View Full Version : PMI vs Crossfire vs Centerflag Which one???

02-01-2002, 09:34 AM
I am deliberating over a PMI Pure Energy 68 4500
A Crossfire 68 4500
Or a Centerflag 420 68 4500

The PMI is $175, the Crossfire $130.00, and the Centerflag $180.00. Which one should I get?

Load SM5
02-01-2002, 10:03 AM
Well I have a centerflag adjustable and I've been impressed with the quality.

But last time I played I fell and broke the high pressure gauge off the tank. I called centerflag and asked if there was going to be anyway I could get a replacement at Mardi Gras Open the following week. They were very cool and said I should be able to pick on up. When I got there they not only put the replacement on my tank but did'nt charge me a thing for it. Really good customer service. That alone sold me on their products so I'd actually pay a little extra just because of that.

02-01-2002, 10:19 AM

If you dont mind me asking, where are you finding a that centerflag system for 180? If there's more than one at that price, Id love to pick one up myself. . .

Oh yeah, I guess its pretty obvious which system I prefer. lol.

02-01-2002, 10:33 AM
i play with a PMI 4500 88 and i havent had any problems at all. it seems good quality and everything.

02-01-2002, 12:26 PM
It is a 420 68 4500. But it is used, and there is only one. Now I just have to find someone to buy this cradle.:(

02-01-2002, 02:51 PM
i heard that the flow rates on the new crossfire tanks are unbelievable.

02-01-2002, 06:29 PM
The flow rates on all three are amazing. There is no way you are going to starve any three of those tanks. They did a test out here to find the best tank. They used a computer to measure if there was any shootdown when they were being shot. Used a mag, and could get 15 BPS with an older Crossfire 88/3000, PMI Pure Energy 47/3000 (Mine), and a Centerflag 301 88/3000. As I said little or NO shootdown and they were all very consistant for the price of the tanks. Obviously the Centerflag came out on top for flow rates and consistency, because that's a pricy tank and a reputable company.

I love my little PE, it's deadly. No break in period, no bull, just pure consistent shot after shot.

02-01-2002, 07:07 PM
Well I just got the Centerflag. I think I'm gonna like it. And if anyone has a DZ2 to sell I need one.

02-02-2002, 01:50 AM
Is it going on a retro or standerd valve? The Centerflag is better for the retro as it is set at 750psi. The other tanks are set for 800-850psi and might be to reactive with a retro. But I have seen alot of people with them on the field so?