View Full Version : Cost to convert

07-04-2009, 08:39 PM
I am curious how much it costs to convert a standard minimag into a pump mag. Been interested for awhile but I am a little scared of the cost. Also it is reversible correct? Been thinking of getting into pumps with my friends and was trying to decide if I wanted to convert the mag or just try and find a maverick or something to screw around with. I appreciate any thoughts or tips.

07-04-2009, 08:46 PM
Get a Maverick with an adjustable bolt and you will come out cheaper.
Then play with it and see if you are even going to like playing pump.
Personally I had a pump mag and didnt like it because I spent more time
messing with it than playing. It was too finicky.
I like pump cockers best if I am forced to play pump.
Hopper ball with a mech mag is way more fun to me than pump.
You are still limiting your shots either way.
Just my two cents.
Good luck !


07-04-2009, 09:05 PM
If you have to do everything, you should spend:

- $120 to $160 for a good pump kit (I love the ones from Jay9541 - have three of them)
- $65 to have your rail and body milled (go with WarpedMephisto - he's the best at it)

That plus some shipping fees and it will come to a total around $200 to $250.

And yes, it is convertible back and forth. All you'd have to do would be disassembling the pump kit and removing the pump rod and the coil spring.


07-05-2009, 04:23 PM
How do I know if its a mav with an adjustable bolt? What does that do for you?

07-05-2009, 04:32 PM
How do I know if its a mav with an adjustable bolt? What does that do for you?

It has a screw inside the bolt that let's you adjust the speed of the marker without needing to change springs inside it.

07-07-2009, 11:24 PM
It has a screw inside the bolt that let's you adjust the speed of the marker without needing to change springs inside it.
Having some trouble locating some low end starter pumps. Checking ebay, here and one more paintball site. Anyone have any suggestions?

07-08-2009, 06:46 AM
Having some trouble locating some low end starter pumps. Checking ebay, here and one more paintball site. Anyone have any suggestions?

Check this forum:


Best place to go. Look at the Pump Guns and the Rare, Old Guns sections.

There is a huge sale going on called Bacci's 2009 Gun Sale where you will find what you are looking for. I've bought 4 of his guns so I can vouch for him. There's also a very good looking TASO Spartan unibody for sale that I would buy if I didn't already bought 10 guns this year LOL


07-08-2009, 06:56 AM
Nice thanks for the heads up. Prices are a little more than I want to pay because I am looking for a few of them to use with my friends but I may just make them get their own ;p

07-08-2009, 07:08 AM
Nice thanks for the heads up. Prices are a little more than I want to pay because I am looking for a few of them to use with my friends but I may just make them get their own ;p

Talk with Bacci. If you guys are buying more than 1, then you can talk with him and see if he can do some discount for you. there's also a pair of Hornets selling for $80 there, which is not a bad price.

07-09-2009, 08:22 PM
new mavericks/tracers forsale