View Full Version : We should pay more fo paint so people dont shoot as much!

07-09-2009, 08:09 PM

mayb some of you have brains over here... what do you think?
as you can see from my post on there, its not the guns or the price it the people. but thats just me.

07-09-2009, 11:47 PM
thats kind of what many recreational fields do. I've seen several threads where field owners notice there is a difference between attendance depending on what their prices are. Lower paint prices usually seemed to hurt attendance, because you ended up getting those players that liked to shoot (and overshoot) others. Meaning that you got less repeat business.

My field pretty much does this, our prices aren't really cheap by any means, but we do good business as the recreational players are happy to buy just a bag and play for a few hours and go home. We have tried to cater to lower cost paint/heavy shooting...just doesn't work out for us.

Sure it sucks if you are a rec player and want to shoot some more, but at that point, you have to A) shop around for something cheaper, B) Play outlaw with friends or C) suck it up and go less and have a good time. I'm perfectly willing to pay more for a quality field, but these days I don't get to go play very often anyway. And, I can whip out the Phantom and spend all day on 200 rounds anyway.

I think the word QUALITY means a lot around these parts. And thats what you pay for.

07-10-2009, 12:29 AM
My local field sells a case for 40-45$ depending on whats in. They have amzing refs. I think reffing is the key.

07-10-2009, 07:51 AM
As long as the agglets can convince the parents they are playing a "sport" then they can convince them to pay for it. When we convice the players again that this is a GAME then we will weed out the parents so proud of the children for doing well at a sport and just throwing money at it because "I need it to compete".

PS: I wish those parents would stick around and see the attitudes many of these children bring.

07-10-2009, 08:20 AM
That's is complete non-sense in my opinion. Like saying gas should be $15 per gallon so people don't drive as much. That will reduce congestion! :confused:

People over shoot when they have no control, not because paint is cheaper.

I see overshooting more from cheap gun users! HA!

07-10-2009, 09:43 AM
It is sometimes hard to control how much you shoot, especially if you have an electro with fancy *** ramping modes. If players are going to over-shoot, they would want to have the cheapest paint possible. Over-shooting would be useless for them, there would be no benefits to their game if they use the cheapest paint their field offers. (more barrel breaks, chops, decreased accuracy, etc.)

07-10-2009, 10:05 AM
I don't know... From my early days to the present time, when I go out I buy a half case of paint which actually means I shoot less now since cases used to be 2500 balls...
I would still buy that half case regardless of if the price stayed the same or dropped to even $5 a case. It just means that my fun day at the field will cost less so I can play more often without feeling guilty that I am sacrificing a larger savings account. Change the mentality of the player don't crush the new players with huge fees. I know boat loads of people that would love to try the game but can't come to grips with the cost of a day's play.

Old School 626
07-10-2009, 10:28 AM
Paint prices have little to no connection to my trigger finger. For the record, I played a lot when paint was over $100 a case of 2,500. Now that it's $27 - $45 I still shoot about a case a day of open play.

07-10-2009, 10:38 AM
I agree with the last few post. I shoot maybe 1000-1500 rounds on a day of play 10am - 5pm. and I make as many kill shots as my friend with a Ion shooting case+. In fact I bet I get more people just cause of my play style.

My friend with the Ion is a bigger guy so he shoots ropes to keep people down. I'm not even a buck fifty so Ill pop shot people to get them down then run 20 ft to the next bunker to get a flank on them and not use a whole hopper full to do it.

Hell one day I got 3 people out and I didn't even shoot them (call out's within 10')

Like kurtisqpublic said lower the price Ill still shoot the same amount Ill just play every weekend rather then maybe every other.

68$+tax a case at my field. no field fee and free air cause I bought my tank from them

07-10-2009, 04:00 PM
oh hey i know.... how about you just play less too! but you'll have to triple field fees for that, that way kids will have less welts all the time! :tard: :tard: :tard:

i just dont understand some people...

07-11-2009, 01:59 AM
oh hey i know.... how about you just play less too! but you'll have to triple field fees for that, that way kids will have less welts all the time! :tard: :tard: :tard:

i just dont understand some people...
What's not to understand? Play the same length of time, pay the exact same amount, but shoot less paintballs. You don't play less. You don't pay more. The average player just shoots less paint along with everyone else. This creates an environment favourable to a larger percentage of the general population and that means more players playing paintball. It seems quite elementary to me.

07-11-2009, 08:38 AM
i think sumbody missed the sarcasm... difficult though, especially with 3 :tard: 's following the statement...

07-12-2009, 10:10 AM
i think sumbody missed the sarcasm... difficult though, especially with 3 :tard: 's following the statement...
Yep, I missed it. Still don't understand it. I could see it as an attempt to try to be funny though.

And those aren't the sarcasm emoticons. That's the Tard. :)

07-13-2009, 07:32 AM
I shot half a bag yesterday, as did everyone else I was with (some of them might have gotten to a whole bag maybe). I will tell you I had more fun than I have in a long time playing paintball. And yes, we played all day.

07-13-2009, 08:40 AM
Yep, I missed it. Still don't understand it. I could see it as an attempt to try to be funny though.

And those aren't the sarcasm emoticons. That's the Tard. :)

lol, cause thats a re:tard:ed mentality

07-13-2009, 09:25 AM
lol, cause thats a re:tard:ed mentality
Maybe, but it works.

Raise the price of paintballs (not just a little though) at recreational paintball fields and those fields will end up with more customers, each shooting less paint on average. They are a different mix of customers, but overal, there are more.

So if it works, it can't be all that re:tard:ed.

07-13-2009, 09:31 AM
actualy i have talked to alot of field owners across the country and the general consensus is that less paint =

more enjoyable times, same or cheaper cost for people, people tend to not get overshot or outshot which translates to players coming out again.

07-13-2009, 10:03 AM
I was agreeing with you all on the "don't over shoot the newbies". But some times you still can't win.

This weekend I played with a lot of new players with a church group, few where 15-16 year old girls (5 of them to be exact). when my team had the upper hand with 5 of us and 4 of the girls left on the other team all stacked up behind one building, I dropped out and helped the ref show the girls how to advance on there friends on My team, and the girls ended up wining :clap: ... yay I felt good cause I helped these new players have a good time and It was very entertaining for me too.

Later that day after that group leaves another shows up for the last 3 games of the day. One adult with them on the other team go's deep into the woods trying to flank my team, so I follow him and after I found him about 75-100 ft away with trees and heavy brush between us I pop off 5-6 shots to try and get him out. Now I'm thinking that at least 2-4 shot are going to get hit by tree branches and brush otw to him and not even hit. but I got lucky and Id say 3-4 out of the 5-6 shots hit him.

Well he though I over did it, pushed me with his shoulder otw down the hill side that the woods are on and just smacked talked me the whole time he was cleaning up his gear to leave for the day. Saying 1-2 shot would have done it but Noooo 8 or 10 had to do.

Now I know I didn't take that many shots at him and to tell you the truth if he was playing with any other regular player at that field they would have shot him 15+ times to get him out.

So I said nothing and just let him vent and left. So I tried to be a nice guy, I don't think I shot anyone up too much and 99% of the people I played with had a good time. It was just this one guy.

Oh well my 2cents

07-13-2009, 10:40 AM
However, in increasing cost of paint we also need to not discount it to the people who shoot more (which is a common practice).

07-13-2009, 10:53 AM
However, in increasing cost of paint we also need to not discount it to the people who shoot more (which is a common practice).Agreed.

I believe "specialization will be the way of the future at paintball fields. Some fields will cater to high volume shooters (lower cost paintballs) and some will cater to lower volume shooters (higher cost paintballs). That's already how it is in our part of the world where paintballs range in price from $60/case (including air and field fees) to $160 case. (The fields charging $160/case are the busiest by the way by quite a margin)

Gas mask
07-13-2009, 02:17 PM
I just hope they don't jack the prices of paint because more people play pump these days. Paint's expencive enough. (100 for 10 bucks? :( )

07-13-2009, 04:38 PM
been reading this thread since it started
I play outlaw ball just about every sunday 99% of the guys I play with WILL NOT go to a play for play field , due to high costs 15$ to get in & 60 to 70$ a case for paint
the other problem with the guys I play with is most of them couldn't hit the broad side of a barn at 50 feet so they rely on the super fast ramping boards to hit folks ,he// a couple guys absoultely refuse to play in a semi only game , don't even Mention a pump game
Our local field WILL NOT tolerate that , the Owner calls it the 3 ball a second rule
I still go to the local field ( owner lets me in free I buy his paint ) , not so much to shoot paint but to try to teach a youngin or 2 , I allways take extra markers & tell them to turn in thier rental 98 & they shoot a Viking or a E mag
at this point in time (with the economy ) fields have it rough to begin with , IMO anything that raises the gate price will move folks away not toward paintball

07-13-2009, 04:57 PM
Let me give you this example. I ended up with a group from MCB up north this weekend. Great guys BTW. The field owner joined us and we had even teams to play. Everyone had a great time and there was not a single complaint that I heard. I spent some time chatting with everyone afterwards.

I know what I paid to play. I assume I know what the other plays paid. I'm pretty good at math. I assume the ref (personally we could have lived without a ref but field insurance requires a ref) was paid. Not counting overhead, or the price of paint, I would question if it was worth it from a business stand point.

If those of us who want a more limited paint game (we all played pump, a couple pistols got brought out too) are not prepared to pony up more entrance fee or per bag money we will not see our games on fields that are running a truly commercial side.

Our saving grace: 12 gram and CO2 tanks really do not require any massive expenditure for HPA filling in order to play. It is conceivable for fields to cater to it with less "start-up" costs. IF insurance companies work with us it is conceivable for liability insurance to be less than full fledged fields considering the decrease in risk... maybe. I think the greatest risk in paintball is likely enviromental. Far more people are injured by crawling over a bees nest / breaking an ankle on a stick / etc than from paintballs - at least in my unofficial count.

PS - every player there showed up in a vehicle worth more than the gear they used. Something not always said for "traditional" paintball fields. When my girlfriend brought back pizza everyone offered to chip in too.

07-13-2009, 05:51 PM
This is kind of an interesting thread with all the talk of a ".50 caliber Revolution" on other forums.

I'm not sure how I would feel if paint prices were raised. Honestly I think I would play the same amount that I do now, but bring out my semis a lot less.

As far as the debate of catering to high vs. low volume players; keeping current players isn't as important as bringing in new ones. My field (don't own it, just play there) has always had recball groups, specifically private parties on the top of their list of service. Teams and experienced players have always had to work around these people to make sure they have a good experience and want to return.

07-14-2009, 02:59 AM
Sounds like paint envy.