View Full Version : My first experience with my Tac One.

06-27-2009, 05:18 PM
I have never been flocked too because of my marker before, I felt like a dam celebrity at the field, but all the “Ooohs”, and “Awwws” aside I do have a couple of questions about my marker and the way it was shooting. I noticed my velocity was inconsistent I was 255 one shot the 275 the next then 280 then 276 then back to 250, is this because the x- valve is not broken in yet? Another thing I noticed was when my tank got super low (I accidently slid the bleed valve open and it was pissin’ out air) the next couple shots I took I got the “cuffin” noise from the lvl 10 and then my trigger locked up, I had to disconnect the air source and reconnect it, is this just because my tank was pretty much empty and mags don’t like to run on lower pressures? Lastly, I went through A LOT of air (aside from my little bleed valve issue), I know the guy didn’t fill my tank to a true 4500 PSI but how many shots should I expect with a 90 ci / 4500 psi tank? I hear no leaking noises form anywhere on the marker when its aired up and I even checked all my air fittings with some soapy water to see if there was bubbles. I plan to go back tomorrow to actually play for the day I just want to make sure this is all normal.

06-27-2009, 05:35 PM
I have never been flocked too because of my marker before, I felt like a dam celebrity at the field, but all the “Ooohs”, and “Awwws” aside I do have a couple of questions about my marker and the way it was shooting. I noticed my velocity was inconsistent I was 255 one shot the 275 the next then 280 then 276 then back to 250, is this because the x- valve is not broken in yet? Another thing I noticed was when my tank got super low (I accidently slid the bleed valve open and it was pissin’ out air) the next couple shots I took I got the “cuffin” noise from the lvl 10 and then my trigger locked up, I had to disconnect the air source and reconnect it, is this just because my tank was pretty much empty and mags don’t like to run on lower pressures? Lastly, I went through A LOT of air (aside from my little bleed valve issue), I know the guy didn’t fill my tank to a true 4500 PSI but how many shots should I expect with a 90 ci / 4500 psi tank? I hear no leaking noises form anywhere on the marker when its aired up and I even checked all my air fittings with some soapy water to see if there was bubbles. I plan to go back tomorrow to actually play for the day I just want to make sure this is all normal.

The Xvalve does need to break in some thus the inconsistency.
Automags generally quit after your tank gets down to about 800 psi.
As a general rule of thumb they need 800 to operate.
If your tank is filled to 4500 you should probably get 700 or so give or take.
Figure a hopper and 4 pods.


06-27-2009, 07:16 PM
I agree with everything you said going home except the 700 shots from a 90/45 :wow: I know I fired almost 3 bags out of my 88/45 and I can get though a case with 2 68/45s no problem.

I always found the 15xci (4500psi) rule is a bit on the safe side.


06-28-2009, 08:49 PM
I always get 4 pods and a hopper out of a 68/3k

06-28-2009, 09:07 PM
Ok after playing with my marker I saw much better consistency, I do need to shim up my ULT because it was installed for me when I purchased it can someone explain how I am to remove the on/ off bottom. Do I just slid a screw driver underneath or is it threaded?

06-28-2009, 10:15 PM
Glad you had a good time with it. It is a rare occasion to see a mag being used much anymore. It is amazing the interest they generate.

06-28-2009, 11:32 PM
Glad to hear you picked one up. Yep, the break in period will only last a case or two of pain. Then you'll be good to go.

P.A. Oil the hell out of it. :cheers:

06-29-2009, 12:03 PM
Ok after playing with my marker I saw much better consistency, I do need to shim up my ULT because it was installed for me when I purchased it can someone explain how I am to remove the on/ off bottom. Do I just slid a screw driver underneath or is it threaded?
When separating the top and bottom of the ULT, pull apart gently and unscrew the top from the bottom. It's threaded, but it's made to float on the shims after it gets past the threads. It's kind of like a child proof cap.

06-29-2009, 12:05 PM
Yep, the break in period will only last a case or two of pain. Then you'll be good to go.
Oh, it's not that bad. :p

06-29-2009, 02:14 PM
just fill up your tank and then dry fire it empty. then fill up and you should be fairly good to go.

as far as consistency, how are you chrono'ing the gun? its not like other guns, and will give you erratic velocities until it is done right

as for shots off of your 90/4500, you should easily get 1200 shots on the conservative side. but probably closer to 1500 shots off of that tank.

06-29-2009, 04:43 PM
OK so i added another shim to my ULT and now air is leaking out the barrel, does this mean i have reached my max in trigger lightness? or can i remove a shim from the lvl 10 to make up for the one I added in the ULT?

06-29-2009, 05:16 PM
I removed the shim I added and its still leaking, any sugestions?

06-29-2009, 05:24 PM
did you buy the gun direct from AGD? if so, probably means the LVL 10 is fully broken in. to fix this leak, first try running an ample amount of oil through it. if that does not work. you are probably going to have to replace the carrier o-ring. or go to the next size smaller

06-29-2009, 06:19 PM
whats the carrier order? shopuld i add the shims too or just go tot he next lowest carrier with no shims?

06-29-2009, 06:25 PM
whats the carrier order? shopuld i add the shims too or just go tot he next lowest carrier with no shims?
If it was working before, just try the next smaller carrier. Take the same oring you have in the carrier now and move it to the smaller one. If it had a dot, use the one with the same number of lines, but with no dots. If it had no dots, use the one with one less line and with dots. Dots are half a line (it's not geometry). Put your same shims back in the way they were.

Coat the oring with a little oil when you put it in, so that you don't have to blow oil though everything to lube it.

06-29-2009, 07:18 PM
OK so now im getting what i think they call "bolt stick" where im getting the " CHUFFIN' " noise after firing in succession, i am having no leaking noises though, so is it time to add/ rmeove shims?

EDIT: went DOWN not up, my mistake/ fixed this problem look lower...

06-29-2009, 07:51 PM
OK it has to be something with the on/ off, because i switched carriers and Im getting the same reaction if i pull the trigger gently air leaks out the barrel, if i let off it stops, if i pull harder it firs the gun. what am i missing?


06-29-2009, 08:23 PM
UPDATE: I know Im now using the right carrier, the one higher makes it leak more, the one lower makes it stick. I also know im using the right amount of shims in my on/off because if if i add one it leaks more, and if i remove one it is difficult to fire. The only thing i have left to bugger around with is the shims in the lvl 10, what happens if i add or remove from there?

06-29-2009, 08:39 PM
My 68/4500 gets about 6pods and a hopper off my RT Pro.

The shims in the lvl10 tell it when to fire, I believe. 2 should be the usual amount, 1 will make it fire when the bolt is farther forward, and 3 will usually make it leak...

What spring do you have on the bolt?

06-29-2009, 08:44 PM
The gold one. It was recommended i use that one.

I'm removing shims in the lvl 10 one by one now seems to have leaked less the last one i took out so i might have isolated the problem. Also worth noting the trigger frame/ assembly is in working order.

UPDATE: Down to 1 shim now/ resembling then testing.

RESULT: One shim leaked as much as 2 but not as much as 3. It also made it difficult to fire, I'm switching back to 2 shims...

I'm starting to get low on air and I'm sure the other tenants in the building are getting sick of my test firing if anyone has some advice don't hold out on me...

06-29-2009, 09:19 PM
Ebbed, out of curiousity where do you live? Always ready to help out a fellow magger!

06-29-2009, 09:20 PM
OK end result. I am o farther ahead then i was when i cma home form work, accept i have much less air to mess around tomorrow.

I can pull the trigger and get a faint "hisssing" noise, and if i pull it further it will fire. This could have been happening when i was at the field and didn't realize it, which may explain why i used up so much air. I would REALLY like a solution to this problem... You can see the steps i have taken perhaps there is something i have missed. Let me know. PLEASE.

I am in Windsor, Ontario, Canada

06-29-2009, 09:46 PM

here is a pic of the carriers used : I copied these from the AGD site : http://www.airgundesignsusa.com/xmag/html/lvl10.html


(1) http://www.airgundesignsusa.com/xmag/html/graphics/carrierlengths.gif


(2) http://www.airgundesignsusa.com/xmag/html/graphics/boltlvl10.gif


use just 2 shims in the level 10 and make sure that you use plenty of oil... It will take some time to brake in the inside carrier o-ring ( #9 in the 2nd pic / white o-ring) and always make sure that you use the same inside o-ring when changing carrier sizes...

Hope this helps


06-29-2009, 09:50 PM
i know I'm using the right carrier, if i go down one it sticks, if i go up one it leaks more.

it only leaks when i gently pull the trigger

06-29-2009, 10:03 PM

On a Mag you can not Gently pull the Trigger (creep the trigger) or you will get the leak you are talking about... You have to pull the trigger in one concise motion... It takes awhile to get used to...

If you are looking for trigger bounce (RT effect) you can not creep the trigger either,,, pull it back about half way and keep pressure on the trigger while you feel it kick back against your finger... This also takes awhile to master unless you are using a high output reg (1000 psi)... Once you have it mastered it is easy to find and all the Aggletts will be in awe...

Hope that Helps


06-29-2009, 10:09 PM
nope wasn't looking for trigger bounce, i have A LOT more travel on my trigger than you do apparently. During the concise motion you speak of it leaks a split second before it fires and a split second after.

"hissss", *BANG*, "his"

06-29-2009, 10:15 PM
nope wasn't looking for trigger bounce, i have A LOT more travel on my trigger than you do apparently. During the concise motion you speak of it leaks a split second before it fires and a split second after.

"hissss", *BANG*, "his"

So when you place you finger on the trigger you get the Hiss ??? or when you take the shot ???

hiss Bang hiss and hissing stops once you take the shot sounds about normal to me...

Give me about 15 minutes and let me go out into the Garage and take a couple of shots with my Tac-One and I can give you a better answer...


06-29-2009, 10:18 PM
if i was to pull the trigger slowly to the point of firing thats what i would get, hiss, bang, hiss then it stops. but even in one FAST motion i notice it too

if i am resting my fingers on the trigger it will hiss

06-29-2009, 10:25 PM
then it is definitely the on/off or ULT. try putting the ULT back to its previous state with the amount of shims you had earlier. oil it up well. put it back in.

if leak continues, it sounds like you might have to replace the orings on the ULT, that would mean the tiny ones on the inside and the larger ones on the outside of the ULT.

06-29-2009, 10:30 PM
OK I'm back from the garage...

When I first start to pull the trigger I don't get a hiss,,, when I pull and hold the trigger to the rear I get a slight hiss at the end of the Bang... When I pull and release once again get a slight hiss after the bang... I believe that the ever so slight hiss at the end is the on/off resetting (filling the dump back up with air) for the follow on shot... I don't have my ULE Trigger On/Off in at the moment and can't give you a definite on the before hiss... Try putting about 3 - 4 drops of oil in the ASA and dry fire a couple of times to make sure the marker has plenty of Oil for the seals... The Mag is not only a Gas Hog but a Oil Hog as well...

Also sounds like trevorjk has a better answer than I do... ^^^

Hope that Helps...


06-29-2009, 10:41 PM
so what you have, is NOT what i have because i have a obvious hiss before the "bang". Yes I'm sure it is the on/ off, but i haven't got a clue how to get the tiny black o- ring out. I have replacement o rings for the ULT so i guess i can try that tomorrow (don't know about the ones on the outside though).


06-29-2009, 10:50 PM
Sorry Bro. :(

I will have to unpackage the ULE Trigger On/Off I was going to trade and throw it back in my Mag to get this figured out... It's bugging the crap out of me now that I can't get you a answer,,, plus I want to know now....

Will have to try again tomorrow when I get home from work,,, kids are sleeping right now and don't want to wake them...

Oh and a good way to keep from annoying your neighbours is get a Throw Pillow and take your barrel off and cover the barrel opening and feed neck with the pillow and fire into the pillow... make sure the trigger is still exposed so you can listen for any leaks...


06-30-2009, 05:06 PM
OK im home from work now, so the first thing im gonna try is the outter o-rings on the ON/ OFF assembly

06-30-2009, 05:27 PM

I put the ULE Trigger On/Off in my Tac One and got the same results as my standard RT On/Off... By the way I am using 3 shims in the ULE Trigger On/Off...

Wish I could get some better results for you...

*** Also I just found this and it might help you : http://forum.specialopspaintball.com/index.php?showtopic=127431 at the bottom of that post it has videos attached as well ***


06-30-2009, 05:42 PM

I put the ULE Trigger On/Off in my Tac One and got the same results as my standard RT On/Off... By the way I am using 3 shims in the ULE Trigger On/Off...

Wish I could get some better results for you...

*** Also I just found this and it might help you : http://forum.specialopspaintball.com/index.php?showtopic=127431 at the bottom of that post it has videos attached as well ***



Also worth noting i can not fire anywhere near that fast

06-30-2009, 05:58 PM

If you have the RT On/Off you might want to put that in and see how it feels and works for you... Just an option...

I know the trigger pull on a RT On/Off isn't as light as a ULE Trigger On/Off but it might save you some heart ache and pain...


06-30-2009, 06:08 PM
no i don't have one, i don't even have the standard on off because tuna never sent it with the marker. I now can put the safety on and just "hisss" fire this is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-30-2009, 06:16 PM
did you replace the small black oring on the inside of the 2 halves? did you check the pin to make sure it was not bent?

if you got it from tuna, last resort would be to contact him, he is practically made of old abused valves :p

06-30-2009, 06:16 PM
ill tyr that o ring now

06-30-2009, 06:18 PM
how do i get it out? a needle will destroy it

UPDATE: needle does destroy that o- ring

06-30-2009, 06:31 PM
OK the black o- ring made it much better, but the hissing is still there (just not as loud) any other suggestions, maybe more o- rings?

06-30-2009, 07:43 PM
I have run out of air now, so i will know iuf i fixed it next time I air up... in a week or so...

06-30-2009, 08:08 PM
After attempting to clean up my desk i mixed my shims together from the ULT and lvl10 is there any difference I'm finding it very difficult to tell one form the other...

06-30-2009, 09:29 PM
I got a tank from a friend so good to go tomorrow after work so hit me up with your suggestions... the leak is still present.

also my sear has A LOT of nicks in it, is this normal?

07-01-2009, 03:23 AM
LX shims are .01, while ULT is .005. both will work for both applications.

as for the leak, you have replaced the 2 o-rings on the ULT. and the leak is still there? how many shims are you running on the ULT?

07-01-2009, 04:52 PM
i replaced both the inside o- rings, not the outside ones (that i said i was going to above). If i add one more shim the leak gets worse, if i take one out it won't fire.

07-01-2009, 04:59 PM

Solution: Loosen the field strip screw a half a turn, now where i was pulling the trigger back to that i was getting the leak is where it fires... also worth noting it fires so freakishly easily now its frightening.


07-01-2009, 05:47 PM
doh, always forget not to over tighten that thumb screw. hand tight, then about a quarter to half turn with the allen wrench and your good to go

07-01-2009, 05:52 PM
now i know.

07-02-2009, 12:27 PM
Wow, yep, i have to say i went crazy too with my first mag. It seemed everytime i went to play it would act different.. Sometimes leaking sometimes chuffing. It was the field strip screw tightness. Finicky little thing. Glad you get it figured out now.

Don Carnage
07-07-2009, 05:22 PM
Wow, yep, i have to say i went crazy too with my first mag. It seemed everytime i went to play it would act different.. Sometimes leaking sometimes chuffing. It was the field strip screw tightness. Finicky little thing. Glad you get it figured out now.

Amen. My first mag (Paradigm Pro) took me a while to get. Between the ULT and Lvl 10 I was going nuts. I drained so many tanks just trying to get it, I felt like a complete retard. However, I got it.

I later removed the ULT and just use a regular on/off with a 1000 psi output tank. Holy crap that's way more fun.

07-14-2009, 06:51 PM
Ok some one correct me if im wrong but i heard on here somewhere that the estimate for mags and the amount of air to paintballs fired is as follows:
with a 3000psi tank is equivalent to about 10 shots per cubic inch
with a 4500psi tank is equivalent to about 15 shots per cubic inch

that was what i heard one time...so if i've been miss informed...let me know

07-15-2009, 03:33 AM
thats about right :) infact if you heard that at Paintball Sally's it was probably me that told you that :p

07-15-2009, 10:46 AM
actually never been to paintball sallys...someone posted it here some time ago...hey have you heard of the new field opening up in holiday hills?

07-15-2009, 03:07 PM
is that the one that is opening up in conjuction with Technique SPortz just nort of Lake Zurich? or is that the field opening in McHenry? either way more info is always appreciated :)

07-15-2009, 03:34 PM
Its opening up in mcHenry(holiday hills)... www.pappaintball.com is there website grand opening is the 25th