View Full Version : Getting Back in to the game

06-17-2009, 07:05 PM
Hey everyone, its been a very long time since I've played or posted on here for that matter. I doubt anyone remembers me at this point, but if you think you may check out the picture thread and the pics of my old emag may bring your memory around.

Anyway on to the point of this thread. I'm in the midst of picking up an RT classic with a nitro tank and I'm working with Tuna right now to hopefully get it back to a semi-stock RT. So what I still need are a mask and loader before I can actually bust out on the field again. So my question is which loaders are trash, and which ones are worth buying, when I left there was only Halo's, revvys, warpfeeds, and the q loader and eggs just came out. I was looking around now and theres like a million loaders out now and I'm sure a lot of them are trash, so I was wondering if anyone could give me the break down. I was thinking of just trying to get an old school Revvy without the cheap plastic but I don't know what I should do.

My next question is what should I get for a cheap mask that won't fog up? I used to have an old flex 7 which I wouldn't mind having again, but looking around on PBN is giving me a headache with all the rasta/pink/whatever garbage.

I guess another question I am having is woodsball still gunna be filled with retarded 12 year olds? The last time I played, I got shot more by my own teammates who would light up everything in sight at 8 billion balls a angstrom-second and I left half way in to the day because I was so fed up with it.

EDIT: also if someone has a front rail to mount a grip for an RT/RT pro (I think they are the same) laying around, let me know its the only thing Tuna doesn't have that I need to complete my RT.

06-17-2009, 09:45 PM
Welcome back :cheers:

06-17-2009, 09:52 PM
V-force masks are nice, very easy to remove the lense, so much easier to clean than many other masks I've tried. Profilers tend to be the most popular from v-force atm. They have a great field of view, and are really comfy.

As for loaders, Ive only really used a few. currently I use a spyder Fasta, it loads more than fast enough for any gun, n imo looks good, better than most other loaders on the market but again its my opinion:P Lot of people say theyre ugly tho.
I also had a halo that i didnt care for (too large for it's capacity) and a Empire loader of some sort, the plastic on that one broke too easily.

06-17-2009, 10:07 PM
I'm still using the same flex 7 that I've had for almost 10 years. I get a new lens every once and a while. It's the most comfortable mask I've ever worn, and it never fogs.

Welcome back to the sport. I took about a 5 year break myself. There are still little punks. It can get annoying. If your at a good field then woodsball is still a blast. Nothings really changed. You run around and shoot your buddies. :cheers:

08-19-2009, 11:24 AM
Hey, I just noticed that you're from RI!

Where do you normally play? I go to Warzone in NK/Saunderstown about once a month.

sorry to hijack your thread ;)

08-19-2009, 11:41 AM
Hey!! I remember you via screenname anyways.

Welcome back.

Can't help you on loaders, but on masks I'd suggest a profiler. But then again I've always liked V-force goggles.

First I got them because they were the only ones roomy enough for my glasses. Then I got hooked.

Actually, the last time I was out, I accidently put my Grillz on over my sunglasses and didn't notice till my shades started fogging. I had been wondering why it was so dark...

08-19-2009, 12:08 PM
Think people have helped with the rest but the woodsball field I play at is devoid of angsty kids. Most of them seem to have gravitated to the speedball fields.

08-19-2009, 12:17 PM
Think people have helped with the rest but the woodsball field I play at is devoid of angsty kids. Most of them seem to have gravitated to the speedball fields.
Yeah that's the one good thing is that when we do get kids at our field they're generally intelligent. Plus having been open for 20 years before switching owners makes for a lot of older players that come regularly.

08-19-2009, 12:31 PM
Welcome back to the game..we need more old timers back in action. Hey VF-XX it was cool playin ball with yall this weekend, I have a bruise on my arm the size of a small lap dog. I guess I must of had a bulseye on my sleave.Let's do it again sometime. :cheers:

08-19-2009, 05:36 PM
You can drill your rail and mount the foregrip direct.
Just go to your local Ace Hardware, bring the foregrip, and buy a couple longer screws.
If you sent your marker to Tuna just ask him to do it.


08-19-2009, 06:16 PM
Hey, I just noticed that you're from RI!

Where do you normally play? I go to Warzone in NK/Saunderstown about once a month.

sorry to hijack your thread ;)

Yeah, I play at warzone basically exclusively, if I end up getting in a position where I can play more than once every 2 weekends or so then I may start traveling to scenarios and such but that'll probably never happen. I was thinking of giving riptide a shot one of these days.

08-19-2009, 06:20 PM
as far as loaders are concerned....
high end ones that are good are the dye rotor, empire prophecy, and the pinokio
low end, just buy an invert halo too (its the new version of the halo with better shells)

masks, V-Force profilers or grillz

08-20-2009, 12:10 AM
Oh, yeah sorry guys, this was posted back in the middle of June, someone bumped 'er up. I ended up picking up a Halo B, and a flex 8 or something like that for a mask, I've never had a problem with JT masks so I went a version or two up from the one I used to have.

I also ended up buying an A5, selling it a few weeks later to a friend, and picked up 2 Intimidators for $225, and just got an ACI Maverick tonight for free, which will satisfy my pump urge. Eventually when I'm making some more money, I want to pick up a nice used nasty typhoon or some palmer gun.

08-20-2009, 12:31 AM
Just in case you never found the RT grip mount, I have one with screws. Pm me if you still need it, and welcome back !!