View Full Version : In the market for a new marker, don't know what to get

07-24-2009, 12:01 AM
Hi everyone, I am in the market for a new marker. Not necessarily new condition, but new to me. I currently have my Minitac, which I LOVE. And I am closing a deal on the nation for a backup mag. But I might have a little extra cash (like $300-400), and wanted to pick up something else possibly. (The backup ended up cheaper than I expected). I am really looking for something like a mag, only probably electronic. I want the set it and forget it type, pretty fast, and built like a tank. I saw an AKA Viking, basically stock for $385. Not sure if it is a good deal, or if those are the types of markers that I am looking for. I am open to suggestions. Oh, and I was also looking at Karnivors. Personally, I am more into the QUALITY markers, like mags. Not into the hype that SP builds up and all the newer markers that are built to break. Thanks everyone!!! :cheers:

07-24-2009, 01:01 AM
If you're not just looking for electros, you might check into a Palmer's Blazer. Don't know if you know much about them, but I just picked one up for $400 and there are a few around here and MCB. I've got a ULE X-Valved mag and a bunch of cockers, but I think this is looking to be my primary for a bit. I actually only just got it in the mail today. My brother had one a few years back though, one of the best guns I've ever played with. I've been waiting a while to find the right one. They are built tough and shoot great, plus everything is internal so you never have to worry about a pneumatic hose blowing off in the middle of a game. :mad: Not the prettiest things out there, but they are certainly different and will turn some heads on the field. They can be customized to have an e-blade put on as well. Just my .02. Good luck with your search.


07-24-2009, 01:02 AM
ION! I heard they are AWESOME!.

but seriously macdev is cool, aliens aswell

07-24-2009, 01:25 AM
I picked up a pm8 about six months ago and love it. Another spool valve that shoots just like the mag, and is cheap and fast. Reliability is not as good as my ego 8 was, but it does seem to be a bit more accurate. Also if you care about this, the spool valve is very quite on the field and dont have a huge sound signature like the egos. A bit more sneaky!

Just my 3 cents :cheers:

07-24-2009, 01:33 AM
If you're not just looking for electros, you might check into a Palmer's Blazer. Don't know if you know much about them, but I just picked one up for $400 and there are a few around here and MCB. I've got a ULE X-Valved mag and a bunch of cockers, but I think this is looking to be my primary for a bit. I actually only just got it in the mail today. My brother had one a few years back though, one of the best guns I've ever played with. I've been waiting a while to find the right one. They are built tough and shoot great, plus everything is internal so you never have to worry about a pneumatic hose blowing off in the middle of a game. :mad: Not the prettiest things out there, but they are certainly different and will turn some heads on the field. They can be customized to have an e-blade put on as well. Just my .02. Good luck with your search.


I appreciate all of the ideas. I was actually thinking about one of the Blazers. Is there anything I should be looking for? Also, are they closed bolt like the Cocker and can I short stroke? Other than that, I think that I will be looking for a Palmer's!! :cheers:

07-24-2009, 01:35 AM
ION! I heard they are AWESOME!.

That was the name of it. I saw one of these on the Nation, totally decked out and for only $400. :rofl:

07-24-2009, 01:38 AM
Pump perhaps?

07-24-2009, 01:54 AM
Had an S6. liked it, but where I play, everyone plays semi, and I feel out of the loop when I play pump. I also have a Duckslide that I am trying to sell/trade for a Blazer at this point. We'll see. I would like to pick up a Sheridan P68 or Piranha LB.

07-24-2009, 02:50 AM
out of the loop

Best place to be ;)

07-24-2009, 10:49 AM
Can't say anythings wrong with a viking, though at this point they are a little plain compared to some of the crazy, tricked out, 2k+ ones.
If you can find one with an RT valve in there you'll be happy with it if you break the bank a little bit. Outside of being a bit dull there's really nothing to complain about with a vike.

If you're not looking to blow all that cash I'd say take a look at a dm3/gen E as a back up. They are cheap cheap cheap, easy on paint, built like a tank and all that weight makes them a pretty stable shooting platform. Downside ofcourse that they are in some cases blind, heavy, not terribly efficient (you wanted something like a mag right? Oh ho ho).

07-24-2009, 11:16 AM
Try an Invert Mini. They are small, fast and easy to maintain. You can find them for about $200.

07-24-2009, 11:47 AM
Can't really beat a timmy in your price range you could probably snag a nice protege if you watch. Light, bullet proof reliable, 2000+ shots off a 68/45, comes completely loaded from the factory (great trigger, good board, clamping feedneck, and asa).

Or you could save ALOT of cash and just buy a nice gen3 timmy for less than 200 bucks. BL makes some of the best poppet markers in the industry. They require very little maintence and are pretty much idiot proof.

07-24-2009, 03:07 PM
AKA Viking.

07-24-2009, 04:02 PM
After looking a little more, I am falling in love with the Blazer. No offence to the others, but I am not a huge fan of electros. I have owned plenty of them in the past, but I am more of an old school guy. I have been playing for 12+ years and have gone through all sorts of markers. However, I have never owned a PPS marker. Think I may pick that up. Then my arsenal will consist of two ULE Xvalved mags, and a Blazer. Plus a few loaner spyders. Should be good for me.

I will think about the Viking though. If I manage to scrounge up some extra cash, I may pick one up as a 4th. Not sure yet. Are the stock Vikings ok or do they need a ton of upgrades?
Thanks everyone for their inputs!!! :cheers:

07-24-2009, 04:35 PM
The one BIG upgrade on a vike is the RT valve. Everything outside of that is pretty much preference. Toolkit is nice to have but 99% of the time bone stock runs just fine.

07-24-2009, 04:40 PM
The one BIG upgrade on a vike is the RT valve. Everything outside of that is pretty much preference. Toolkit is nice to have but 99% of the time bone stock runs just fine.

Even the RT valve is a preference. Many of us run the Viking stock and are as happy as can be.

07-24-2009, 04:54 PM
The only thing about the Blazer is that there is practically NO tinkering allowed :nono: . But there is really no need for it. I like having cockers around becuase there is always something to work on, something new to customize. The Blazer is like the Ron Popiel of paintball guns, just "set it and forget it", I guess that's why I love mags too. When I got my Blazer I aired it up and was looking at it, feeling like I just HAD to tinker with something, but really the only thing I could do was adjust the LPR, but it was already set perfectly. So I just degassed it and hung it up on my wall. I don't think you will be disappointed at all with a Blazer.

07-24-2009, 10:37 PM
Try an Invert Mini. They are small, fast and easy to maintain. You can find them for about $200.

I have to agree. And where you say you are looking for something "mag like"....not in the quality build aspect, even though I have been quite suprized at how well they work when taken care of, the Mini just feels like a modern extension of the Emag.

Cheap too, and for a backup to the backup you might just be suprized. I bought mine as a bag floater and it gets used quite a bit. It is one of two guns I have that I will not sell.

07-24-2009, 10:51 PM
Awesome everyone. I actually just picked up a Blazer in a trade. It has a sidwinder reg, clamping feedneck, unported barrel, and I had an hour conversation with the person I am trading with. He said that it is tuned and ready to go. He also filled me in on all the quirks and unusual things about it. Therefore, I will not be touching it. I am super excited. I don't know what is going on with the backup mag purchase on the Nation. No response with paypal information since the guy said that we had a deal. Might not happen. If not, I may look into a Mini just for fun. since I now will have two SOLID Markers. Thanks everyone!!!

07-26-2009, 02:57 AM
ION! I heard they are AWESOME!.

but seriously macdev is cool, aliens aswell

I seen this kid today at the field. he was about 11. he had the black and yellow ion with matching color yellow gear....... I almost gave him the father/son talk about drugs...

07-26-2009, 12:51 PM
I seen this kid today at the field. he was about 11. he had the black and yellow ion with matching color yellow gear....... I almost gave him the father/son talk about drugs...

That is quite possibly one of the funniest things I have heard!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

07-26-2009, 05:28 PM
I've heard nothing but good things about AKA Vikings. Several of the Geisterjagers who are hardcore Mag guys also use Vikings. By the way, let's see some pics of that Mini-Tac! :)

07-26-2009, 06:03 PM
For 300-400 I'd go with a nice spooler 08/09 Shocker DM7/DM8. Very low kick, quiet, almost maintenance free.