View Full Version : For all my talk about A1's

07-24-2009, 10:29 PM
I have not been a supporter of the A1. As a matter of fact, I have yet to come across one that I particularly liked, and have much prefered my old standby. My standard G7.
Well, they have been out long enough that I figured the bugs should be worked out.

I picked up "Sky" today.

Magno'ed, Fly software, and absolutely gorgeous to look at. I fell in love and could not help myself.

This will be a real test IMO. The A1 had quite a few issues, and this is esentially the best thing that Angel has to offer ATM. It is not technically a Fly, but as far as working parts go it is only short some sandpaper strips.

More after I get it in hand......

07-25-2009, 12:02 AM
Looks gorgeous :wow:

07-25-2009, 01:02 PM
I don't know much about Angels but I think the A1 is the prettiest gun out there. Everyone I see just looks beautiful.

Zone Drifter
07-25-2009, 02:56 PM
A G7 is pretty sweet, i would love to get one but my A4 fly is still my fav, even as far as looks go. This sky ano is a nice compliment to the marker though. :D

07-27-2009, 01:23 PM
Well, I just got her in. And she is just as beautiful as the picture suggests. I have only fired a bit of air though it, but it seems to be working fine.

I have already found that I am not crazy about the stock boards trigger scan rate. I am going to turn up the debounce a bit and see if that helps. I also note that the breech on this one has a bit of free play. The breech seal looks good, it may just be the "way it is", I have noted lots of other Angels with the same issue.

I am looking forward to shooting her this upcoming weekend, and running through the paces. I have it set up just like my G7 as far as ramp kick in and so forth. This thing is so much smaller and lighter than the G7. I have not pulled both out yet to check, but it seems just about as light as my Mini. Might just be the sig. difference between it and the G7.

I will get some more pics up later.

07-29-2009, 07:39 PM
Current pic[800x600].JPG

I had to lose the white grips. They were a bit stained...although they did go better with the white Angel Air I got with it.

Waiting on a new foregrip seal to be able to shoot it. I got the breech pins tightened and secured properly, and fixed the issue with the stock on/off. I am looking quite forward to using it if my parts will get here on time for this weekend.

07-29-2009, 07:45 PM
That's a nice lookin marker. Never seen one before.

07-31-2009, 06:37 PM
A few more observations about this marker.

The board in this thing is VERY adjustable. I am quite impressed how many different manners of/ combinations of settings you can change, and preset as well. It is very easy to set it up in various different ways, and as simple as flicking a button a few times, use those settings. Say for different ramp types, and speeds, or semi play, etc. It also has breakout modes that you can custom set as well.

Overall, the marker is pretty simple once you break it down the first time. Like most any other poppit slammer, there is just not much to it. The method they used to compact the marker was overall pretty ingenious. They moved the LPR to right under the solenoid, instead of having a whole tube dedicated to LP air the marker didn't need...aside from battery space of course.

Just like previous models, the battery guage on the board is just about worthless, and will tell you the battery is nearly dead right out of the package. I will have to see what kind of lifespan the battery has. The manual and everywhere you read highly recommends the use of good quality batteries. I think I am going to get a Lithium for it.

The stock feedneck is not so good. It will not tighten properly on a Revi, but is actually a bit small for a Halo w/o some "convincing". The breech rattles around in an irritating way, and the low friction ram feels sloppy as well. Just part of the design, and of course the ram is only like that w/o air. The overall feel of the marker is REALLY nice and compact. It feels super with a 45/45, and balances pretty well with a full hopper. It tends towards back heavy as the hopper empties, but I guess that is to be expected with a body so light.

I am really looking forward to using it and getting more impression of it.

07-31-2009, 06:38 PM
this is the one my friend wanted LOL

07-31-2009, 06:44 PM
this is the one my friend wanted LOL

Well, he is a bit early on his offer. However, knowing me, if he is patient for a few weeks, it will likely turn up for sale soon enough.

Just as a side note about part of the history of this marker. The "how to disassemble" an A1 write up on the Nation is this marker pre anno, as well as the how to tune a Magno vids.

07-31-2009, 07:04 PM
im the one who told him to send a msg LOL i know how u roll

08-02-2009, 05:34 PM
WAAAAYYYYY unhappy. I think that would about sum it up. I got my butt shot off today trying to deal with a gun that wouldn't work right in the middle of the last tourney scrimmage before the event next week.

To make a long story really short, I found out that the Magno valve stem is bad, and is a recurrent problem with this stem, that causes the marker to shoot about 170FPS at normal operating pressure (for the Magno) at 200 PSI. Not knowing, I cranked up the pressure to get velocity, and blew the detent and eye out the right side of the marker.

Getting to the chase, I just had to put the stock internals back in to make it work right. So the good money that I payed for these highly touted Magno internals on this marker weren't worth a ****. Not to mention what the fellow before me payed and went through to get the damn things.

I am sure that at some point down the road, some improvement will be made, and I can actually enjoy this part the way it is supposed to be. At this point, I payed hella monies to have a marker that performs the same as, just slightly smaller and lighter, than the really nice Angel G7 that I already own.

:mad: super pissed :mad:

08-02-2009, 05:54 PM
WAAAAYYYYY unhappy. I think that would about sum it up. I got my butt shot off today trying to deal with a gun that wouldn't work right in the middle of the last tourney scrimmage before the event next week.

To make a long story really short, I found out that the Magno valve stem is bad, and is a recurrent problem with this stem, that causes the marker to shoot about 170FPS at normal operating pressure (for the Magno) at 200 PSI. Not knowing, I cranked up the pressure to get velocity, and blew the detent and eye out the right side of the marker.

Getting to the chase, I just had to put the stock internals back in to make it work right. So the good money that I payed for these highly touted Magno internals on this marker weren't worth a ****. Not to mention what the fellow before me payed and went through to get the damn things.

I am sure that at some point down the road, some improvement will be made, and I can actually enjoy this part the way it is supposed to be. At this point, I payed hella monies to have a marker that performs the same as, just slightly smaller and lighter, than the really nice Angel G7 that I already own.

:mad: super pissed :mad:

Granted my experience with the Magno internals is limited, I have NEVER seen them work correctly.

08-03-2009, 02:34 PM
I have written an email to APS to see if they have any intrest in helping rectify the overall problem. Not looking for a freebie, mind you, but to see if they will correct the issue in further release of this part.

I restored the marker to it's original valve configuration, and it works as well as I would expect. Until some better part is made, the Magno internals will have to wait.

I STILL have not used the marker in a full game yet. I have a tourney next weekend, and will wait till after that to try it out again. I am going to use a marker that I know works properly when I need it to.

08-03-2009, 06:48 PM
one thing i dont like about the A1s is how the bolt locks the rotor breach instead of 2 pins

08-03-2009, 07:50 PM
I am going to use a marker that I know works properly when I need it to.
Great idea, but I didn't know you owned a Shocker :p

08-03-2009, 07:54 PM
every time i get the itch to pick up an A1 there is always a thread about how bad someone's a1 sucks. Thanks for saving me $400 bucks!

08-03-2009, 09:32 PM
Great idea, but I didn't know you owned a Shocker :p

That was wrong. :nono:

08-05-2009, 02:43 PM
Just as an update, I had written an email to Frazer at APS concering this issue. In spite of not being the original purchaser, they are sending me a replacement part.

This kind of service is very rare in this business and I am impressed with it.


I will keep you updated.

08-05-2009, 05:03 PM
That's a real shame - I've been running an A1 for more than two years and have never had a problem with it on either the stock internals or the Magno kit.

My whole team now runs Angels (through choice, no sponsorship) and the only issues I've seen are lifting breech seals causing bolt stick.

I've got a G7 Fly as well with an updated board which I also love, but the A1 is nicer.



08-05-2009, 05:08 PM
My whole team now runs Angels (through choice, no sponsorship) and the only issues I've seen are lifting breech seals causing bolt stick.
dude wow, never thought that could happen, all i see is air passing between the rotor breach and body

i wish there was a 2 pin mod for the rotor, it would lock it in perfect and put no stress on thebolt

08-09-2009, 05:48 PM
I put the ghetto mod on the Magno stem while I wait for the replacement part to come in. Got it tuned back down to the "Magno settings". Just went out back and shot a hopper through it, and I am suprized. I am not saying it had no kick at. Simply firing paintballs at full ramp will kick the marker back some, but it sure was smooth.

08-10-2009, 12:17 AM
whats the gheto mod?