View Full Version : is AO becoming like the nation?

dark blade
07-31-2009, 03:29 PM
One simple question, do you think this forum is turning into something more along the lines of the infamous Nation?

Does anyone else think that the "community" has gone downhill in the past few months? I know this thread is going to most likely turn into a huge opinion war. But then again, some of the greatest discussions of all time were all about opinions.

Please take the poll and explain why or why not.

I will start. Personally i know that i have not been here the longest but i have taken to this forum very strongly because of the "old timers" here. I use to be a wanderer on the pot belly nation and over on techpb (for a few days), and then i found this online community and MCB and havent gone back since. I personally think that the standards here are completely different than other forums and as awesome as our mods are, we have an understood set of "rules" that everyone follows. Some may not be posted but many are understood to be there. With this being the case, i feel that many "kids" (and i say this in quotes because me at the age of 19 am most likely a kid to most of the guys here) are coming over from the other nations where they have free reign and do as they wish with no set of standards for how things are done.

We just seem to do things differently here, posting in threads means something, bickering back and forth is done in a mature manner with due respect to the other person and full of respect for the other persons opinions, we prefer courtesy over cash and just over all seem to take better care of the new members here and new mag owners when it comes to tech'ing problems.

Next question is what can we do about this... I dont think there is anything we can do. The only way to stop it is to make a full blown list of written rules and enforce them 100% which here is somewhat left to the members. Yes the mods do a wonderful job of banning on command and issuing warnings and such, but the members here also take a huge part in enforcing rules on our own... especially in the BST.

so basically... i dont think anything can be done, but i certainly think AO is starting to become a MUCH more "public" forum than a bunch of guys who enjoy paintball for what it is, a recreational activity, not so much a competitive sport. Not to say we dont all enjoy getting a little competitive when playing :)

But that is my rant, lets here some other peoples opinions

Dark Blade signing out,
Cheers :cheers:

07-31-2009, 03:35 PM
No, there is no reference to fleshlights at the top of the forum by a moderator - as long as we show some dignity we are, frankly, far superior.

07-31-2009, 03:35 PM
I can actually read what people are selling here in the BST sections, I try to check on PBN and all the stupid symbols and leet speak annoy me so much that I don't bother.

dark blade
07-31-2009, 03:37 PM
understood and i agree. However, Aside from the likes of the enforceable rules (those regarding the BST thread titles) and the ads (or lack there of)

Do you think that standards have dropped? lets try to look at this on a more grand scale than just the BST thread titles

07-31-2009, 03:40 PM
Standards have dropped but still exist. PBN the rules are basically it, and you can run close to them all the time. Here the moderators have some leeway, and can enforce against behaviour that does not technical violate rules, and you can't buy your way back with an un-ban.

Old School 626
07-31-2009, 03:47 PM
This is not the nation, BST threads don't start with "Da Rulez".

07-31-2009, 03:51 PM
AO is the best PB forum in the world. People here help each other, are honest (by most part) when doing business, the moderators are the best I've ever seen on a public forum and there's no "First Post!" on each and every thread. I still love this community and that's why I access it on a daily basis.

MCB and PBL are equally as good but I still access AO more often.


07-31-2009, 03:51 PM
I think there is a lot of favoritism going on here for classified ads. I posted a thread with a total of 30 plus items and got bumped to the dealer forum stating I broke rule #13. Since then there has been several threads by different users that have been posted with 30-50 items that wasn't moved to the dealer forum. I have nothing against other sellers with large for sale threads, but Mods needs to treat everyone the same.

#13. Selling as a 'hobby' means you are a DEALER so you must use the Dealer section, Bulk selling items means you are a DEALER. Simply selling items you no longer have a use for is allowed but even the most avid paintballer collectors have a finite limit of what is in their closet, so it is very obvious to which 'title' someone is.

07-31-2009, 04:13 PM
I think people care too much.

If you're worried about the behaivior of your forum co-posters, you need more problems in life.

Each board has its draw, a reason to go there...

I go to MCB for pump and old-gun related things, I go to PBN for information (Belive it or not, if you stay away from ST, and know where to look, there is alot of information there.) And, now that most of the older crew is gone, i only check AO now and again to sell things, make fun of people, and catch up with the old-guard.

PBN is, and always will be a better source of information. If you can look past all the dumb kids (who mostly stay in small talk, and the planet eclipse forums) - you can typically find what information you need by looking in the appropriate places.

I know i hang out in a few areas of PBN, and its because i've found a set group of guys who are good to talk to, and know their stuff when it comes down to it. Also, its FAR MORE active than good ole AO.

AO still remains a hangout for when the oldschool crew comes thru, and a place to pop off some gear - but its not what it was.

To answer your question: No, we'll never be anything like PBN. Its too big, too diverse, and too up to date. AO will remain a quiet place for old timers to talk smack, and laugh at all the new people who have that obnoxious enthusiasm, and think Tom Kaye is Jesus Christ, reborn.

dark blade
07-31-2009, 04:16 PM
wait.... you mean........ tom kaye isnt jesus reincarnate?!? :confused: :eek:

haha just kidding. I have mad respect for what tom kaye did for the sport and all his research. But, i would never consider him a religious idol. Father to my greatest child (my emag) yes... but religious idol no.

and yes, yes i do need more problems in life. Right now my greatest problem is which girl to invite over tonight and whether or not i want the akuma phantom 2 MFR helmet or a shoei rf1000 (not really a problem, more of a dilemma)

07-31-2009, 04:22 PM
I don't think that AO will be like PBN. There are enough old timers that are not afraid to call people out when they are out of line. People eventually learn to behave or just leave out of frustration. There is nothing wrong with exercising a little discipline.

dark blade
07-31-2009, 04:26 PM
i agree that there is the good group of guys who enforce the rules. My only question and point to others is that why should we/they have to? There was always an occasional enforcing of the rules needed but lately i have been seeing more and more locked threads and edited threads by good old beemer than ever before.

I know that AO will never be the nation, i just wonder how many people feel as though the "morals and values" from the nation are making a feeble attempt at joining our forum.

With the enforcement of our mods and our members i have no doubt that they will either get aggrevated or leave, i just feel as though we should not have to enforce them because we should not be getting "over run" by the likes of the immature sellers on the nation and the infamous small talkers on the nation.

07-31-2009, 04:51 PM
I don't think our forum is turning into the nation , but I do think we are being infiltrated
do I think that the "community" has gone downhill
yes , but not much , I think the infiltraters are just doing things the way they want to , the Mods do a pretty good job , but they can always use a heads up on potential problems

dark blade
07-31-2009, 04:53 PM
certainly, i know we will never BE the nation... but i feel that some of the newer (and surprisingly even older) members are acting as though they have free reign and there arent really rules to follow. Some people seem to love to push the limits of everything and I just feel that this is a too well respected forum to have people pushing people's buttons over here.

07-31-2009, 04:54 PM
I know that AO will never be the nation, i just wonder how many people feel as though the "morals and values" from the nation are making a feeble attempt at joining our forum.

I know what you mean. I sometimes do feel like some of the pesky little kids are using AO as a tool to mass advertise their sale items instead of contributing to the knowledge base of the forum. So if we want AO to remain a friendly and educational place to talk paintball, we need to protect it.

07-31-2009, 05:52 PM
This forum has not been the same in a good many years. A good deal of that has to do with the manufacturer and creator himself moving on to other things. The old crew has mostly moved on as well. However, it is rare that you will find a forum as nice as this one, and that so many of the old timers keep in touch with. There is also a deep sense of community and friendship here between many of the members.
When I was injured, I got notes, messages, a shirt, and many well wishes from members here. Not a single thing from anywhere else I am a member.

It may not be what it used to be, but this forum is MUCH better than any other. The day that it is like the Nation...I will not participate.

Much love to AO, and its continuing journey through the interwebs, :clap:

07-31-2009, 06:40 PM
No, it is not.

dark blade
07-31-2009, 06:42 PM
well that was short and concise. Care to expand on that? Have you not seen any examples of things going astray from how you feel things once were? or do you feel that threads got locked down all the time before from the people who you must feel never followed rules.

07-31-2009, 07:04 PM
I kinda think this place is a little better then the glory days. Sadly we have a lot less posters but we also have a lot less drama. There was a while where you couldn't read a post on this board without someone taking a potshot at Shartly or him at them. It seems like there was always a five page thread of people calling each other poopyheads. While I was gone there was evidently a big board war that led to BEO and PBL. Now it's slow but generally friendly.

07-31-2009, 07:20 PM
Go check out Small Talk on PBN and answer this question.

I agree with many things already posted and I cannot add anymore than has already been said. However, if you feel AO is lacking something, then step up to the plate and contribute more.

You never know what the future will bring.

07-31-2009, 07:25 PM
AO is still the best forum around with MCB
I like it because not only you have old schoolers passionated with mags but also because there seems to be an honor code and respect for each other.
I bough once only a marker from nation and had to file paypal complaint...Here it wont happen or at least it didnt...

that said it seems like there is a wave of punks going around, thinking they can just thrash things here and there, bashing AO, having a very narrow-minded capitalistic vision of the world and making it awkward. They wil come and go, I am not worried about it....And even maybe they could learn something about mags too...

dark blade
07-31-2009, 07:27 PM
I kinda think this place is a little better then the glory days. Sadly we have a lot less posters but we also have a lot less drama. There was a while where you couldn't read a post on this board without someone taking a potshot at Shartly or him at them. It seems like there was always a five page thread of people calling each other poopyheads. While I was gone there was evidently a big board war that led to BEO and PBL. Now it's slow but generally friendly.

Oh the irony of BE himself responding right after that about "stepping up to the plate" when things go astray.

Didnt you just make your own website instead of stepping up and fixing things? Now, i dont know the story nor do i need/want to. I am just making a statement.

Also, with regards to stepping up, there is only so much a member can do without being a mod here. We can all do our part to try and help with the rules being enforced but we cannot hand out punishments which to most coming from PBN is the only way to get them to listen.

07-31-2009, 07:36 PM
No, and here's why not:

1. People that actually have knowhow outnumber those who frequent a forum just for the drama and can actually hold civilized converstaions.

2. Threads dont run amuk within the first three posts.

3. There isnt stupid amounts of bashing in bst's (or anywhere for that matter).

4. Forum moderation is actually present.


07-31-2009, 07:42 PM
this question used to come up all the time on here, tho' usually more as a statement of protest.

This place is nothing like it used to be when Tom was on regularly, people really believed in him and the possibility of AGD making a 'comeback' in the paintball world. Of course it didn't pan out that way, Tom left and AO became a much smaller niche forum for alot of old schoolers, and new mag enthusiast. Most of the old schoolers dissapeared, or at least post iregularly but thats not so bad.

This place was VERY click-ish circa '03-'04, some people took the forum waaaay to seriously. It wasn't very friendly to new members. I totally mised the whole forum split thing. I actually quit postig on here for a few years but came back when I finally bought my first Minimag. Now I mostly use it for the Tech and BST forum.

07-31-2009, 07:42 PM
Oh the irony of BE himself responding right after that about "stepping up to the plate" when things go astray.

Didnt you just make your own website instead of stepping up and fixing things? Now, i dont know the story nor do i need/want to. I am just making a statement.

Also, with regards to stepping up, there is only so much a member can do without being a mod here. We can all do our part to try and help with the rules being enforced but we cannot hand out punishments which to most coming from PBN is the only way to get them to listen.

Do I not still post here regularly? Do I not still try to be helpful to other members who have technical issues and whatnot?

You dont have to 'enforce' the rules and hand out 'punishments' to effect change. Those are the things that - take my word for it, you would rather not have to deal with.

07-31-2009, 07:52 PM
Also the beauty of AO is since technological improvement of mags has stopped that there is a never ending discussion regarding mags, tech them, improve them...We are not dealing with ghizzilion markers here but one type with sub branches, making the topic very interesting for those who care.

Nation has some interesting sections (but the BST) but is too big and wide for me. I like the community feeling of AO.

When going to big games it is such a pleasure to meet mags fellower and discuss topics from the forum...I dont think this could happen on nation...

07-31-2009, 08:38 PM
AO is still the best forum around with MCB
I like it because not only you have old schoolers passionated with mags but also because there seems to be an honor code and respect for each other.
I bough once only a marker from nation and had to file paypal complaint...Here it wont happen or at least it didnt...

that said it seems like there is a wave of punks going around, thinking they can just thrash things here and there, bashing AO, having a very narrow-minded capitalistic vision of the world and making it awkward. They wil come and go, I am not worried about it....And even maybe they could learn something about mags too...

That pretty much sums it all up for me. Been on PBN when i just started playing, but that forum is not a pleasant place to post at all for a guy in his 30's. Too many agglet punks around. I've been around AO for about 3 years now, and i really wanted to be here on it's highlight days but i'm not complaining at all. People treat you with respect here, and dealing over here was never a problem at all. No haggling with i got more feedback than you so you ship first, or more importantly i dont ship international. MCB is pretty much the same, but when it comes to mags i preffer to go here.

Is AO becoming like the nation? - I sure hope not....

07-31-2009, 09:34 PM
Yeah this place sucks :tard:

This place was way better back in the good ole' days. :argh:

Lets burn it down :mad:

/sarcastic post and vote :cheers:

07-31-2009, 09:49 PM
The peanut butter nation is full of little twirps that dont respect the founders of paintball. So to answer the question again......No this is not becomming the Nation, and if you have had a bad deal go south lately then just move on. Lets keep this place drama free. :cheers:

07-31-2009, 10:08 PM
from the stand point of a fairly new mag owner I have yet to be called a dumb a... or anything like it due to asking questions that some of you may think is "common knowlage". Also in the BST forums I have yet to see someone try to low ball each other or post the "pm me your lowest price" crap. There seems to be a common economic price for most parts which allows parts and guns to retain there value more. Over all this site is nothing like the nation and hope that is never will.

08-01-2009, 07:52 AM
I've gone to the PBN a couple of times and tried to look around because someone told me they have good deals on used gear over there. It started to give me a migraine, so I stopped.

I do find it really interesting to read old "Agg or Not" threads though.

08-01-2009, 08:37 AM
The problem I see on PBN is this happens often in threads:

"I'll give you XX for it"

"Ok, deal. Anyone else want to give me more?"

Ok - I realize on rare exception some people will make a deal for cash and then be offered the marker of there dreams for it. Although I would not back out of a deal once made I would be understanding if someone did, it happens. Then again I lowball everything and understand my offers represent only a bottom line for the seller - I have the money set aside and ready if they want it. If they get a better offer the same day I understand them taking it.

However, the trying to bind the buyer and get better offers at the same time annoys me. Frankly if I saw it in an open thread I would probably withdraw my offer to purchase. I can offer and you can tell me you will think about it or see what you can get, but telling someone its a deal and continuing to look for better offers is tacky.

Hasn't happened to me yet, but I try to stay away from the nation BST.

08-01-2009, 09:13 AM
I'm a new/old member of AO (Can't remember my old longin). I was on AO about 6 yrs ago before I had kids and popped smoke from paintball all together. Except for the one incident that left ezcreation out to dry, I haven't seen any real problems worth talking about.

This place has a good atmosphere and I wouldn't change a thing. We have an excellent mature core of mag'ers that would rather help then hinder a brother or like pbjunky99 said call someone a Asshat or some other derogatory name.

I love the place and it get my....


Edit: One of my big reasons for :hail: this place so much is the amount of gear that trades hands. There's stuff that I've always wanted, dreamed of getting but could never find or buy till coming back here. I think I've blown over 2k in just over a month..lol...So from this point forward..If I ask anyone for anything tell me NO!!!

My wife will appreciate it. :rofl:

08-01-2009, 09:40 AM
Also, with regards to stepping up, there is only so much a member can do without being a mod here. We can all do our part to try and help with the rules being enforced but we cannot hand out punishments which to most coming from PBN is the only way to get them to listen.

There was a post made some time ago in regards to users "moderatiing" the forum. I know that for my part, I have no problem helping out where I can. I have no issue reminding people about rules, and will hit the "report" button in a moment on a spam post, and whatnot.

To me, that self policing is one of the better things about this forum. In spite of the fact that we have few mods, it is very rare that anything gets out of hand. And if they do, Beemer and the other mod have no problem bringing down the hammer and cooling things. Sometimes, not to our desire, but it keeps the place clean, as it were.

08-01-2009, 11:11 AM
I can see a world of difference between here an pbnation. I think that because mag shooters are generally older and do not include the same fanboy hero-worship fanatic thirteen year olds you find on the nation*, it makes for a more mature forum. Some things that stand out in my mind:

1) Less issues with BST sections. This is in part because AO has a lower volume of transactions than PBN but also due to the maturity of AO users. I have bought several guns on here and every time the sellers delivered the goods exactly as promised. Buy from people who have good feedback. I find MCB to be very similar in this and other instances.

2) More community. Since we have a more mature user base, AO is more inclusive and welcoming to newcomers. We all claim that the mag is the best invention since the wheel but we don't flame someone for liking a different marker. (After all, some of us shoot AKAs as well :rofl: ) j/k Even simple tech questions are met with a response and a polite reminder to use the search button instead of a flamethrower.

3) Creativity - I never cease to be amazed at how many different variations there are of the automag. There are machinists on here that build things that are simply works of art. I haven't looked on the nation for this sort of thing, but I do know that you can go there to become a member of Oliver Lang's fan club. :rolleyes:

* Okay, I admit it, I am a mag fanboy and Tom Kaye is my hero. :D

08-01-2009, 07:14 PM
This place will NEVER be like pbn. The people here are way too mature and, well, just flat-out nice to ever let this place turn into the load of crap that pbn is.
Example: I have never been burned on a deal. I'm not saying that it doesn't happen on this forum, but it has never happened to me. I have bought/sold both parts and guns in this forum, and everyone I have dealt with were nice and courteous. Heck, I have GIVEN parts away, and I have had parts GIVEN to me. I SERIOUSLY doubt that ever happens on PBN.
Example: I have never been told that my question was a 'noob' question. Everyone in this forum is courteous.

I think that is what it all boils down to: Courtesy exists here on AO, not at PBN

The people in this forum take pride in not only their Mags, but also in the fact that we have a GREAT forum. It's not perfect, but it is great. And I am willing to bet that the people in this forum will never just sit idly by and let this forum go to crap.

08-01-2009, 07:28 PM
It's in my user Title. :D :clap:

dark blade
08-01-2009, 08:06 PM
i am glad to see that people here think that this community is still thriving and shall never be like the nation.

I feel slightly different but its not going to stray me from this forum. This is and most likely will always be me main forum and the only one i ever actually use.

08-02-2009, 02:00 PM
I have never been flamed on this forum, and I have been everywhere else at least once excepting my mountain biking forum.

Someone is always willing to help, and where else can you say that the company's founder still takes an interest in his product and the advancement of this sport (a nod to Tom).

Tuna has given me free parts without much need of even a thank-you. Many AOers will probably tech your gun for you for free if you pay shipping there and back.

AO and Automag users in general, I've found, are among the nicest, most honest, and most easygoing people you'd meet, and the people who get the most enjoyment out of this great sport.

I'll come back to AO long after I get through with playing...

"Chuff Chuff"

08-02-2009, 03:25 PM
No, it is not.

well that was short and concise. Care to expand on that?


Have you not seen any examples of things going astray from how you feel things once were?


LURK MOAR, newblar.

dark blade
08-02-2009, 03:27 PM
LURK MOAR, newblar.

??? im confused... please explain in non 1337 type talk what that is suppose to mean.

08-02-2009, 03:32 PM
??? im confused... please explain in non 1337 type talk what that is suppose to mean.

Please forgive me, but I am not sure that I completely understand you.

dark blade
08-02-2009, 03:34 PM
i simply am not sure what "lurk moar, newblar" means.

08-02-2009, 03:44 PM
There seems to be intelligent life forms here. They speak English, and are helpful, not hateful.

I am not even sure that "over there" that they are speaking English. Maybe from an alternate reality, possibly. :tard:

There will always be invaders from "the forum that shall not be named", but together, we can repel them. For we have common sense, and respect.

Plus, I never even come close to having a headache, or, a nosebleed from reading this forum. :clap:

08-02-2009, 03:50 PM
i simply am not sure what "lurk moar, newblar" means.

Is AO truly being infultrated by "the nation"

I am suggesting that maybe, just maybe, the theory that the general quality of the forum has degraded over time has been raised before.

Additionally, I am suggesting that if one were to have spent more time perusing the conversations that occur on said forum, one would notice the trend of common discussion topics raised by newer members.

You see, there are several discussion topics often raised.

Were one to take the time to gauge the time elapsed/topic raised; one might notice a relatively high result for some of the items you have mentioned.

??? im confused... please explain in non 1337 type talk

Admittedly, I have used a few internets up. I hope this clarifies.

08-02-2009, 03:51 PM
Protip: LURK MOAR, newblar.

08-02-2009, 03:52 PM
Protip: LURK MOAR, newblar.


08-02-2009, 04:04 PM
OP, you're a turd. You know nothing about AO culture, because you weren't around then.

To try to call out scott was so weak... BigE has done more for maggers and this board than you could dream of doing.

Like I said earlier, pbn is a great forum. There are a lot of retards, but that's anywhere you go. AO had a higher standard at one point, but people trying to take petty stabs at members pretty much throws that out the window.


dark blade
08-02-2009, 04:22 PM
i use the search button quite frequently for tech problems, sales that i once saw, and other knowledge that is non changing.

However... i felt as though me stating my opinion and asking about others opinions in a thread would not require a search due to the fact that it is my opinion and would not have been found in other peoples threads. Therefore a new thread felt appropriate to me.

also, behemoth. was your last post towards me? or someone else. I am very tired this weekend from having many little children invade my house and am obviously out of any type of loop that is now going on.

08-02-2009, 04:39 PM
I'm so sorry that you're in a child induced haze... However, you are OP and you did try to call out BigE.

dark blade
08-02-2009, 04:45 PM
i never meant disrespect i just found it ironic and i didnt know OP meant original poster... which i just figured out from a friend.

Secondly, i feel that the past few posts have been a little unnecessary and a simple "this topic has come up before" would have sufficed and there was no need to bring up anything regarding how long i have been here.

For as long as i have been here i have been respectful to all and have been a great trader and helpful in the tech section. I might not have been here when AGD was in its prime but i was only 11 or 12 at the time and didnt have a computer. It really isnt fair to form a "clique" and disregard me as a member just because i was not there in the "prime" of the forum.

The whole purpose to this thread was to show that what i was shown when i first joined (as far as how people are on this forum) has now changed and there seems to be a less of a standard with the new members and that not as many new members are being fully respectful to others. I understand i was not here in the beginning and never will have been here during its pride, but that does not mean i do not understand the respect that AO has always carried as a motto

On that note, i am going to let this thread get back to its topic seeing as that was why i put it up. I wanted to see peoples opinions of the CURRENT AO and not their opinions on this matter of a thread from a year ago that i could have searched to see

08-02-2009, 04:59 PM
Still need to lurk moar...

dark blade
08-02-2009, 05:00 PM
haha ok, i will SEARCH MORE and you and your oldschool buddies can LURK MOAR

and now, back to the opinions!

08-02-2009, 05:01 PM
The whole purpose to this thread was to show that what i was shown when i first joined (as far as how people are on this forum) has now changed and there seems to be a less of a standard with the new members and that not as many new members are being fully respectful to others. I understand i was not here in the beginning and never will have been here during its pride, but that does not mean i do not understand the respect that AO has always carried as a motto

For the most part we try to be self Moderated. Have you ever reported a post?

Show me where you get this opinion from. Report the posts ;)

dark blade
08-02-2009, 05:03 PM
i have reported posts in the past. However... after reporting a thread with pornographic material directly posted in it and watching it go unremoved or changed for 3-4 hours after reporting it... i kind of lost hope with the report button.

However. I will start reporting more often if that be the noble request of the mighty beemer :hail:

08-02-2009, 05:09 PM
i have reported posts in the past. However... after reporting a thread with pornographic material directly posted in it and watching it go unremoved or changed for 3-4 hours after reporting it... i kind of lost hope with the report button.

However. I will start reporting more often if that be the noble request of the mighty beemer :hail:

How long ago did THAT happen. We have the spam problem under controll now.

Mods are not on 24/7 and it could take awhile to see a report. That is a poor reason not to report something that might be a problem.

So I would still like you to show me where you get your opinion from. You thought it enough to make a Thread on it, so show me where the issues and disrespect is.

dark blade
08-02-2009, 05:12 PM
i will go work on finding the posts right now, they have been dispersed over the past few months so this may be difficult

edit: also... it happened a while ago when the spam seemed to be starting to happen frequently... there was a week or two where it got pretty constant

08-02-2009, 05:20 PM
i will go work on finding the posts right now, they have been dispersed over the past few months so this may be difficult

Well if its over a few months then it isnt an on going, day to day thing then is it?

The Mods dont see every post and when we miss something for the most part the members point it out by reporting it if they feel it might be a problem. :cheers:

dark blade
08-02-2009, 05:24 PM
the pornography incident was months ago (last fall)... the problems with not following the forum rules and with being immature, bad sellers, and disrespectful have been happening throughout the spring and summer.

Unfortunately, the BST section only goes back about a month and i cannot find most of the posts i was referencing to. (most were/are in the BST) For the most part, the pb talk section is great still because the only reason people are coming over from the nation is to sell.... hence the BST problem.

08-02-2009, 07:54 PM
AO is the best PB forum in the world. People here help each other, are honest (by most part) when doing business, the moderators are the best I've ever seen on a public forum and there's no "First Post!" on each and every thread. I still love this community and that's why I access it on a daily basis.

MCB and PBL are equally as good but I still access AO more often.

I have to agree with that, no matter what paintball forum i've gone to i've always come back to this forum, and there have been many times where i just come back from not posting for a few months and start posting, and it's usually on this forum (this is one such occasion).

And for the record, it's not the first forum, i signed up to the nation, but quickly stopped posting there at all often, and when i did post there it was in the custom or AGD forums for the most part. Granted this forum isn't the same as it was in it's heyday, and it's not the same as when i first joined, but saying that it's even remotely like pbnation is false.

EDIT: At the bottom of the page you can make the forum show more threads from further back.

08-02-2009, 11:52 PM
I have to agree with that, no matter what paintball forum i've gone to i've always come back to this forum, and there have been many times where i just come back from not posting for a few months and start posting, and it's usually on this forum (this is one such occasion).

And for the record, it's not the first forum, i signed up to the nation, but quickly stopped posting there at all often, and when i did post there it was in the custom or AGD forums for the most part. Granted this forum isn't the same as it was in it's heyday, and it's not the same as when i first joined, but saying that it's even remotely like pbnation is false.

EDIT: At the bottom of the page you can make the forum show more threads from further back.

No, my only complaint would be that there have been childish arguments and mod/user wars on here ala pbn style, however they got resolved fast, and I hope that has ceased to happen from now on. I have always found this site to be like a giant family, where as pbn is more like a giant group of teens with no talent wanting to compensate for their lack of a gf and lack of knowledge about the sport, as all you hear is them bragging about their gun or bashing other guns and companies. Over here it seems more knowledge based, which goes to show their is an ounce of intelligence still in the paintball community.

08-03-2009, 02:09 AM
No, my only complaint would be that there have been childish arguments and mod/user wars on here ala pbn style, however they got resolved fast, and I hope that has ceased to happen from now on. I have always found this site to be like a giant family, where as pbn is more like a giant group of teens with no talent wanting to compensate for their lack of a gf and lack of knowledge about the sport, as all you hear is them bragging about their gun or bashing other guns and companies. Over here it seems more knowledge based, which goes to show their is an ounce of intelligence still in the paintball community.
Eh, like was said earlier in the thread that is true to some parts of PBN, but it can be a good source of information, and that's actually where i have heard about the newer stuff coming out and usually a while before i see it here or elsewhere, and when i've been wondering how a marker works i can usually find information on there (usually an animation or just enough information for me to work it out). PBN has it's uses, it's just there are bad parts of it too. But it's mainly that it has the same feeling that most huge places have that i probably stopped posting there that often, AO is a lot smaller and just easier to actually talk to people and get to know the regulars, where as PBN has way more regulars and also people just tend to stop going there as often, like the AGD forum on there was still pretty active when i joined four or five years back, but now it's pretty dead.

Ah, i'm rambling again, sorry about that.

08-03-2009, 03:52 PM
Whoa, another "Is AO getting suckier?" thread. I think these started when Tom bought this forum from Flamebo like 10 years ago.

Yes, and no. Of course.

You are going to have transient member groups, AO "generations" so to speak. Most people don't stick around on an internet forum forever. As one group starts to fade, less and less of their friends and acquaintences are around on the forums. This gives them a feel that the forums are declining. The newest crop of members becomes the dominant group, and the cycle repeats. Then throw in events which cause tension and hostility between "new" and "old" membership generations and you get even more gripes about forum decline as older members blame the influx of new members for the issues, even though everyone is probably equally to blame.

The truth is, there are only two measures you can use. Activity, and post quality.

Activity is down, so in that regard AO is falling. It's been steadily declining since Tom retired. It's not hard to understand why.

Quality, on the other hand, has remained mostly constant. You can't look at posts from 5 years ago and compare them to today's posts and say "Wow, these new posts are really awful". You've lost a few of the really in-depth discussions due to a loss of activity, not a loss of quality, but theres little that can be done about that.

My point is, if you lurked moar, newblar, you would have realized all this, thereby saving me from typing all this, leaving me to actually accomplish some work and not waste time on an internet forum.

/2001 join date, eat it!

08-03-2009, 05:13 PM
/2001 join date, eat it!

yes, but how many have changed names. not everyone with a 2k8 join date started in 2k8

Some post here went poof.

08-03-2009, 05:23 PM
Whoa, another "Is AO getting suckier?" thread. I think these started when Tom bought this forum from Flamebo like 10 years ago.

Yes, and no. Of course.

You are going to have transient member groups, AO "generations" so to speak. Most people don't stick around on an internet forum forever. As one group starts to fade, less and less of their friends and acquaintences are around on the forums. This gives them a feel that the forums are declining. The newest crop of members becomes the dominant group, and the cycle repeats. Then throw in events which cause tension and hostility between "new" and "old" membership generations and you get even more gripes about forum decline as older members blame the influx of new members for the issues, even though everyone is probably equally to blame.

The truth is, there are only two measures you can use. Activity, and post quality.

Activity is down, so in that regard AO is falling. It's been steadily declining since Tom retired. It's not hard to understand why.

Quality, on the other hand, has remained mostly constant. You can't look at posts from 5 years ago and compare them to today's posts and say "Wow, these new posts are really awful". You've lost a few of the really in-depth discussions due to a loss of activity, not a loss of quality, but theres little that can be done about that.

My point is, if you lurked moar, newblar, you would have realized all this, thereby saving me from typing all this, leaving me to actually accomplish some work and not waste time on an internet forum.

/2001 join date, eat it!

Well said sir......well said :cheers:

08-03-2009, 06:26 PM
My point is, if you lurked moar, newblar...

Huzzah, I can has UltraAO!

08-03-2009, 09:01 PM
Whoa, another "Is AO getting suckier?" thread. I think these started when Tom bought this forum from Flamebo like 10 years ago.

Yes, and no. Of course.

You are going to have transient member groups, AO "generations" so to speak. Most people don't stick around on an internet forum forever. As one group starts to fade, less and less of their friends and acquaintences are around on the forums. This gives them a feel that the forums are declining. The newest crop of members becomes the dominant group, and the cycle repeats. Then throw in events which cause tension and hostility between "new" and "old" membership generations and you get even more gripes about forum decline as older members blame the influx of new members for the issues, even though everyone is probably equally to blame.

The truth is, there are only two measures you can use. Activity, and post quality.

Activity is down, so in that regard AO is falling. It's been steadily declining since Tom retired. It's not hard to understand why.

Quality, on the other hand, has remained mostly constant. You can't look at posts from 5 years ago and compare them to today's posts and say "Wow, these new posts are really awful". You've lost a few of the really in-depth discussions due to a loss of activity, not a loss of quality, but theres little that can be done about that.

My point is, if you lurked moar, newblar, you would have realized all this, thereby saving me from typing all this, leaving me to actually accomplish some work and not waste time on an internet forum.

/2001 join date, eat it!

Heh heh. Nice post. The question is why are you wasteing your time on a crappy internet Forum? :p

Did you all miss post 37 or do I need to quote myself. If you see the big picture, it still is all in my user title no matter which side you look at it from. I copied it from another member, forgot who it was. :D

PS........Eat your join date. :argh:

08-03-2009, 09:11 PM
Heh heh. Nice post. The question is why are you wasteing your time on a crappy internet Forum? :p

Did you all miss post 37 or do I need to quote myself. If you see the big picture, it still is all in my user title no matter which side you look at it from. I copied it from another member, forgot who it was. :D

PS........Eat your join date. :argh:
I missed that because the thread was too long, and i didn't feel like reading through a bunch of posts saying the same thing or claiming AO is dying. Granted i miss how it was, but i joined shortly after Tom left as president of AGD, so there were still a lot of people and there was a lot of discussion, but now the numbers have dwindled. These threads seem a lot like the whole "OMGFSDFG AGD IS DYINGZ" threads that keep popping up.

08-03-2009, 09:15 PM
My point is, if you lurked moar, newblar, you would have realized all this, thereby saving me from typing all this, leaving me to actually accomplish some work and not waste time on an internet forum.

/2001 join date, eat it!


/Epic win
//Viva La Thorde

08-03-2009, 09:16 PM

08-04-2009, 05:48 AM
When I first started playing, and I wanted to upgrade from my Puma, I came across AO. That was before AGD bought it. Everyone was very helpful, they answered all my questions. I can ask a question today and get the same type of response I got back then.

I have an account at PBN, but I never use actually use it. I really can't compare the two. I suppose if I were looking for information on tournaments and stuff I'd check PBN, but I'm not really into that.

dark blade
08-04-2009, 10:23 AM
k well i just did a search for threads like this and i found 4

3 back before 2004
1 back in 08 (regarding how AO is "broken" and we need to fix it)

so how am i repeating a commonly asked question seeing as i am the first to ask if the likes of the nation are infultrating AO... it is the first time it has been asked.

However... i shall "look more" and i rather dislike being called a newblar... but feel free to call me what you wish :cheers:

08-04-2009, 10:29 AM
lurk != look

To lurk is to read a forum, either before or after signing up, usually in an attempt to understand the zeitgeist of the forum before posting and proving yourself a newblar.

You can search all you want, but you don't need to. The point people were trying to make is that this type of subject comes up very often. How the quality of AO is degrading, and other such related subjects. The thread titles may vary but the concept is brought up fairly consistently.

And if you had read my post rather than being insulted by the ending, you'd realize that I was saying that no, nothing is changing besides lower active membership.

PBNation is like a picture of what a post-apocolyptic world would be like if it were run by 16-year olds whose only education came from watching MTV reruns.

dark blade
08-04-2009, 10:33 AM
i was not offended by the ending of your post and i had read the entire thing. And i knew that lurk = look.

My only point (which you obviously hadnt read from before) was that i can search all i want, but if i want to see the CURRENT opinions regarding something that has changed since I have joined, i cannot search for a thread a year ago.

I have also been reading a lot of the threads in the PB talk section on here and i have yet to see another one like mine, hence why i posted this thread.

However, continue to tell me to look more and i will continue to do so, my point still remains that in order for me to see the CURRENT opinions of people, i need to make a CURRENT thread to get them. Reading their opinions of a somewhat related topic a year ago isnt going to apply to this current topic at all.

08-04-2009, 10:48 AM
i was not offended by the ending of your post and i had read the entire thing. And i knew that lurk = look.

My only point (which you obviously hadnt read from before) was that i can search all i want, but if i want to see the CURRENT opinions regarding something that has changed since I have joined, i cannot search for a thread a year ago.

I have also been reading a lot of the threads in the PB talk section on here and i have yet to see another one like mine, hence why i posted this thread.

However, continue to tell me to look more and i will continue to do so, my point still remains that in order for me to see the CURRENT opinions of people, i need to make a CURRENT thread to get them. Reading their opinions of a somewhat related topic a year ago isnt going to apply to this current topic at all.


dark blade
08-04-2009, 10:49 AM
i must ask good sir, why art thou face palming me? :confused:

08-04-2009, 10:50 AM
Thanks Josh.

08-04-2009, 11:02 AM
I don't think the face palm helps, he still doesn't get it....

08-04-2009, 11:02 AM
/Your reading comprehension skills are terrible.
//You are -12 internets at this point.

dark blade
08-04-2009, 11:04 AM
-12 internets? am i missing something here? that doesnt sound gramatically correct at all

08-04-2009, 11:07 AM
Dare i say it.....

Lurk.... Moar....?

08-04-2009, 11:09 AM
-12 internets? am i missing something here? that doesnt sound gramatically correct at all

Talks of this forum degrading/dying out always come up every few months. Its nothing new and it will never turn into the nation. The search function probably won't find it all unless you knew what the titles where or lucky at guessing some key words.

08-04-2009, 11:10 AM
/Your reading comprehension skills are terrible.
//You are -12 internets at this point.

Cmon now the title of the poll talks about "infultrating" and you thought this was serious thread?

dark blade
08-04-2009, 11:10 AM
does anyone want to actually be kind and explain what people mean by "using internets" or by having a +1 internet or -12 internets?

ive seen it many places but dont understand it. and obviously people here are being meany pants and wont explain it

08-04-2009, 11:11 AM
Cmon now the title of the poll talks about "infultrating" and you thought this was serious thread?

I think a general rule of thumb is, when Rudz is talking down at you, there is a serious issue at hand.

does anyone want to actually be kind and explain what people mean by "using internets" or by having a +1 internet or -12 internets?

ive seen it many places but dont understand it. and obviously people here are being meany pants and wont explain it

Starts with an L

Ends with an URK MOAR.

dark blade
08-04-2009, 11:16 AM
haha ok i realised that there was a lot of nonsensical talk going on... and i knew some of it was not serious, but seeing as most of the people that were using the nonserious were the "old timers" of the forum, i got lost in what was serious and not.

Anyways. my reading comprehension must be pretty good if i got a 600 on the SAT's...

and is a 690 without a calculator decent on the SAT's? cuz im not sure... and what about a 620 on the writing section decent? what about a 5 on the essay?

I izmz tarded cuz 1337 talk is kewlies & i totally like uberly and like fo sho dint notice it werez happeningz

Congrats AO, you played a prank on me with your non seriousness and i actually fell for it!!!!! :rofl: i suck!

08-04-2009, 11:20 AM
Go on, keep rationalizing it...
Just admit it already...

u mad.

dark blade
08-04-2009, 11:21 AM
k im mad... not lets move on

08-04-2009, 11:23 AM
anyways. my reading comprehension must be pretty good if i got a 600 on the SAT's...

and is a 690 without a calculator decent on the SAT's? cuz im not sure... and what about a 620 on the writing section decent? what about a 5 on the essay?

So you're still in high school?

dark blade
08-04-2009, 11:25 AM
So you're still in high school?

no, thats what i got when i WAS in highschool... im not in highschool anymore im a soffy in college

08-04-2009, 11:33 AM
no, thats what i got when i WAS in highschool... im not in highschool anymore im a soffy in college

Oh, cause you sounded like this man. My apologies


08-04-2009, 11:33 AM
k im mad... not lets move on



08-04-2009, 01:14 PM

Many say a picture is worth a 1000+ words. So in the spirit of laziness I offer this picture to sum my feelings on this thread.

08-04-2009, 03:09 PM
Haha, man you guys, it's like watching you guys tear the wings off a fly and then torture it, i just gotta help the poor thing.

Lurk =/= look
lurk = lurk, as in lurker. To lurk means to lurk on a forum. If you don't understand what lurk means, it means to frequent a forum without posting, so basically people don't even really realize you are on.

Yes the topic you brought up may be about a different thing in particular, but it has the same basic question and the same basic feel. The forum is not the same as when i joined, but that's because i joined around the time or shortly after tom retired, which is when this site started getting less traffic. I don't complain about it and say that it's becoming like pbnation because it's not. And from now on, please don't admit your true age, pretend you're younger, it will give me hope for civilization and make me feel better about myself.