take up arms and start marching across europe again. As if they think it was almost in their genes to do so, dumb.. :tard:

05-07-2009, 12:57 PM
Because of the country's past, the German government seems to be afraid of it's own people I swear.

It's like they think that if they don't ban EVERYTHING remotely violent, military, or combat oriented, then the German people will suddenly take up arms and start marching across europe again. As if they think it was almost in their genes to do so, dumb.. :tard:

I do belive your right. In recent years there has been a growing resurgence in Neo Nazism ideologies. I think the government there is very very worried about it.

05-07-2009, 01:35 PM
Because of the country's past, the German government seems to be afraid of it's own people I swear.

It's like they think that if they don't ban EVERYTHING remotely violent, military, or combat oriented, then the German people will suddenly take up arms and start marching across europe again. As if they think it was almost in their genes to do so, dumb.. :tard:

This is very eloquently put, and very true. In many ways, the residue of the second world war is still shaping the politics that they conduct in the present day.

Let's face it, they tried it twice, and it cost the lives of millions upon millions of people, and they don't really like to be reminded of it. When they look over to the United States and watch us set up scenario's in paintball revolving around D-day and other WWII events, then they want nothing to do with it.

For me, making such past military movements into paintball games is very disrespectful to the people who fell in battle all those years ago. It is also not what the game of paintball is about. There are other ways of celebrating those occasions.

It would be good if we could all look at what is happening over here in Germnay and reassess the way that we approach paintball as a whole. Just think about what kind of image we are creating for ourselves. There are enough people against paintball in America as well, and there have been plenty of efforts to stop it.

Let's not kid ourselves, it's not just Germany, it's everyone who doesn't understand that there is no other way to get such an adrenaline rush as the one that paintball provides. Don't be so naive to think this can't happen in America as well. Germany is just the start of a possible bitter end for what we love to do.

05-07-2009, 01:48 PM
Ive been to several countries in Europe. The mindset there is much different on this matter than it is here. There are many places that the war still impacts. Visit Belgium one day. Many do not speak about it in the past tense.

05-07-2009, 01:52 PM
While this is indeed rediculous, I have to agree with the sentiment that the WWII themed scenarios never really struck me as appropriate. Civil War re-enactors also creep me out.

But yeah, zee Germans... strange folks. The only good thing about the rising Neo-Nazi movement is the anti-Neos who beat the heck out of them all the time.

/You do know who else banned things?
//had to happen eventually

05-07-2009, 04:18 PM
/You do know who else banned things?
//had to happen eventually

That is the basis for my point about the irony. My mother, and her family, lived in Germany during the war, and saw a lot of freedoms taken away leading up to it. They moved far away from the city to avoid it.

There is a lot of paranoia, and guilt, by proxy, that still exists there. They are, essentially, going to extremes in order to avoid going to extremes. It reminds me of the old quote "the beatings will continue until morale improves." Hopefully for them, this doesn't end up the same way it did last time around. I don't believe it will, but, they are setting themselves up for the type of unrest that breeds that sort of thing.

Of course, it isn't specific to Germany. Other countries with strict regulations have done fine, thus far. Each country is a unique case, and what works in one place, won't necessarily work in another.

05-08-2009, 02:43 AM
Well why stop there, why not ban soccer because fans get into fights with each other about a game? Why not ban movies because they have violence in them? Why not ban books because they have violence in them as well? Seriously this is about as stupid as gun laws. The more and more a country takes away from its people, the more pissed the people will get.

05-08-2009, 03:21 AM
hmm while they have a valid point, it's just one step closer to getting us to live in pods one of these days.

but why don't the fight the source and implement better gun control, it's like someone says i'm allergic to strawberries, so the parents throw away all the food in the house.

05-08-2009, 07:51 AM
so only the gov can play? HA! they should ban tag too!

05-08-2009, 10:50 AM
... and ban kids from playing cops and robbers, ban any movie where people get shot, ban books that contain violence, ban Ramstein because they sound angry...

05-08-2009, 01:33 PM
Most every killer in this country had played one of these sports at least once

I'd be willing to bet that EVERY killer has played baseball, basketball, soccer, etc at least once as well....

Freakin retards...

Sorry about it man... good thing you don't really play anymore so it's not a major loss for ya.


Frizzle Fry
05-08-2009, 01:43 PM
I'd be willing to bet that EVERY killer has played baseball, basketball, soccer, etc at least once as well....

Agreed... Anybody remember that chain email that went around a couple years back, in the form of a "shock" article? It was all about how all murderers ate bread withing 24 hours of committing murder, and bunch of other non-logic that was pretty funny.

05-08-2009, 03:49 PM
Because the last time Germany didn't have an outlet for its men's aggression it went so well...

05-08-2009, 04:01 PM
They will be looking at looking at banning the video games as well, so they're trying sweep out everything that corrupts our minds.

white power and all again ? think your better than us because ur german ha i say down with the 4th riech! gl with paintball over there kinda sucks

05-08-2009, 04:13 PM
Watch out, Chess is next!

Humans trying to control humans and they nature in which they are created. BLAH!

05-08-2009, 04:20 PM
Retarded or not, it is a Socialistic country. I don't know if the restrictions have eased, but when I was there in the early 90's you couldn't have a deck of playing cards. It was against the law, because it promoted gambling. Uno cards were the only cards that I could get my hands on. In the 90's, the utility services were all government controlled. When you got your phone bill, it just had a billed amount. There was no arguing over the rate being so high or how many calls you made. You were required to pay it. Tithing to religous organizations was another. You were required to have a percentage of your income pulled from your check every payday to go towards a religion of your choosing. Socialism.

05-08-2009, 05:49 PM
I wonder if airsoft is banned too. I heard that was really big over there

05-08-2009, 07:17 PM
That sucks, but doesn't the strictness of the firearm control laws also harass paintball markers?

05-08-2009, 07:49 PM
Most every killer in this country had played one of these sports at least once, and another motivating source, according to the politicians, is the playing of violent video games.
I bet just about everyone of them suckled on their mothers' breasts as well. Maybe they should ban those too.

Can't say I'm overly proud to be German today. :(

05-08-2009, 08:16 PM
Bummer. I just hate it when the few ruin it for the all.

In fact, this is the opposite. This is the masses ruining it for the few.

It's just like outrageous smoking bans, excise taxes, unnecessary limits and permit requirements and so forth. The majority is able to regulate the behavior of the minority. This is the definition of tyranny.

I'm sorry to hear that the German people are being repressed like this. Shame on anyone who would support this kind of restriction.

05-09-2009, 02:50 AM
Retarded or not, it is a Socialistic country. I don't know if the restrictions have eased, but when I was there in the early 90's you couldn't have a deck of playing cards. It was against the law, because it promoted gambling. Uno cards were the only cards that I could get my hands on. In the 90's, the utility services were all government controlled. When you got your phone bill, it just had a billed amount. There was no arguing over the rate being so high or how many calls you made. You were required to pay it. Tithing to religous organizations was another. You were required to have a percentage of your income pulled from your check every payday to go towards a religion of your choosing. Socialism.

I don't know what Germany you went to, but none of this is true in the Germany I live in. It is a Socialist country yes, but the Government has never controlled the utilities, and my phone bill gives me all the info I need. You are not required to pay any taxes towards religion, although many people do. I don't. Gambling isn't illegal over here either, but I thought it was in the U.S. save Las Vegas. Correct me if I'm wrong. Despite banning paintball, we are able to lead relatively free lives over here, including a fully insured health package for every family, 30 paid workdays of vaction time, not to mention the ability to drive as fast as you want on the highway. I'm happy, but they didn't need to take paintball away.

05-09-2009, 02:58 AM
Most every killer in this country had played one of these sports at least once, and another motivating source, according to the politicians, is the playing of violent video games.

Yeah! And I bet most every killer has driven at least once too! We should ban cars!

05-09-2009, 03:04 PM
You make a very good point. I doubt that the legislation will take off though, especially if they piggy back violent video games on the bill, then again I have been wrong. That is one of the problems with any society when a tragedy happens they look for causes and things to blame for the tragedy and its become more common for personal responsibility, parental influence and general psychological states to be ignored. Im not more violent because of paintball nor do I go around slamming people on their heads from wrestling. I mean how often do you see a professional ufc fighter going around knocking random people out. Its just an unreasonable response to an unreasonable action. I have my own theroies as to the types of people that push these actions but thats an opinion best kept to myself. Anyways good luck over there and enjoy a good blast on the autobahn for that I am jealous of the germans!!

05-09-2009, 05:18 PM
C'mon guys. Its the same as a man with a gun in his posession is 100% more likely to kill some one with a gun than a man without!


I hope it fails on the basis of being a knee jerk reaction to a series of tragic incidents all over the world, regardless of it having to do with paintball.

05-10-2009, 01:59 AM
I was there, West Germany, in 1990 and that was the case then. The wall had just been brought down, but the merging of the two countries into the unified Germany was not established. I'm not knocking Germany for the form of Socialism that is practiced there. Yes, the Autobahn was fun. I thoroughly enjoyed my time there and thought the country to be wonderful along with the food and localized beer. Prior to the wall coming down, things were not like they are now. Then again, homeschooling your children in Germany will get you thrown in jail.

I don't know what Germany you went to, but none of this is true in the Germany I live in. It is a Socialist country yes, but the Government has never controlled the utilities, and my phone bill gives me all the info I need. You are not required to pay any taxes towards religion, although many people do. I don't. Gambling isn't illegal over here either, but I thought it was in the U.S. save Las Vegas. Correct me if I'm wrong. Despite banning paintball, we are able to lead relatively free lives over here, including a fully insured health package for every family, 30 paid workdays of vaction time, not to mention the ability to drive as fast as you want on the highway. I'm happy, but they didn't need to take paintball away.

Evil Bob
05-11-2009, 03:09 PM
Gotta love the zero tolerance mentaility.

Thats ok, we got the same crap going on here in our public school systems.

One of my sons got punched in the eye by one of the school bullies, mulitple witnesses showed that the kid waited around the corner and punched my kid as he was rounding the corner while talking to his friends, he was basicly ambushed. The bully has 50 pounds on my kid and 3", my son, who is a brown belt, side steps the second incoming punch and throws the bully to the floor. Both were suspended from school for a week for "fighting" where it was very clear in this situation where one side was clearly defending itself against an aggressor. The school didn't care who attacked who, in their eyes both were to blaim.

The German govt has been targeting paintball for years, it was just a matter of time before it was outlawed.

Next it'll be video games, pillow fighting, and martial arts schools.

Can't tell you how many times I've heard this from parents: "You let your children play 'gun' games??!!"


05-19-2009, 02:49 PM
This is kinda related...

Germany won't allow fans 17 and younger to attend UFC 99 in June.



05-19-2009, 06:54 PM
what the heck is going on in Germany these days...

They first stop treating the Xenu-Cult as the enslaving, murderous organization that it is; now they are demonizing team building, stress relieving, innocent competition because it has fake perceived "victims" in the interest safe personal accountability, instead of the real body bags the former fills up.

sickening. If we have any German AO types, I think its high time they engage the political system and change it from within.