View Full Version : Need help with air system for an RT

01-30-2002, 09:19 PM
I just picked up a 99 RT mag a few weeks ago. Im running a ACI 3k tank on it with a Bulldog adjustable reg on tank. Once i start getting on it i get pretty bad shoot down after about 8-10 shots. Even just in 2-3 shot bursts i still get shoot down which is ticking me off. I went over to the Crossfire factory today to talk to Chris about some stuff. He told me hed swap me my Bulldog for one of his preset 800psi regs and told me it would give me all the air i need. Only problem is the RT's say right on the gun only run 650psi into the gun. SO...whats the deal. He told me to run a Palmer or Worr secondary reg on the gun, but im pretty sure that even though the crossfire tank reg will give me the flow i need, the palmer or worr would become a bottleneck and id be stuck with the same problem I had. My buddy suggested going with a Flatline or Raptor tank and reg but my cash flow is shot. i dont have another $300 to throw down on a gas system. So what do u guys suggest?? Thanks for any help.

01-30-2002, 09:24 PM
i dont now about your gun but my gun has stamped to the body rail "RECOMMENDED INPUT 600-800 PSI". i use 800 in my gun. also if you are using 650 psi in your gun that might be why you are having shoot down.

01-30-2002, 10:01 PM
haha sorry my retarted fault. I only saw the 600 didnt see the - 800 under the rest of the gripframe. im a moron :) thanks for the help