View Full Version : need help choosing anno/laser for my mag

07-22-2009, 02:15 AM
hey i am stuck with what to anno (and if i want, laser) onto my mag...

heres my options im stuck with... but suggest others... im so stuck... (keep in mind i MIGHT resell this (though i doubt it...)

1.) match it with the eclipse splash parts. i have the green/silver/black splash parts and its fairly nice and i could match it to that... i think this would sell if i decided to re-sell it (i wouldnt RE-anno the splash parts...)

2.) Neon green with black splash...

3.) MCB mag (hawaiian print)

4.) other (please specify)

and as for laser patterns i also want it to be something kinda personal/unique... (I.E. have like a Pi symbol on it... for my user name...) or something like that... but i would rather have unique than personal...

so lets see what idears you guys have...

and so you can get a better idea heres the setup...

IT body
reverse classic valve (may upgrade....)
splashed rail, foregrip, trigger and tourney lock (i dont use this...) (i would only keep the splash parts if i were to match it... or have something that matches them...)
Dye UL and freak barrel (im going to keep the back black...)
chimera frame (i may make it a sleeper... not sure...)
20* (or whatever the degree the DW ones are) CP reg (using as a foregrip)
probably a boblong on/off....

now for the mag questions....

1.) what BPS can be achieved with a classic valved (Pneu'd or otherwise)
2.) what Barrel threading is the IT body
3.) What feedneck threading is the IT body
4.) detent threading?
5.) does anyone know someone who makes metal grips that would fit a chimera (or if you make could you give me a quote)

and thats all for now....