View Full Version : EMAG Help - Emode fires once...

07-22-2009, 03:16 PM

I have an Emag that I need a hand with.

Ultra Ltie Body
X Valve with EValve On/Off pin
AGD 3.2 firmware
New battery (bought form AGD about 4 months ago)

In mechanical mode the marker will fire with every trigger pull no problem (no bolt stick, no leaks, good ROF). When put into Emode the marker will fire once and only once. Every time I cut the power from the battery and then turn it back on the marker will fire just the one time in emode. Any ideas about what might be going on?


07-22-2009, 05:26 PM
Did it used to fire correctly ? Did you do something then it quit ??, it could be many things , valve & body screws , just because its a "new" battery don't mean it's good

07-22-2009, 05:31 PM
Check to see if the ace was turned on

i had the same problem and it came down to the fact that i turned on the ace with out knowing

07-26-2009, 05:12 PM
Did this ever get resolved?

It could be the trigger magnet adjustment. There is a hysteresis curve associated with the on-off of the HES. That means the release point of the trigger is farther forward than the activation point. If the trigger magnet is set too far back, then it can activate the electronics on the first pull, but it will not release and allow more activations. Adjusting the trigger magnet a bit forward should fix this problem.

08-04-2009, 06:09 AM
I encountered this problem the other day
Standard E-Mag, was a ripper till one shot then nothing. Perfect in mech mode back to e mode then one shot then nothing :confused:

After pulling it apart & having a tinker it turned out the adjuster nut on top of the solenoid had unscrewed just a fly sh*t,
little twist back in the other direction putting the plunger down in the solenoid enough for it to cycle & I'm back to mowing faces again :shooting: