View Full Version : AO opinion thread (pumps)

06-29-2009, 12:54 PM

I am going to buy a pump to get back into paintball :). Stock class. My short list:



Grey Ghost


06-29-2009, 01:08 PM
have you ever played with any of thse guns?

Personally, i cant stand any of them, too light - i cant keep them on target to save my life.

this is why i like my Sniper platform. You can come up with some awesome efficiency, smoother pump stroke, and has the heft i like to stay steady...

I've owned a few phantoms and a buzzard - and they're nice - but they're no sniper in my hands...

06-29-2009, 01:19 PM
Maybe it was the weight, but I never really enjoyed my phantom. I didn't like the pump geometry compared to my old piranha LB. My superbolt pump I have now is comfortable, which is a "sniper" (pump-cocker-pump-sniper-clone thing). I can't say it's light at the moment, since it has a flatline tank on it.

I miss being able to shoot without holding the pump handle in scenarios, something that isn't a problem with a nelson valve; however, idk if that matters in a tournament.

06-29-2009, 01:20 PM
if price is an option, Phantom is your best choice probably. Cheaper, and easily modified with many options.

Had my Phantom for close to 4 years now I think (at least), and I'll never part with it. From what I read all the time is that all Nelson's such as these are pretty similar in performance, and the only REAL difference between a Phantom and a Carter, is the money you are investing into it. Not that thats a bad thing, I would love to be able to afford a nice carter one day.

But yes they are light, I would suggest you pick up one with a stock on it. Unless you are used to some form of pistol play and can go without having something to shoulder your gun with.

They will hold their value pretty well if you plan to sell, but it seems like there are alot of Phantoms in B/S forums these days. So you should be able to pick up a used one for a good price. Otherwise, you can't go wrong ordering direct from Mike at CCI.

Definitely try one for a game if you can, jumping into stock class can be a steep learning curve. But it is rewarding, and pretty inexpensive compared to owning a fast shooting semi.

06-29-2009, 01:27 PM
I am also one of those who can't shoot a light marker like that. I have to have a stock on it to get anywhere close to accurate.

I like also not having to hold the pump handle forward, but then I don't sweat 4FPS for not doing it.

My phantom I had and others I have shot have a strong pump because of the way they are made. The carters and such.... same thing. I guess it depends on what you are used to.

I know that having a pump handle AROUND the barrel and having one UNDER the barrel makes a difference in how you shoot and like them as well...

I would go to a field and try to borrow a couple of peoples for a game or two to see if you can even tell the difference. I would say get a pump cocker personally. More mods I think could be done to it to tweak it to your liking.

Good luck, and welcome back.


06-29-2009, 01:48 PM
phantom for sure. esp compared to the carter and the GG.

06-29-2009, 02:05 PM
I owned a phantom once. Played with it a handful of times at tournaments when I was bored with how the day was going. Took it to one PSP event too until my team realized that it was Chicago and I couldn't carry my pistol. They voted to cause me severe bodily harm if I used it.

I can't seem to find me a VSC sniper though :(. Are they out there?

06-29-2009, 02:12 PM
I think most VSC snipers are basically custom builds. At least the ones I have seen are. Wevo used to sell modified Phantom feed breeches that were tapped for an extra screw. All you had to do is modify your sniper body to take off the feedneck and tap a hole in the appropriate spot. You can probably find more info on them at SCP or the Phog.

CCM's new T2 sniper was at one point supposed to have an option for a SC breech, but it seems Bill (i think its bill) doesnt want to really do it now. I'm sure the MCB crowd will talk him into a limited run at some point though.

06-29-2009, 02:32 PM
I can't seem to find me a VSC sniper though :(. Are they out there?

Yes, you can adapt a phantom feed, or a palmers stickfeed onto most cocker bodies, and/or find one thats meant for it (ss-25)

I used to REFUSE to play with anything but a stickfeed on my pump.

Now i'm lazy, and use a 50rnd hopper, ha...

06-29-2009, 03:01 PM
I only use my 50 round hopper/sniper when I'm too lazy to reload during games...or I know that I can do the game in 50 rounds :)

oh crap, i have to get my reg fixed. I just remembered.

06-29-2009, 04:17 PM
My buzzard pumped and shot really smoothly, whether I pulled the trigger or not. Granted, I got it second hand so it wasn't as tuned as it could have been but it came with a host of problems and shortcomings. It autotriggered whether I wanted it to or not until I found out the problem was the o-ring at the tip of the bolt and replaced it with a larger one. The barrel was too large a bore to shoot anything but the largest paint so I sent it to Palmers for wedgits. Even though it was cocker threaded it would only fit Dye cocker barrels. A gap kept appearing between the snub and valve body, which also causes uncontrollable autotriggering. It cost so damn much I was worried about scratching it. In the end I got sick of messing with it and went back to my phantom. It costs less than half what a buzzard costs but its so much more reliable.

06-29-2009, 04:25 PM
Chalk another up for a sniper style marker

I just like the feel over phantoms/etc. I suppose it really depends how you want to run your set up.

Right now I use This (http://s165.photobucket.com/albums/u68/Mattstempaccount/?action=view&current=IMAGE_305.jpg) and while it has its flaws I like it because its for the most part what I'm used to. I find the pump under the barrel feels much better when I am shooting

06-29-2009, 04:41 PM
Ok.. about the Sniper pumps

Does anyone make a pump thats not round and ribbed?

06-29-2009, 04:55 PM
If you can find the old Vendetta Deluxe kits, they are square. CCM is just coming out with a new pump handle that is more like their new T2 pump, but only in black. Sanchez Machine makes a pump handle that is boxy and square looking.

06-29-2009, 05:11 PM
In all reality, if you found a cheap 'cocker, and get a pump kit for it, you're in the right area.

There is a guy on MCB called Jcurt. For a very reasonable price he'll halfblock it, with sled, bolt, dual pump arms, and dual guide rods. This stabilizes the pump handle on 4 rods, and eliminates any annoynig 'twisting' on handle.

His handles are typically round, but i'm sure if you ask (since he makes them from scratch) he can make you whatever you want.

06-29-2009, 05:36 PM
I have a VSC Undercocking Phantom , I shoot it just like a pistol , 1 handed , cock it step out shoot , step back cock it , ect & then I also have all the stuff to set it up for open class
For me it's great , fulfulls all my pump needs

06-29-2009, 06:10 PM

I am going to buy a pump to get back into paintball :). Stock class. My short list:



Grey Ghost


Only pump I ever shot that I liked was a CCM Series 6.
Of course its open class not stock but with a 13ci tank and a Sport Shot its very nice.
I think the new CCM T2 will be available in stock class though.


06-29-2009, 06:45 PM
It should be cheap and easy to convert an Azodin KP pump into stock class.

Just throwing it out there.

06-29-2009, 07:19 PM
Where would one buy a bucket changer and stick feed for an autococker if I happened to buy one?

06-29-2009, 08:11 PM
I used to use Wevopaintball.com exclusively, but i'm told they're way backed up, or are having some issue thats taking orders forever....

It could be fixed by now, but i'm not sure.

Try stockclasspaintball.com and mcarterbrown.com for alot of pump parts.

Any phantom feed can be made to work, and any bucket changer can be made to work.

The only thing about running 12ies on an autococker is, you're going to either want a pre 99 (smaller air passeges, less room for gas to expand, more shots per 12ie) OR get a WWA Devolumizer (makes 2k passages smaller for same purpose)

I tried the whole 12g thing for a while, and they're expensive and annoying. i got a small 13ci tank, and called it a day. (then a 22ci, because the 13 wasnt long enough for me...)

But its your call.

06-29-2009, 09:38 PM
I ordered a grey ghost from someone on MCB that gave me a pretty good deal on it and the other stuff I would need. There helpful over there BTW. I think this winter I am going to try a custom sniper build - but I am going to start from scratch and build it to be just what I want.

The comments on the Buzzard threw me a bit, so I stayed away, I wanted to try something other than a Phantom.

06-29-2009, 11:51 PM
Hey, if you dont like it - hock it off! :D

Thats how i've found what i liked, and gone thru 4,624,942,543 guns (or something like that.)

Sniper builds are the best :D

I wish i wouldve taken pics of ALL the snipers i've built, instead of just some of them :D

07-01-2009, 11:13 AM
I will build me a Sniper stock class - I beleive off of a pre 99 once I find one

I built an Automag stock class once using an AM stock class feed tube off an illussion, this can't be far from it

07-01-2009, 01:52 PM
This is the stock class Sniper I built...

http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/2134/n1413471574476236169.jpg (http://img197.imageshack.us/i/n1413471574476236169.jpg/)

I actually took the stock off to make it a pistol.

It's technically not "pure" stock class since more than one ball rests over the feed, but nobody cares. It's nice that you can pop off a couple of shots without rocking it. It's also nice that I can go back to a hopper if I so desire.

The feed system is a Pro Team Products aluminum warp feed adapter, and a Phantom stock class feed gate. I just take my 10 round tubes and jam them in there. Works like a charm.

I'm not even sure how many shots I get out of a 12 gram. A lot. In fact, I had trouble getting her under 300 fps.

P.S. I love my Phantom pistol precisely because she's so light. But there ya' go.

07-01-2009, 01:54 PM
Better picture of the feed gate...

http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/5759/n1413471574476278594.jpg (http://img12.imageshack.us/i/n1413471574476278594.jpg/)

07-01-2009, 03:19 PM
Bucket changer - I just ordered a Sniper 2 :) - no reg. Where do I get a bucket changer? I did google it, and got nowhere

07-01-2009, 03:29 PM
Bucket changer - I just ordered a Sniper 2 :) - no reg. Where do I get a bucket changer? I did google it, and got nowhere
I think a lot of the new ones start their lives at CCI (http://www.phantomonline.com/Accessories/accessories.html)

Does anyone here play with a stock class tube sticking out the side of their marker? In the way back, if you had a fancy direct feed and box feeders were not allowed, people would just put a stick feed on. Is that just too much target?

07-01-2009, 03:42 PM
Wherever you get the bucket changer, you can probably also find a phantom stockclass feedblock, feedtube, and feedgate. I've also heard good things about the palmers lt valve for running snipers off 12 grams.

07-24-2009, 08:59 AM
I hate you all :)

So, I ordered a grey ghost and got it. Really liked it.

Then a deal came by on an old Sniper - so I bought it - not so much my thing but this one also is a project marker for later.

So then a deal came by on a VSC Phantom in urban camo - I had to have it, I really like it too.

So... now I have to ask. Where are all the Palmer Super Stockers hiding? I want to try one but I really don't have this great desire to give Palmers $500 for one.

07-24-2009, 09:29 AM
I have to admit man, pump was really not my thing.

I love to play semi hopper ball with a cocker. I figured, as "pure" as that is, trying out pump would only be better. And on the recommendation of quite a few folks, I picked up a ss-25 from a member on another forum. I played with it a half dozen times. I REALLY liked the marker's action, and how it felt...the autotrigger was nice.

I started playing paintball right about the time that semi's were standard fare...say about 97ish. Electros were unheard of at that time, and most everything was either a stacked tube blowback, a clone of it, or a Tippmann of one sort or another. So, to us, a group of unknowing woodsball players, new to the scene and oblivious to the history of the sport, pumps were that cheap starter gun that Wal Mart had. What were they, a razor? lol

Anyway, having started out that way, and played that way so long, I just couldn't wrap my head around having to recock the marker each shot. My style and tactics are just too engrained for me to relax, think about what I was doing, and play with the pump.

I have to say though that I am fasinated by all of the different pumps, and particularly stock class markers, and just how nice some of them are. I wouldn't mind having a duck just to look at......

07-24-2009, 09:39 AM
I went to stock class because I got really tired of all the "stuff" that went along with playing todays game. Its more relaxed to me - and is a tighter, "better" group of players. It takes some travel and planning to me to do the events but it really reminds me of what paintball used to be - at least in terms of the sportsmanship (both inside and outside the game).

07-24-2009, 09:56 AM
my 2 cents.....

My Sniper.........Right Feed Mini Bodied Pump:

My Mag Pump.....

The Cocker Pump will be replaced with a left feed custom milled Body pretty soon......actually as soon as my Buddy is done milling it..lol

07-24-2009, 01:17 PM
I had a superstocker for a bit, and while it shot great, there were a few issues that convinced me I like phantoms more.

-The barrel was fixed and fairly large bore. It had wedgits to prevent rollouts but that didn't help with chrono consistency.
-There was no pump return spring or any way to install one that I could see without making a new pump handle. This wouldn't bother some people but I didn't like it.
-The gip frame was uncomfortable. I don't kow why Palmers insists on using those crappy sheridan clone gripframes. 45 frames are available for an exorbitant price or you can find someone to make you an adaptor plate and put a cocker frame on it.

07-24-2009, 01:29 PM
I had a superstocker for a bit, and while it shot great, there were a few issues that convinced me I like phantoms more.

-The barrel was fixed and fairly large bore. It had wedgits to prevent rollouts but that didn't help with chrono consistency.
-There was no pump return spring or any way to install one that I could see without making a new pump handle. This wouldn't bother some people but I didn't like it.
-The gip frame was uncomfortable. I don't kow why Palmers insists on using those crappy sheridan clone gripframes. 45 frames are available for an exorbitant price or you can find someone to make you an adaptor plate and put a cocker frame on it.

New ones are offered with a smaller (.685) barrel :) I like that idea

I agree that the price to add a .45 frame is a bit (or a lot) on the stiff side - its the price of an Ion.

Never thought about the lack of a return spring, I might have to try to find one to try a game or two to make sure I like it.

07-24-2009, 01:39 PM
I also didn't like the idea of having to cram a 10 round tube into the little receiver thing, which would mean having to completely empty your gun of ammo before removing the tube so you can reload. Fortunately, the superstocker I had came with a phantom-style feedtube instead of the typical cram and jam tube.

07-24-2009, 01:44 PM
have you ever played with any of thse guns?

Personally, i cant stand any of them, too light - i cant keep them on target to save my life.

this is why i like my Sniper platform. You can come up with some awesome efficiency, smoother pump stroke, and has the heft i like to stay steady...

I've owned a few phantoms and a buzzard - and they're nice - but they're no sniper in my hands...

sums up my opinion :)

man a stainless steal phantom would be amazing!