View Full Version : My friend is trying to start a team

02-01-2002, 09:02 PM
Well, my friend is trying to start a Team, right? His setup is a c98 with a flatline :rolleyes: He wants me to join, so I said yes.. he got 1 other person also. We havent even played, and he is trying to get sponsorship.
I cant believe him. He says Im second in command.. We probally play at the rookie level.. well, I dunno. He wants me to e-mail a bunch of people asking for sponsorship, and that makes me feel stupid. I dont even know this other guy, and we havent seen him play either!
I think he has a GT2000 :rolleyes:
We just need help. I need help. Are there any places that might sponser us? Im against the idea of trying to get a sponsor so soon, be he insists on doing it. I would really like some input.. can you guys help? Anything will do, info sites, guides on starting a new team, and stuff like that.. just advice..

02-01-2002, 09:43 PM
Play a good handful of tournys, around 5 or so and do very well. Send an email to some guys at Diablo and someother companies, tell them how you did, and if they can offer any time of sponcership.

There is no way they will just give you free stuff without you guys showing them you can earn it. Hope this helps-

02-01-2002, 09:51 PM
our team didnt even practice
once yet we have sponsorship
in our first week setting up
the team!

just got to know ppl i guess?

02-01-2002, 10:33 PM
Who sponsors you Jon/xpm?

02-02-2002, 01:03 AM
Jon, maybe because Arman is friends with Chris from Arena Paintball? :rolleyes:

02-02-2002, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by irbodden
Play a good handful of tournys, around 5 or so and do very well. Send an email to some guys at Diablo and someother companies, tell them how you did, and if they can offer any time of sponcership.

There is no way they will just give you free stuff without you guys showing them you can earn it. Hope this helps-

Yeah I know, I tried to tell my friend this, but he just wont hear it! No one will sponser us if we dont play together first, and know how good we are!

Also, anyone local to Atlanta, know any good tourneys?

02-02-2002, 09:19 AM
i was talking to chris
and i found out he would sponsor

plus hes local and saw us play

02-02-2002, 04:46 PM
Guys I need help with this. I know absolutly nothing about starting a team, and I still know more than my friend! :p

02-02-2002, 06:51 PM
your not gettign sponsered. sponsership isn't free, you have to earn it. If you have game, you have sponsers. I don't really know your friends but concidering they are shooting M98s and Spyder clones, they havn't been playing for very long. I don't think they should be starting tournaments yet. Stick to recball for a little longer, and once they get new and better equipment and more game, they can start thinking about joining/making a team.

02-02-2002, 07:27 PM
me and my friend have been playing for about a year, a little less than 1nce a month.. I dunno about the other guy tho..

02-03-2002, 03:35 PM
Your not going to have much chance unless your willing to front cash for paint and tourny entrance fees.

Your gear isn't looking to great, and you'll be way overpowered in a tourny. All the people who say "Its the player not the gun" either shoot Spyder or play rec.

If you guys compete against another 3man team with high end electros, two guys are just going to lay streams of paint on your bunker while another guy moves in to bunker everyone of ya. YOU should find a real team to tryout for, and maybe go from there.