View Full Version : My 2 cents on Electrics

01-31-2002, 03:32 PM
First off electrics are very smooth guns but the problem stems from the fact that they are not being designed to be rough and tough.... Sure U can get an angel it will fire smooth and very fast but u knock it hard one time and it breaks, sand, water... battery dieing out:) The emag is comming along, its half way between Electric smooth and AK 47 tough but not quite there yet..

Whats the fun in going electic? So u can shoot faster then everyone else. Does that make u a better player in some way?
Thats why I have so much respect for pump players they are truly killer players..

When I ref i see all these people decked out in electics blowing hopper after hopper, the only reason they get any hits is couse they hit EVERYTHING:)

Electrics come with way to may possible problems that cannot be fixed by the common paintballer less they have a high degree of electronics experties:)

Stick with killer mechanics is the way I am going.. Il take a sweet *** RT over an EMAG anyday or a tricked cocker... They are just more fun in my eyes you can actually work on them without total fear of shorting out a bord:)

Also Electrics are WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY too overpriced.. gimmy a break already, there isnt that much of electrical inginuity placed into these guns.....2k for a tricked angel? 1.400 for a slf emag? compare that to a Laptop? prices are almost the same but u can do a hell of alot more with a laptop not only that but there is 1000 times more electrical thaught in the laptops then an Electric marker.... Now if they made an electric marker that didnt use anytype of Air, CO2 just purly electric neumatic then i could see why it would cost so much,

Just my two cents worth... I am a mechanic lover is all...

What do you guys think of electrics?

01-31-2002, 03:35 PM
I can see where you're coming from, in fact, that's exactly how I felt a little while back. But that was before I got a good deal on a bushy. Get an electro, give it a chance. Play with it a couple of games and you'll see.

01-31-2002, 03:38 PM
What are you talking about?

Electrics are sweet, it has a higher rate of fire which is very helpful in those times when you need it. Also, electri on a Mag = Bye Bye Short Stroking. But if you have a trained finger, then disreguard.

When you post up on a dude, you need a nice ROF to catch him when he snap shoots at you.

Dont stereotype Elctric with "Spray and Prayers". I play all day and at the most burn 600 rounds. I use my harness rarely, only if other players bring some large packs on the field. I spend most of my time getting a good angle on someone rather than spraying from the back.


01-31-2002, 03:40 PM
I do have an electric I have an Angel LCD and a Electric Nova.

Its kinda cheating i think :) at our fields u cant go fully auto but the electrics fire so damn fast its like they are full auto:)

01-31-2002, 03:42 PM
I seriously Dout u only use 600 all day with an electric I have been refing for a while now and that just cant be true unless ur playing games with no time limits and total jungle fields:) and if ur only using about 600 why not just go with a pump then whats the point of the electric?

01-31-2002, 03:53 PM
I like electro's but I'm not a paint hoser... I like to be able to lay out a nice snap shot... and know that the option is there to shoot quickly but I don't burn through paint..

01-31-2002, 04:00 PM
I just think Electrics are way to much trouble for the price most of them that is.

There are exceptions like the Spyder EM1 IMPS now those are kick *** priced Electrics and they are killer in play the EM1 and the angel i was using one 2 weeks ago and the only difference in performance i could see was a slight speed variation and more movement of the EM1 when u fire..

The Angel and Emag are not Worth their respected prices in anyway... the RT pro is also a bit over priced, but its all supply and demand i guess.

By the way the spyder EM1 kicks *** just thaught i would throw that in:)

01-31-2002, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by LqdTECH
I seriously Dout u only use 600 all day with an electric I have been refing for a while now and that just cant be true unless ur playing games with no time limits and total jungle fields:) and if ur only using about 600 why not just go with a pump then whats the point of the electric?

Hey, its preference. And its very true for me.

I show up at 10 am. People dont show until 12, I play until 4. I never knew paintball had a "balls to shoot per day" limit. I use to play conserving paint since I need to save money since times were hard. Even now that I got a better job than my old one, I guess I got used to playing with my paint conservation mantallity.

If you would like, I can burn about 200-300 more rounds by shooting it at the ground if it make you happy, I can get paint for cheap now.


01-31-2002, 04:06 PM
Besides just to add,

if you check my old posts, my main reason I got my electric hyperframe was to completely eliminate short stroking, it was not because of the increase rate of fire. I have mine set at 10 bps to make sure I dont outrun my hopper. I can even set it to 5 and be happy.

When theres only rentals against me, I voluntarily set it to 8 bps so I wont take advantage of my electro and the rentals.


01-31-2002, 04:17 PM
Was your mindset LQD let me start a thread that is controversial and has been fought about 900 billion times?

I do not now what kind of electric you are using but my emag does not break in rain or snow or by dirt. I have owned an automag rt well actually still own it but never use it, but my E-MAG IS SOOO MUCH BETTER!

Statistically wise, I am sure you hit more people, with eletrics because instead of shooting a pump you are shooting 12 balls a second. Does that make you a better player? NO.

01-31-2002, 04:52 PM
Its very simple... Im my opinion they are way to over priced. the emag is a good gun but not 900 dollers worth, and statisticly emags are more prone to break downs and problems due too the added electric parts (more parts more potential problems) Emags electrics are sensitive i had a buddie take a fall and his pack hit the ground, his mechanics worked fine but his electrics wont work.

Just saying il take an AK over an M14 anyday:) may not be as smooth but u can use it barried in sand.

01-31-2002, 05:03 PM
well at least the emag won't be out of commission with manual mode :)

01-31-2002, 06:03 PM
So if u want less parts and less moving parts, buy an EPIC. 2 moving parts, and one is the trigger? I learned how to take them apart during the time I spent in one tournament, and i never used it, I just watched the creator of them take it apart so much. There is really nothing that can go wrong in them so why dont u get one? They are overpriced but if some how u can find a used one then maybe u should get it. And if u find a used one and dont get it then tell me because I want it.

01-31-2002, 06:04 PM
Lqd that is a bit unreasonable.

Overpriced... No.

If you are gonna sell 1000 guns each year you have to make up R&D somewhere. Yes R&D IS a real cost. The cost of machining high quality aluminum and stainless steel is not cheap either.

The thing with R&D is that the more you sell the cheaper it becomes R&D is a flat cost because the technology can be copied from unit to unit. If people are selling 100,000 computers in a year and R&D costs $100,000. That means you only see $1 in the cost of R&D. Now if it costs $100,000 in R&D and you only sell 1000 units the end consumer will see $100 of the R&D costs.

Now the logical thing to do would be to lower the cost to sell more units right? WRONG. The raw material and employee cost goes up with each marker you make. If it costs $500 in raw materials and $200 in wages for each marker produced you can't sell a marker for $600 it dosent make sense. You would loose money. Thats the price you pay for high quality, reliable top notch products. Also the market for paintball guns is expotentially smaller than the computer market. I have also never seen a computer CNC machined out of stainless, brass, and aluminum.

I would like to see you develop, market and manufacture an electronic marker then sell it for $500. For the amount of time you would spend doing it you would make more money working in a singapore sweat shop.

As for electronics being less relaible... statisticly there are more things that can go wrong. But if it is well built it dosent happen often if at all.

The advantages of a high ROF is countless. I will only list a few cause I can most likely fill up a whole page of why a high ROF is better.

One is hit probablility the faster you fire the more likely you are gonna hit your target. This dosent even mean you have to use more paint. Say you are trying to hit a target. The target sticks his head out of the bunker for approx 1 second, for simplicity sakes. If you have a high rof in that one second you can send 14 balls downstream. You have a 1 in 14 chance you will miss. If you can only shoot 6 BPS the probablity is higher that you will miss. Then you will have to relocate your target and shoot again. If you keep missing you will waste MORE paint per target with a lower ROF.

Secondly is cover fire situations in which you don't know exactly where youre target is but you are trying to clear a path for a runner. More paint= Higher probablity of a hit and a higher intimidation factor.

Thirdly it is better when trying to eliminate moving targets for obvious reasons.

In these situations you can miss 3 times at 6 bps or you can eliminate the player in the first try at 14 bps and use less paint.

and the list goes on...

01-31-2002, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by Butterfingers
Lqd that is a bit unreasonable.

I would like to see you develop, market and manufacture an electronic marker then sell it for $500. For the amount of time you would spend doing it you would make more money working in a singapore sweat shop.

It's called the black dragun :)

In these situations you can miss 3 times at 6 bps or you can eliminate the player in the first try at 14 bps and use less paint.

Or accidentally hit with all of them and piss people off :)

I always feel really bad about it too. It's so easy to do that with my hair emag trig :)

01-31-2002, 08:29 PM
Well i owned a 68 automag, then an rt pro and now an sfl. And I must say it is not the rof that makes me love my sfl it is the fact that i don't short stroke. When I had the rt pro I'd see someone get too excited and try to fire fast, what did I do? Short stroke a ball. And once you start with a high rof you won't go back. If you don't wanna pay $900 for an emag don't. But don't tell others how to spend their money......If we wanna take about wasteful use of money talk about smoking. The average smoker probably goes through the price of an emag every year and for what? Something that kills you?

01-31-2002, 08:37 PM
Yeah but I get "killed" a bunch of times every week :) Mostly due to my own stupidity, or simply those heat seeking paintballs. (probably more the second one imho) ;)

01-31-2002, 08:45 PM
I plan to get it handed to me friday night.... my unfamiliarity with the fields and my lack of playing time in the past months is going to hurt... and the fact I can't use too much paint :( sucks.... i'm going to be playing hopper ball mostly....i won't be unloading a lot

01-31-2002, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by LaW
i won't be unloading a lot

I said that when i got my emag as well. Be truthful to yourself... you will :)

01-31-2002, 08:55 PM
ok for the first game i'm not wearing my redz pack

:) however I'll probably run out of paint and decide to put it on hehe... how much do the cases cost at daves' now anyway? Just wondering... first day out with the emag I might as well spoil myself

01-31-2002, 08:57 PM
member 67.50... regular 75

01-31-2002, 08:59 PM
damn... how i wish i were a member :)

01-31-2002, 09:00 PM
electros are a little pricey. Then again this whole sport is kinda pricey. My problem is I don't make enough money and have other responsibilities to keep up with these electros. In some ways electros take the fun out of it. Well the people that sit there and go through hopper after hopper of paint do anyways. I mean it's not a lot of fun when you slide into a bunker and hear endless thumps coming from a guy/girl that holds the trigger down. I'm not saying all electro players are spray and prayers. I realize there are some that like the one shot with the light trigger and have the power to get off a good string when the time is right. With all that said that is why I like the no nuke rule. Which basically hit more then 3 times with the same string and the other guy is out and not you. Only problem is catching the person and identifying that it was just him that shot you. When I played in Utah I had the utmost respect for the guy who put his angel down and proceeded to finish the day with a Phantom. Although he didn't have the long strings to shot he still survived and eliminated the same amount of people. I also have the respect for electro players that control their rof and not fire 8 to 9 per second and hit nothing or worse yet hit me with all 9. I mean it takes one to get me out yet they hit me with 8 extra. Not my way of having fun if you ask me. Now I'm ok with 3 or 4 hits. Anymore just ruins it. Especially for newbies. My thoughts to Electro owners probably doesn't matter but hey just calm the trigger down and work on accuracy by eye and not by quantity.


01-31-2002, 09:19 PM
Well, I like this arguement. There isn't very any tentions yet.

I have a preference of mechanical paintball guns also. I've only shot a e-tippy and an e-spyder so far because I'm still a newb. I do like e-markers but can see that they are still pricey for my taste. I only play rec ball so it doesn't really matter to me anyways. The mechanical feel of the gun gives me a sort of satisfaction that an electric gun/kit/trig. frame doesn't give me. Yes, I do like firing off 10+ balls per second but it doesn't feel as good as firing off a shot from a mechanical marker.

I do see and understand the advantages of electro but it just doesn't feel like it fits me for the moment.

01-31-2002, 10:15 PM
Well i agree with yout o some point, but an rt is as fast as an electro in good hands, and i know a hingetrigger cocker is as fast as any angel shooter, in my hands :-D. I use a force 5 because i have to move my finger so little it doenst thow the shot off at all, and i can fire even more acuratly. Ill stick with my electro cocker, cept with the new wgp 3 ways, they will be so sick i dont need electro. :-) Finally id ont use speed for volume, i use it for 3 quick shots before i pop back in. So i can go as fast wheneve ri need to. Not tha ti go full out all the time. ALthough it is cool when i do us with a 10 inch boomstick it sounds like theres 4 other guys with me. :-)

01-31-2002, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by LqdTECH
Stick with killer mechanics is the way I am going.. Il take a sweet *** RT over an EMAG anyday or a tricked cocker... They are just more fun in my eyes you can actually work on them without total fear of shorting out a bord:)

I now shoot an Emag which is my first AGD marker and my first eloectronic as well. My first marker was a Tippmann M98. Now you wanna talk Ak tough and this baby is it. I've dunker her in water and she still shot great.

The funny thin about your excerpt there is that with the Emag (and only the Emag) can you suffer a total electronic failure, I mean smoke could be coming out of the circuit board and you can still play. All you do if flip a switch and your zooming again with the fastest recharging valve in the industry.

If that happened to an Angel owner they would be crying into their hoppers all the way back to the rest area.

As for my initial decision to get an electro? I'll be bluntly honest. I was a sever case of keeping up with the jones'.

And you are right. When I first got the puppy I would fan away with it. But now I have regained my composure and play a bit more realisticly. More fire control than frie spray if you get my idea.

It's human nature to want to have the best over your neighbor. This is a capitalist society after all.

02-01-2002, 05:46 AM
Going electric with the Hyperframe was the best thing ever done to my Mag. It has made the most difference even against getting my Boomy, Ricochet, HPA, Stabilizer, or even Drop forward.

The change was immense (NO SHORT STROKING also no more deviation when yanking on my old mechanical trigger). Completely changed the way I feel when I play. Maybe you shoud try and convert, then come back here with another opinion.


02-01-2002, 06:33 AM
I have to side with the pro electronic side I have a
hyperframe and e-matrix

First I fail to see why the hyperframe would be any more
delicate then the manual grip. Yes if you threw the thing
into the lake you would have to dry it out again, but its
not like you can shake the water off an rt and start firing
right away either.

When I look around me here in my apartment I see a 14year
old sony tv, a 12year old vcr, an 8 year old mitsubishi
monitor. In my parking lot is a soon too be 10 year old
mazda mx-3. my stereo has 211 triode tubes built in 1943

In my work I encountered 20 year old CNC lathes and milling

The point being that all these things are OLD,
have electronics in them and are working just fine, and will
continue to do so for years yet.

I have seen people walk off the field with all kinds of
dead mechanical markers.

Now that I use the matrix as my main gun (and they can shoot a lot of paint)
I probably use less paint not more.

Finally computers are a bad comparison, they are made and sold by the millions
and have around about a 3% profit

02-01-2002, 08:14 AM
I still consider myself fairly new to the sport of paintball and have seen alot of things I like and things I don't. But one thing I feel that I want to gain from paintball is more skill than kills. I have a automag and probably always will because there is something said when you can take out a person carrying a 2000 dollar rig with a gun that cost only a margin of that. I always try to use my automag when I'm out playing but sometimes it's nice to just have a little fun and just throw paint not caring how much I waste hitting the front side of a bunker 200 times and only getting one hit. But I will always reserve a time for me to play strictly mechanical to help out with developing my skills better. And someday I would like to play pump but I don't feel comfortable enough to go out and try that cause I probably know that I will end up getting bunkered every game.

02-01-2002, 10:22 AM
i personaly like mechanical guns just cause i love to take em apart and learn exactly how they work. and i have no idea how any electonics work so i could never do that with a electronic gun. but i have played with angels, hyper frames, e-mags, and a few other e-guns and i have to say it is really fun to go crazy on the trigger with one of those. but i really hate it when i just go out to play for fun and there is a kid in the back with an angel that his rich dad bought him shelling out hopper after hopper from the closest bunker that he could get to off the break because he is a wuss. but in the hands of a skilled player an electro can be an awsome marker. i understand that as a back player in a tourny you have to dump loads of paint as cover fire. but playing rec you dont and it makes it a lot less fun for any newbies playing. i have no problem with high rof and i dont mind getting hit with 8 balls and i think that there is an advantage to using a high rof but you dont need to hold the trigger down the whole game and the guys useing them HAVE to use good judgement like they dont go out there and shoot 14 bps at a bunch of rentals and use high rof conservitively. but for now i am going to stick with my cocker (i can get off a quick string when i need to)

02-01-2002, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by steveg
not like you can shake the water off an rt and start firing
right away either.

Actually you can. In the RT manual it says if you need a quick cleaning completely submerse the gun in water and swish it around. Dry fire the gun to get the water out of the barrel and you are ready to rock.

02-01-2002, 11:42 AM
don't you think it would help to remove all the gooey
balls from the hopper and feed tube first;)

02-01-2002, 12:15 PM
I don't own an electro, but that's just because i haven't found one i realy like, except the emag. i don't know what it is but i shot it and liked it as much as my micro so.... i however don't have the budget at the moment. as i'm in school, paying for insurance, desiel, hydro, rent, phone.... the list goes on. however once i graduate and start working full time again all that will change. but i have shot a good number of the high end electros out there and most just don't do it for me. now for some people it's what they want, and hey what ever does it for you. Also when it comes to spray and pray my tippmann m98 is about as bad as you get, reactive trigger, co2, no expantion, stock barrel. when i take it out the groupings look like a shotgun at long range, and i lay more paint with it then most people with angels do in a game. i'd hate to be on the wrong end of that thing with in about 30ft. also it makes me feel good knowing that the guy behind me is using a fast gun that he is comfertable with, but the fast part is a big thing, i don't care how comfertable he is i don't want my back player with a pump, you can't keep someone pinned verry well with one. there is no intimidation factor.

now to be fair it's not cool to take any gun, much less an electro that will scare the crap out of new players and renters and just go ape on them. they won't enjoy their day and won't come back.

02-01-2002, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by PBpunk
i personaly like mechanical guns just cause i love to take em apart and learn exactly how they work. and i have no idea how any electonics work so i could never do that with a electronic gun. but i have played with angels, hyper frames, e-mags, and a few other e-guns and i have to say it is really fun to go crazy on the trigger with one of those. but i really hate it when i just go out to play for fun and there is a kid in the back with an angel that his rich dad bought him shelling out hopper after hopper from the closest bunker that he could get to off the break because he is a wuss. but in the hands of a skilled player an electro can be an awsome marker. i understand that as a back player in a tourny you have to dump loads of paint as cover fire. but playing rec you dont and it makes it a lot less fun for any newbies playing. i have no problem with high rof and i dont mind getting hit with 8 balls and i think that there is an advantage to using a high rof but you dont need to hold the trigger down the whole game and the guys useing them HAVE to use good judgement like they dont go out there and shoot 14 bps at a bunch of rentals and use high rof conservitively. but for now i am going to stick with my cocker (i can get off a quick string when i need to)

When this newb with the angel takes out his shovel and digs himself in behind the first bunker he finds use this as practice! This is a great situation to use some skills or make up new ones.

02-01-2002, 01:24 PM
hey let 'em dig in and lay it. only means that when he stops to reload you can run up the tape and do'em.

02-01-2002, 01:34 PM
[QUOTE] Its very simple... Im my opinion they are way to over priced. the emag is a good gun but not 900 dollers worth, and statisticly emags are more prone to break downs and problems due too the added electric parts (more parts more potential problems) Emags electrics are sensitive i had a buddie take a fall and his pack hit the ground, his mechanics worked fine but his electrics wont work. [QUOTE]

So where did u come up with theses statistics? Hmmmm, statistcally newbies are more prone to lie then other people.

02-01-2002, 03:15 PM
First off electrics are very smooth guns but the problem stems from the fact that they are not being designed to be rough and tough.... Sure U can get an angel it will fire smooth and very fast but u knock it hard one time and it breaks, sand, water... battery dieing out The emag is comming along, its half way between Electric smooth and AK 47 tough but not quite there yet..

Actually, its just the opposite.

Most electronic guns can take any weather. Want an example?

A friend of mine played a winter league tournament with a bushmaster. He was playing in freezing rain. The rain got into his ram/board and froze into ice. It did NOTHING to the gun.

Another thing is, some people whine about 'how quick' electros break down. This is a big falacy. Why? I know people that are huge time tourney players on 10man teams and they're putting 500k+ shots through thier guns and they arent breaking much more than 5 cent orings. Now, if its in 1 year, and you take any pneumatic gun, and spread the same # of shots over the same time as 10 years , what gun is more reliable? People like you are going to say the mechanical gun even though its a falacy.

I've rarely had any problems with an electronic gun. And most problems I have had were stemmed from Orings, both mechanical guns and electronic guns have those.

Whats the fun in going electic? So u can shoot faster then everyone else. Does that make u a better player in some way?
Thats why I have so much respect for pump players they are truly killer players..

Oh it does make you a better player in some cases.

At Zap IAO, I was lucky enough to try out 2 guns over my Automag. A Angel LED and a Emag.

In the games I was shooting out 1 person or less in each game with my mag and I was using 200rds a game..

Switch to Angel, it was a different story. In 1 game I took out about 4 people using LESS paint. Why? Faster firing for short periods of time enable me to take out snapshooters and runners.

Emag provided the same results, not only for me but for my brother as well who uses a Cocker (and never used warp feed either).

Pump players have skill, I played stock class for my 1st year of paintball and I think it made me a more conservative on paint, however, I realize mass ammounts of paint need to be used in some situations...Thats where you NEED a electro.

When I ref i see all these people decked out in electics blowing hopper after hopper, the only reason they get any hits is couse they hit EVERYTHING

Maybe these people with electros just aren't skilled? Have you ever seen a deacent team play that has electros? They can mop up very quickly.

One other thing you forget, winning is winning. If you wanted to win, and you had to use 100 more paintballs in that game, would you? I would.

Electrics come with way to may possible problems that cannot be fixed by the common paintballer less they have a high degree of electronics experties

Very few problems stem from the electronics themselves. Most problems with ANY electro are derived from overpressurizing the solenoid or Oring wear.

And last time I checked, if you had a cocker and didnt know much and it broke, you were screwed. All guns take some sort of expertiese to fix. Even a Mag.
Stick with killer mechanics is the way I am going.. Il take a sweet *** RT over an EMAG anyday or a tricked cocker... They are just more fun in my eyes you can actually work on them without total fear of shorting out a bord

Also Electrics are WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY too overpriced.. gimmy a break already, there isnt that much of electrical inginuity placed into these guns.....2k for a tricked angel? 1.400 for a slf emag? compare that to a Laptop? prices are almost the same but u can do a hell of alot more with a laptop not only that but there is 1000 times more electrical thaught in the laptops then an Electric marker.... Now if they made an electric marker that didnt use anytype of Air, CO2 just purly electric neumatic then i could see why it would cost so much,

$1300 for a SFL Autococker?
$1100 for a Sonic Cocker?
$1300 for a KAPP Flame cocker that doesnt even have a barrel or reg?
Palmer charges upwards of $800 for thier custom pneumatic guns, and I've seen Mags go for $1200 and still be pneumatic.

I am appauled at how retarded your comments are 'a electronic paintball gun can do less than a laptop' Dont you realize most electronic guns only have a $50 PCB board and a $50-$100 solenoid? Thier prices are high because of the fact its HAND MADE. Technicians sit down and put every part together on the gun and test, and retest it. Thats something that laptops dont have. Theres also supply and demand. Laptops are a mainstay of SOCIETY and millions upon millions own them. If WDP or AGD sold 1million electros a year, I can guarentee you they'd be charging nearly half of what they are now.

I can also remind you of the abacus, compare that to a laptop why dont you...Electros have a niche in the market just like Pneumatic guns do.

Just my two cents worth... I am a mechanic lover is all...

What do you guys think of electrics?

I think electros are the greatest thing since semis themselves. Its just a evolutionary process. Evolve or die.

02-01-2002, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by steveg
don't you think it would help to remove all the gooey
balls from the hopper and feed tube first;)

DOH! got me there...

02-04-2002, 08:57 AM
by the way, just a side note on electro relyablity.

a friend of mine just bought a '97 LED angel, i don't think the gun has ever had any work done to it.
first off the gun and reg were full of mud. everything on the inside was coated (i'm not kidding)
second the reg still had the origonal grease that WDP used when they built the gun.

you know why we pulled it apart? it was a bit inconsistant over the chrony.

and trust me from looking at the outside i'd say it's been abused. that says somthing about the quality, and dependiblity of that electro.

02-04-2002, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by LqdTECH
Its very simple... Im my opinion they are way to over priced. the emag is a good gun but not 900 dollers worth, and statisticly emags are more prone to break downs and problems due too the added electric parts (more parts more potential problems) Emags electrics are sensitive i had a buddie take a fall and his pack hit the ground, his mechanics worked fine but his electrics wont work.

Just saying il take an AK over an M14 anyday:) may not be as smooth but u can use it barried in sand.

Emags are fragile, huh? Let's take a look back to last summer at the 48 hour scenario game at Skirmish. If no one has played night games in a forest you can trust me when I say that once you are in the woods after dark with no lights on you really can't see your hands right in front of your face.

I took a spill, slammed my Emag on a tree limb so hard it broke it and then my Emag landed on a rock, my barrel dug into the ground abour 3 inches and my hopper fell off.

All I had to do was swab the barrel and everything was fine.

02-04-2002, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by Hasty8

Emags are fragile, huh? Let's take a look back to last summer at the 48 hour scenario game at Skirmish. If no one has played night games in a forest you can trust me when I say that once you are in the woods after dark with no lights on you really can't see your hands right in front of your face.

I took a spill, slammed my Emag on a tree limb so hard it broke it and then my Emag landed on a rock, my barrel dug into the ground abour 3 inches and my hopper fell off.

All I had to do was swab the barrel and everything was fine.

It shot fine, but bet there was a couple of deep gashes and knarls.