View Full Version : # shots from vertical 3.5 oz CO2 on Lvl7 Classic Mag

08-01-2009, 03:31 PM
I was thinking about different configurations, and I wanted to know if anyone had real-world experience with the number of usable shots from a full 3.5 oz CO2, mounted vertically on a classic mag with a level 7 bolt, shooting around 285 FPS, at say 75 degrees ambient temperature.

Some standard numbers I've seen after Googling show 150-200, but always with the disclaimer that "depends on gun, velocity, temp etc".

I am looking for at least 200 usable shots. If it cannot get to that, would any other additions such as an expansion chamber or Palmer Stabilizer help with the efficiency?

08-01-2009, 04:02 PM
100 120 tops, depends if the guy filling it knows what he's doing, if he does, u may get 130 140 ish

08-01-2009, 04:09 PM
100 120 tops, depends if the guy filling it knows what he's doing, if he does, u may get 130 140 ish

08-01-2009, 07:49 PM
100 120 tops, depends if the guy filling it knows what he's doing, if he does, u may get 130 140 ish
The guy might know what he's doing if you play at a 'pump field'. With my luck, I would have to go with the lower numbers. :tard:

One field has trouble filling 7oz. bottles because they don't see many. We have to make sure we grab a 9 oz. so the guy has a chance to fill it right. (what's a scale?) One day he was holding the bottom of the bottle to his temple as he filled. I wanted to ask him some Indian tracker question.

08-02-2009, 10:17 PM
If you don't lay into the trigger, and you get a good fill, 120 good shots (maybe a few more) sounds right, and you'll shoot down (usable but range drops a bit) the next 30 or so. If you really keep the ROF down low, I've gotten close to a full hopper on one I let warm up in the sun for a bit, but don't count on that consistently. Also, watch out because you can freeze your tank to your gun blowing out ice chunks in about 50 shots if you rip the trigger on an already cold or fresh filled tank.

08-03-2009, 06:44 PM
i've heard 150 shooting slow with a devolumized valve or a secondary regulator.

holding the bottle to your head you can hear the bottle fill up if you've done it a few times, and just ask the guy to fill the bottle turn it upside down once or twice and fill it again.