View Full Version : Pneumag info, manual, diagrams, something...

06-26-2009, 11:14 PM
I been searching a lot in the forum and i think did it two late because every post related to pneumags diagrams on how to buid it are banned or full of broken links specially those "how two" with photos and videos.
It seems that nobody is going to release a serious frame for the mag, last attemp the UMF is not responding emails or even taking place for new purchases.
So i´m asking the community if someone can point me o sending me diagrams or a video like the PNEUMAGGERS 183 HD.
I try to find this video everywhere with no luck.
I have a specially interest in the intelli frame mod with the palmers rock in the asa and fabco accesories, i guess this the one explain in the famous lost video of pneumagger.

Thanks in advance.

06-27-2009, 06:11 AM
Pneumag How-To (courtesy of Cyberave68): http://www.bigevilonline.com/showthread.php?t=7
Cyber sells all the pneu parts that you'll need (except LPR) right here on AO in the Dealers Forum

As for a drop-in frame, G-Force made a very limited production about a year ago. They do pop-up in the b/s/t forum here and there.

There is also some talk of a new frame coming out... It's not a drop-in but it does have a built-in bracket specifically designed for mounting pneu parts and/or electronics and also pre-tapped for a 'sleeper' LPR. It makes customizing frames so much easier for us Do-It-Yourself'ers. No specifics yet... just a prototype that made an appearance at TunaBall3

Of course, there are a good number of DIY frames that show up in b/s/t as well. Many are built quite well.

In any case, there are a TON of knowledgeable members here more than willing to help out :cheers:

06-27-2009, 08:42 AM
Pneumag How-To (courtesy of Cyberave68): http://www.bigevilonline.com/showthread.php?t=7
Cyber sells all the pneu parts that you'll need (except LPR) right here on AO in the Dealers Forum

As for a drop-in frame, G-Force made a very limited production about a year ago. They do pop-up in the b/s/t forum here and there.

There is also some talk of a new frame coming out... It's not a drop-in but it does have a built-in bracket specifically designed for mounting pneu parts and/or electronics and also pre-tapped for a 'sleeper' LPR. It makes customizing frames so much easier for us Do-It-Yourself'ers. No specifics yet... just a prototype that made an appearance at TunaBall3

Of course, there are a good number of DIY frames that show up in b/s/t as well. Many are built quite well.

In any case, there are a TON of knowledgeable members here more than willing to help out :cheers:

Thank you very much, i will start there right now, i hope hwat you say about a new frame come true, MAGS are absolutelly the best marquer out there and i think the only upgrade/mod need is a tru full auto frame.


07-10-2009, 12:41 AM
Just do a user search for my name (wassupstranger67) you will in stuff i put up way back in 2006 and some other threads someone else started. I havent been on this forum probably since 2006, I originally found the msv-2 valve back then and never thought everyone would be using it :clap: Im glad to see people doing this mod! Its a great mod and I still have my PneuMag and it still works great! Good luck!