View Full Version : Its 2009 and I still can't steal an Automag

08-06-2009, 11:05 AM
Hi Folks,
I havn't posted on this forum in 3 years. That's when my girlfriend moved in with me and she swore she would never play pb. With that said we were very involved with other things and I didn't have time to play so I sold all of my pb equipment. Including my beloved RT and minimag which I sold for a premium even though all the electros began hitting the market and every day it seemed as if a new electro would emerge faster, smoother and lighter than the next. I even sold a bushmaster but didn't get nearly the premium as I did with the RT.

Fast forward 3 years to earlier this year, my gf was let go of her job as a sell-side analyst at Cantor Fitzgerald when they laid off their workforce in mass. This was 2 months after we bought our first house. After 6 months of not being able to find work, she entered grad school, an accelerated MBA program in accounting. She's being fast tracked for a job at one of the big accounting firms.

Times have been tough running a household on one salary but we're making it. Then about a month ago one of her friends at school organized a paintball day, and she wanting to mingle joined in the fun. We both went out rented some e-teks and had a blast. That sold it for her and now we're both back at playing paintball.

So I basically looked everywhere to find some RTs for us and even now it has been virtually impossible to find an RT for sale let alone at bargain basement giveaway prices (I was able to secure us two B2k4s for $140 - a big :cuss: Smart Parts btw). Picked up some other equipment and now we're just going to borrow some HPA tanks for now from the fields that we play at Skirmish and Top Gun on the east coast. We were able to get some free passes for play and hopefully can afford to play once a month at least.

I just wanted to drop in and say hi and also pay my respects to Tom Kaye and thank AGD for basically making my life fun at the paintball fields for the better part of 5 years until I stopped playing. Outside of a 'cocker that I wasn't smart enough to throw off the timing by upgrading the hell out of and the bushy that I owned I had always had a mag. To this day, its impossible to get a deal on an RT, which is a testament in itself.

I'm hoping that as soon as we're in better straights about a year from now, that I'll have one of the new lighter mech Mags and hope to support AGD by buying it new. Can't wait to rip with a mag again.

08-06-2009, 11:31 AM
I hear ya. I quit paintballing about 3 years ago when my wife got pregnant, was going to sell my gear but decided against it. Fast forward to today and I'm planning to play again - VERY happy I kept my mag around! Just sent in my flatline to be hydroed, hopefully it comes back OK.

I haven't tried shooting it yet but I took it apart, cleaned it up and oiled it and it still seems to be in good working order - can't wait to try shooting her again.

I've already been bitten by the customization bug again.. I bought mine as a 68 classic off Ebay when I first started, the only original part still on it is the rail :)

08-06-2009, 11:33 AM
Welcome back!!

Yeah, I was out for a while too, and was surprised to see how well the stuff has held it's value.

08-06-2009, 12:27 PM
200-250 isn't cheap enough?

i think thats a steal of a deal myself.

08-06-2009, 12:57 PM
Topgun eh? Come on out this Sunday for the Alamo game. We have plenty of mags to loan out.

If you are looking to 'steal' some mags and are in NJ I'll give you Tuna's address :eek: :ninja:

08-06-2009, 01:22 PM
Welcome back to paintball hope you get back to Automagnificents soon.I am so glad when my teamates sold off all their gear I decided to keep mine. My Automag sat in my gun cabinet for a good 7 years.I am 39 now and have returned to paintballin with the same Mag I was using 15 years ago.It has been through a few changes over the years but it is still an AGD 68Automag and that is all I will ever shoot.

08-06-2009, 01:36 PM
200-250 isn't cheap enough?

i think thats a steal of a deal myself.
I was just about to mention yours. There are a few RT's in the b/s/t forum on here, and 250 isn't a bad price. I personally got a steal on ebay, but you don't see too many mags on ebay nowadays it seems.

08-06-2009, 03:18 PM
I looked for a solid month. Couldn't justify the $250 right now in making sure that the mortgage is paid and we're kept fed and everything. So I picked up two B2Ks for $140. Its another favorite marker of mine.

I saw that at TG, but unfortunately we'll be away in Boston. If you happen to see an asian guy and a well put together white girl with matching silver and black b2k4s though please say hi, I'm sure we'll get out there soon. We live near Scotch Plains/Plainfield, NJ now after moving from our apartment in Brooklyn.

Ash, my gf is set on electro guns, as she feels she needs the edge. But when she gets better she'll realize its sometimes just not fair or fun laying down a stream of paint on folks with rentals. Its part of why I had a bushie and RT to begin with. I played with the Bushie bc it was lighter, but then I would always find smack talking geared up jar heads on fields with Timmies and eblades back in the day stalking rental gun players and talking about how many kills they had and how these people with rentals sucked.

So me and a buddy would always play on the opposite side of teams of them. He had an e triggered A5 and I would pull out the RT just because it made me feel good to lay the smack on them. We would stalk them as they always would run the same routs and make their life difficult. Lol.

08-06-2009, 03:36 PM
I have been amazed at how well mags have held their value. Even in these lean times it is hard to find a bargain. Many of the aftermarket parts have truly been solid investments, increasing value as time has gone along.

One of the things holding me back from building another is the sheer cost of building what I would want to shoot. After I finished my last build, I got kind of picky about what I want in a Mag. A classic with a p/f body just doesn't do it for me anymore....

08-06-2009, 03:38 PM
Yep, I am sort've the same way, I've had an old classic body and valve kicking around for a while but I'm not sure I will ever use it.

I just know I will want to do something with it if I ever sell it though :)

08-06-2009, 03:40 PM
I have been amazed at how well mags have held their value. Even in these lean times it is hard to find a bargain. Many of the aftermarket parts have truly been solid investments, increasing value as time has gone along.

One of the things holding me back from building another is the sheer cost of building what I would want to shoot. After I finished my last build, I got kind of picky about what I want in a Mag. A classic with a p/f body just doesn't do it for me anymore....

I think about building a mag and then price a Vice / Shocker / DP G3 / etc and go... ehhh

08-06-2009, 03:48 PM
I hadn't touched a SP product after AKA stopped making their guns. Won't ever either.

08-06-2009, 03:50 PM
If I ever buy another marker, it will be an emag or an xmag. I've never really been interested in other guns. I've looked at them once or twice and thought 'hmm' but nothing has every grabbed me like my mag does.

08-06-2009, 03:52 PM
When I buy something I have a use for it. Since I won't keep it forever I don't see anything an E-mag will do (in legal configuration, which means the trigger pin is out) that a mini, or any number of far cheaper markers, won't. So I have a hard time justifying the cost difference.

08-06-2009, 04:04 PM
Looking at doing something with your old bodies? Tunas SS body mod. Uber sexy and can pretty much turn them into sidearms or pumps.
I'm pumping 2 of mine in a few months.

Projects in the making. I'll show them off here once they're done.

08-06-2009, 04:06 PM
When I buy something I have a use for it. Since I won't keep it forever I don't see anything an E-mag will do (in legal configuration, which means the trigger pin is out) that a mini, or any number of far cheaper markers, won't. So I have a hard time justifying the cost difference.

Yeah, I hear ya, that's why I don't have one at all :)

08-06-2009, 04:07 PM
Looking at doing something with your old bodies? Tunas SS body mod. Uber sexy and can pretty much turn them into sidearms or pumps.
I'm pumping 2 of mine in a few months.

Projects in the making. I'll show them off here once they're done.

I'm sort've out of the game right now, didn't know Tuna was still around.. if I'm still playing in 6 months I'll probably look at building a pneumag with my old stuff, I think - that was a planned project back before I quit.

08-07-2009, 10:59 AM
Looking at doing something with your old bodies? Tunas SS body mod. Uber sexy and can pretty much turn them into sidearms or pumps.
I'm pumping 2 of mine in a few months.

Projects in the making. I'll show them off here once they're done.

What is the ss body mod and what does it look like?

08-07-2009, 03:36 PM
|<---- You must be this large to steal guns ---->|

08-07-2009, 04:40 PM
Its funny this thread is here now because I’m also trying to obtain a Mag now after being away for 5 years. Sold my Mag back then, stupid me! :tard:
Played last weekend at CPX with my buddies Mag, had a awesome time and though my skills were rusty, I held my own with the Mag. In a bidding war with someone over a Miromag on E-bay…..hope its not one of you all. :p
But if I can’t get a good deal on a Mag, I’ll probably get a Dangerous Power G3. :ninja:

08-20-2009, 05:01 PM
Just watch craigslist I just picked up a E-Mag from Tim Laatsch of Team AGD Pride for $250 and now I'm on the preorder to get a 2009 ptp micromag body for it.
The good old days of playing against them so fun.