View Full Version : I want to build an original Micro Mag with an RT valve

08-07-2009, 10:12 AM
I read that the original RT valve will not fit on the original micro mag, is that true?

Is there an RT valve that will fit on an original micromag? I want to build a micro mag like I used to have back in 98 but back then I did not have an RT valve.

Is this build possible? I am hearing a lot of good things about the level 10 upgrade so I probably plan to do this as well.

Any help/suggestions will be appreciated.


:dance: :dance:

08-07-2009, 10:20 AM
Yes, you need an ReTro valve or newer (RT-Pro, X-valve, Emag valve, etc...)

Any of those will fit and do what you want to do.

08-07-2009, 10:31 AM
the RT classic valve is the only one that won't fit most mags. I think its the only one that only has "RT" on it as well
If you want a lvl 10, some older valves will need a new piston unless it was replaced already, to handle the higher operating pressure. Not sure if there's any way to tell between pistons tho.

08-07-2009, 01:04 PM
Thanks Guys! How do you recommend I get the valve? Should I buy it new to avoid risk of getting crap or what?

Out of the options there are for Retro Valves which will fit, which would you recommend or are they pretty much the same?


08-07-2009, 01:20 PM
Honestly, You're probably just as good off buying used here. I know that there are a few floating around.

08-07-2009, 02:40 PM
yea, for the most part any probs a valve can run into would deal with an o-ring, n we can help ya figure that stuff out.

most rt style valves are the same except x-valves, which are all aluminum instead of just half, but that's reflected by price

if you choose to get a stainless/aluminum RT valve, yer choices would be: RTPro, ReTro, E-mag, and MicroRT
They all work the same, but you might be like some of us n prefer certain engravings:D since yer puttin this on a micro, u might want to try gettin a microRT, but those're quite rare

One thing u might consider tho, an x-valve almost always comes with lvl 10, and usually go for around 200 or so, depending on condition

I've sold RTPro's n Retros for 115 or so with lvl 7, and lvl 10 alone might go for 50-70 dependin on how complete the kit is

Prices dont reflect current market as i havent bought n sold RT's for a while, so they may or may not have changed much

08-07-2009, 02:41 PM
the RT classic valve is the only one that won't fit most mags. I think its the only one that only has "RT" on it as well
If you want a lvl 10, some older valves will need a new piston unless it was replaced already, to handle the higher operating pressure. Not sure if there's any way to tell between pistons tho.
ReTro valves have the RT capitalized so they technically do. ;)

But yeah, classic RT valves are the cool RT valves. :D

08-07-2009, 02:45 PM
hmm, i wonder, if u turn a classic rt valve to the side, would the air fitting fit a 1/8npt fitting? n just drill a new thumbscrew hole 90 degress from the old one? n add a spacer around the valve?? hmmmm... (apologies for goin on a tangent:P)

08-07-2009, 04:03 PM
hmm, i wonder, if u turn a classic rt valve to the side, would the air fitting fit a 1/8npt fitting? n just drill a new thumbscrew hole 90 degress from the old one? n add a spacer around the valve?? hmmmm... (apologies for goin on a tangent:P)
No, then the on-off hole wouldn't line up.

08-07-2009, 04:34 PM
ah yea lol. forgot about that lil piece:D