View Full Version : Your Thoughts...

05-31-2009, 10:17 PM
My local field only runs open play on Saturdays and being I've worked the last month of Saturdays I decided to take a little drive north, about an hour to play some ball. First time at this field everything was solid except for a little incident I had with one of the regulars.

We were on a field that was designed to be a ball suck. I ran out of paint before it was over(Hopper and three pods. The field had two forts elevated overlooking the field.). We had failed to eliminate any one off the other team and we were down three versus six. I was battling two opponents, one on the left other on the right. Trading paint with the guy on my left, he turns his back to me exposing his head. That's the only thing I could see. So I shot a band in an angle knowing one would land and it did.

Side note:
The guy on my right tried to run to a new bunker right after my other shot and I blasted him in the mask!

After the game the guy I shot in the back of the head asked the ref who shot him and he pointed me out. Thinking he would say something like that hurt but nice shot. (I know that's what I have said in situations like that.) He kind of *****es about getting shot and how bad it hurt. I said sorry for shooting you in the head, I never try to do that. I would rather shoot you in the pack and move on.

Two games later he's crying that he still has paint in his hair. I just kind of laugh it off, "yeah that sucks."

Last game of the day he's on my team and right before the start he blurted out that he had a headache.

Honestly I would have shot him in the back of the head if I had 5 on his 1, if he turned his back without being out and that's the only thing exposed. He was standing up, so if something was wrong I would assume he would have kneeled down.

Later I was talking to my dad and mentioned what happened and he reminded me two weeks ago I was *****ing about being over shot. Understandably, not the same thing but I mention something once when I have a problem and move on.

I'm not looking for a pity party. Then again I've never turned my back on a field without signaling that I was out well in advance. I asked if he was out before I shot him and he said no. I guess he just needed a rest.

You know what I do hate tho. Getting shot out. The ref calling you out. Putting my gun in the air. Step out from behind my bunker to have three balls hit me right in the side...

05-31-2009, 10:25 PM
It's all part of this game we love. He, we, and you will get over it. " Don't let it get you down...it's only castles burning"....Neil Young :D ;)
Start planning for Tunaball 4 next year. You WILL have fun there.

05-31-2009, 10:37 PM
Immediately after writing it down I was like who cares? I was going to delete the thread but it's a good reminder to everyone that you have good days and bad.

06-01-2009, 02:57 AM
The guy sounds like a whiner. Honestly, who plays paintball without the expectation of getting hurt. Its one of the reasons why I play, because I expect to get hurt and the rush that gives me. If you want to know what takes it out of you though, is a burst to the head (hitting everywhere but the mask) from a hot marker, after that you just don't have the energy to go on.

06-01-2009, 08:16 AM
The guy sounds like a whiner. Honestly, who plays paintball without the expectation of getting hurt. Its one of the reasons why I play, because I expect to get hurt and the rush that gives me. If you want to know what takes it out of you though, is a burst to the head (hitting everywhere but the mask) from a hot marker, after that you just don't have the energy to go on.

well said... the adrenalin wouldn't be pumping if you were not actually being shot at :shooting: