View Full Version : Barrels: Anodized Alum vs Stainless

01-31-2002, 03:28 PM
Heres an interesting email reponse I got from Bill Mills:

On Fri, 18 Jan 2002 11:01:14 -1000, Vincent Cecilio wrote:
>Hello Mr Mills (again),
>Got another question for you. With the new generation of >barrels out there,there seem to be alot more barrel with >aluminum backs versus the old skewl stainless. Boomies, >JT, Full Tilts all have Stainless backs (where the ball >contacts), while CP's, The New J&J Epics, and Freaks
>(stainless back still has alumium inserts) have aluminum >backs.
>I understand Stainless backs to be more durable than >aluminum. It will be more scratch resistant to guarantee a >more reliably smooth surface, while the alumnum can >scratch and the bore can enlargen.
>Is this fact over rated? Is aluminum backs alot more >durable for rec and tourney play than most people think? >Let me know all your opinions.
>I got to
>admit, all aluminum is sooooo much lighter than my Boomy.
>-Hyper (AutomagsOnline)

Actually hard anodized aluminum is harder than stainless steel and less likely to scratch. IMHO most of these barrel materials are because of what the current market trend and hype is.
-- WARPIG Tech, [email protected] on 01/30/2002

Very interesting, very interesting indeed...

I understand that Anodized aluminum goes through a process where it is basically oxidized. But oxygen molecules bonding to the Aluminum, it is bascially "rusting" the aluminum in a controlled way with color added.

There seems to be a truth about the marketing hype. But the last time I compared my Old Boomy on my Spyder vs my Old annodized Aluminum Bigshot on Spyder, the stainbless section on the Boomy had almost no scrathces while the Bigshot had fine scratches leading to the tip of the barrel.

I think that oxidized materials are suppose to be more harder than non oxidized metals since the oxidation will take away its maleable properties.

Any chemist majors of specialists here to confirm this?
