View Full Version : Leaving mags under tank pressure

07-07-2009, 12:02 PM
Just wondering what one could expect if mags were left under pressure for extended periods of time (IE overnight or longer)

07-07-2009, 12:14 PM
Well, considering when you play a full day of ball your gun is under pressure constantly for 6-8 hours without any issues (hopefully) I don't see any issue with leaving it aired up for longer stretches. I seem to remember a while back hearing that someone went down to their basement only to find their mag with the tank still on it when it had been about two weeks since he had worked on it and forgot to de-gas it, without any problems.


07-07-2009, 12:23 PM
Just wondering what one could expect if mags were left under pressure for extended periods of time (IE overnight or longer)

I have left them sitting for weeks without problems. probably not advised, but its not going to kill it.

07-07-2009, 02:51 PM
Actually, cycling it puts far more stress on it than leaving it pressurized. That's my engineer buddy talking.

07-07-2009, 02:59 PM
i have a tank hardmounted to mine and i leave about 300 psi on it at all times :eek: so im curious if its bad

07-07-2009, 03:07 PM
I'm in about the same camp. Mine is hooked up with macroline and a flatline reg, so to degas the last 350 psi I have to remove the thumbscrew. Should have it set up with ss braided and qd system soon though.

If it does cause an issue, it will be the soft orings deforming. The stress from the psi will give the metal on your ADG valve less trouble than your tank has.

07-07-2009, 03:26 PM
well i fire it until it cant fire anymore but theres still a lil gas on the seals so cut the macro or pull the screw ....or leave it

07-07-2009, 04:00 PM
Exactly. Or get a quick disconnect.

07-22-2009, 05:05 AM
Or take your tank off.

10-20-2010, 03:47 PM
Can anyone else shed new light on this subject? just curious.

10-20-2010, 04:02 PM
For safety reasons it's best to degas your gun, but overnight isn't going to hurt anything.

Main reason I say degas it is that if it is gassed up that means it can fire. And at that point you need to treat it like a loaded weapon.

The gas in your marker won't hurt anything, but maybe you decide to throw a christmas party and forget you left your tank hooked up, then someone's kid sneaks into your basement and goes through your stuff.

10-20-2010, 04:32 PM
About all it can do is let your seals set up flattened out. If they got hot and aged, they will be loose and prone to leaking. On the other hand, they would have gotten stiff while not flattened out so much and would cause sticking until they break. Good synthetic lubes are helpful with that.

captian pinky
10-20-2010, 04:39 PM
use a slide checlk and it will solve ur problems