View Full Version : 'Mags at Hell Survivors Global Conquest game

07-03-2009, 07:49 PM
Me and some buddies drove from the mid-Ohio valley area up to Hell Survivors in Pinckney MI for the Global Conquest game last weekend. Fun was had by all - it's the biggest game I have ever been too with about 1000 in attendance. I took my Automag and it performed flawlessly - absolutely fantastic. I shot about 1500 rounds for the weekend (I am a bit conservative on the trigger) and didn't chop or break a single ball. Of course, this also has something to do with the paint but still...

I was very pleased with my Automag and ran into a couple of other guys with 'Mags. One guy saw me on Sunday and said that he has a Classic 'Mag as well but had opted for a different 'gun that day - said he used it on Saturday. I saw another guy in the staging area with a very nice looking gold or yellow anno Emag and one other guy with a Classic 'Mag. No, there weren't many 'Mag users that I saw, but there were a few of us!

07-03-2009, 10:45 PM
Sounds like the usual big-game cameos.

At LL2 I ran into about 5-6 other 'mag users out of the few hundred people there. Each gun was unique, some had warps... Some non-automags even had warps :rolleyes:

07-04-2009, 11:46 AM
Sounds like the usual big-game cameos.

At LL2 I ran into about 5-6 other 'mag users out of the few hundred people there. Each gun was unique, some had warps... Some non-automags even had warps :rolleyes:

5 or 6?

more like 20-30!

at that game i serious think about a third of all guns were cockers, mags, or pumps. maybe its the economy, or maybe people are learning you can compete with a mech, but whatever it is - i like it!

07-04-2009, 04:51 PM
5 or 6?

more like 20-30!

at that game i serious think about a third of all guns were cockers, mags, or pumps. maybe its the economy, or maybe people are learning you can compete with a mech, but whatever it is - i like it!

Me too.

Maybe more people on the red team had mags, but out of what I saw there were a handful.

07-04-2009, 06:07 PM
I know at Living Legends 2 that myself and 2 others from the Hellions where using Mags... I worked on my Team Captains E-TAC Mag and got it back working Friday night before the game (He used it all week-end with no problems)... I also ran into alot of People shooting Mags on the Red Side...

Thank You to all those that showed up with Mags at LL2... :headbang:

Pic of my G-Force "Mini" Tac One and Viking before LL2 :

http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff63/wickedklown2/WK2-Kit.jpg http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff63/wickedklown2/WK2-MINITac.jpg