View Full Version : Raffle for JHill112

chopper duke
05-14-2009, 01:00 PM
Some of you know that a member of the paintball community was lost recently. There's been a raffle put together on MCB to help his family. ALL items for the raffle have been donated and the proceeds will go to JHill's family. If you look at the list of prizes, you'll see it's staggering. The following was taken directly from Critcal's post on MCB. He asks that if you buy a ticket, please post what Forum you are on so he knows how to get in touch with the winner:

In case you haven't been paying attention, the paintball community recently lost one of our own. JHill was someone who was well regarded here and on other forums. He passed away far to early, and left a large family behind. Some of the details can be found in the following threads.



The idea was hatched that we, the online community that called him one of our own could do something for him. I had an idea for the patches, that Noxx55 is selling, and Moose had the idea that we could raffle off a bunch of stuff to raise money for his family. This is that raffle. 100% of the proceeds will be going to his family, none will be kept by any of the officiants of the raffle, nor by any of those individuals who donated items. They have graciously offered these items to go into the raffle just to raise money for the family.

So, without further ado, here's the list of prizes:

- Noxx Boxx

- Blackrain grenades

- Deadbox Before Dishonor T-shirt

- CPPA T-shirt & stickers

- Case of Nelson Precision paint

- Vents Avatars

- Hawaiian print paintball jersey (MCB prototype jersey)

- Tactical scenario vest & mystery box

- Halo B, Extreme Rage 3+2 & a stock class harness

- Pulse & PMI 4+1

- $200 gift certificate to Pinnacle Paintball

- Blue/silver VSC Phantom package

- NX55L lever action

I will be running this as a true raffle, I have raffle tickets and a big bowl. When I receive your entries, I will write your name on the ticket and it goes in the bowl. At the end of the raffle, I, or someone I can find locally, will draw tickets for the items in the order they are listed above. Feel free to buy as many or as few tickets as you would like, remember, this is all for JHill's family.

How do you enter? I'm glad you asked. You can PayPal the money to [email protected]. Please put JHill112 in the title, and your username and how many tickets you are getting in the description.

Tickets are $5 each

If you have questions, please feel free to comment in this thread, PM me, or email me at story dot jeff at gmail dot com (got it?) I have that email with me everywhere I go and can respond quickly, usually instantly up until about 10pm ET.

05-14-2009, 02:30 PM
would like to donate some money.pm'd

05-14-2009, 03:01 PM
I understand that at least one person had some problems getting PayPal to accept the money. It looks like, when I set everything up last night, somehow the email address I'm using for this raffle failed to associate with my PayPal account. I have no idea what happened, but it is working now.

Thank you all for your generosity, please feel free to PM me on MCB or email me at the above address if you would like more information. I'll also put AO in my favorites and check in on this thread, so you can post here too.


05-14-2009, 03:09 PM
money sent for two tickets,however i would like you to keep my tickets and resell them.thank you

05-14-2009, 03:19 PM
Understood. Thanks!

05-14-2009, 04:39 PM
is there a cut off date?
how are you going to handle international winners? (South Africa)
what if i dont have paypal?

thanks - i would love to donate, but am waiting for customers to pay me. :tard:

05-14-2009, 04:49 PM
The drawing will be held on June 6th, so the cutoff date would be midnight eastern time on the 5th. For international winners, we might need to discuss options with the provider of the prize that was won. If you do not have PayPal, I would be willing to accept money orders on a very limited, case by case basis so long as they were received with enough time to clear the bank before the drawing.

05-17-2009, 10:34 PM
PayPal shut down my PayPal account for using it to run the raffle. I have restarted the account, but have cancelled the email address listed. I apologize for any inconvenience, however, in the interest of continuing to raise money for his family, I would ask that everyone else who wishes to donate to contact me via PM and I will give you another address you can send money to.

DO NOT include anything about a raffle, contest, or anything else. All future donations need to be only your username here, otherwise they will shut down my account entirely. I can figure the rest out from the amount you donate. Thanks for your understanding.

chopper duke
05-19-2009, 02:08 AM