View Full Version : How Many Maggers At YOUR Field?

08-09-2009, 04:44 PM
The field's here in Tucson/Phoenix that I play have almost no mecher's anymore.

I play with two or three people who use a mag from time to time, but they are the only ones I've seen playing with them. ever.

Not to say that people are only playing electro's now, because there are tons of pumpers around. Just don't see too many mechs around anymore, and seeing an automag usually makes my day (happens maybe once a month). Are there any fields in America that still have a huge automag presence? mech cocker presence? Any rainmakers or old bushmasters still around? Any 1998 paintball-play cult followings out there?

Tell us the state/region you play in and how many mags have been on the field at once!

I miss paint ball from about 11 years ago when I started.

08-09-2009, 04:47 PM
Lots of (real) old school Mag lovers here in Florida. There are usually a couple at the local renegade field. As many as 10-15 at the bigger games though.

08-09-2009, 04:50 PM
As many as 10-15 at the bigger games though.

That's awesome!
If I saw 15 mags in a game at once I'd be shot to hell just trying to get a look at all of them.

08-09-2009, 05:11 PM
Lately? 2
Me and my brother.

08-09-2009, 05:13 PM
0 at mine, because i haven't brought mine in a while

08-09-2009, 05:15 PM
It's a rare walkon that uses a mag but my home field uses mags as rental guns, and occasionally I bring mine out. The local woods field has a few mags in their rental fleet and there are a handful that see the field on a regular basis.

08-09-2009, 05:18 PM
Maybe one or two. I am for the most part the only AGD guy at my feild. Once in a blue moon a classic or an emag will show up.

08-09-2009, 05:25 PM
I once saw a HIGHLY polished Minimag at my field and man was it purdy, and I once saw a very nice Q-loaded Tac-One. Those are the only mags I've seen in person besides the one that I own, but I think that's also because I didn't really know what to look for before I started seriously looking at them (about 6 months ago)...

08-09-2009, 05:52 PM
I have seen one outside an AO event in the past year. It was an old classic that has been riding the bottom of someone's gear back for a loooong time.

Since I sold mine, there hasn't been one played with on the field I frequent since then, as far as I know. The owner of that field has an old warp fed classic that doesn't work properly (needs a spring pack) and doesn't get used.

08-09-2009, 06:26 PM
There are 5-6 of us who use mags including the field owner, though most of the time we just use pumps.

08-09-2009, 06:26 PM
I havent seen mag players in my home field in socal (hollywood sports) other than my son, dughter, my brother and myself. The only other time that I've seen mags in this field was the last AO meet. I would love to see more.

08-09-2009, 06:33 PM
Used to be quite a few when I previously played at Paintball Sam's (was sort've the AGD home field) but even then, they were sorely outnumbered by other types.

Apparently there are none left now, but I'll be bringing mine next weekend :)

08-09-2009, 06:48 PM
Used to be quite a few when I previously played at Paintball Sam's (was sort've the AGD home field) but even then, they were sorely outnumbered by other types.

Apparently there are none left now, but I'll be bringing mine next weekend :)

No we still get some at the field, we get people who come in and remember Tom, since he tested the guns here and stuff, of course now the field is breakaway paintball, but it is the same field with most of the same players and refs like Paul (snoopay700), Harry..., and I. But yeah we have people come in with mags pretty often still, and it is nice to see, I mean there aren't a ton of them but every once in a while we will get one or two. Ron brought 2 of his, and another guy came with some.

Also do any of you know if Harry had any sort of Romance or fling with Nikki at any time, I always felt there was some tension between the two, could be nothing but Paul and I always wondered.

08-09-2009, 07:01 PM
Re: Harry + Nikki, no idea, I only really knew them as people who worked at the field, wasn't personally friends with them outside of paintballing :)

Cool to hear there are still some mags around, I remember when you'd see a lot of Emags out there.. still rocking the trusty mech myself.

08-09-2009, 07:57 PM
Re: Harry + Nikki, no idea, I only really knew them as people who worked at the field, wasn't personally friends with them outside of paintballing :)

Cool to hear there are still some mags around, I remember when you'd see a lot of Emags out there.. still rocking the trusty mech myself.

lol thats cool they always just seemed quirky like they had something going on at one point.

08-09-2009, 08:49 PM
There's quite a few at my local field. By quite a few I mean that I always see at least one or two more (People) depending on the day. A few there have several :D At the last scenario I must have seen at least 10 people with mags. Even got to geek out with some fellow AO'ers. In addition to the 5 or so my family brings, I got to see a dallara bodied G-Force mag, a CF body mag, and a few others. Among all the other unmentioned mags there Tac-1's seemed to be the preference amongst the woods guys. It doesn't hurt when a few regulars are big mag whores ;) . One's even an AGD dealer! Not bad for the middle of NH! :cheers:

08-09-2009, 08:53 PM
currently there are three maggots at my field including myself. I was the only one, but as soon as I brought one of mine into work and let one of the other ref's shoot it, he was sold and had to buy one. The other guy is a close friend of mine who has to buy almost everything I have... He never liked my minimag or emag but as soon as I had my tac-one set up, he had to have one. I mean it's cool that he's getting into mags but did he really have to buy the same grips, feedneck and barrel for his tac as well? that's a bit lame I think.

08-09-2009, 09:10 PM
Umh... Let's see... I know three guys:

And a guy named Mendel Diesendruck


Some guys here who know what a Mag is usually think I'm crazy to still use a Mag. At least untill they see it shooting. Then it's normal to see a line being formed with people wanting to shoot it.

08-09-2009, 09:16 PM
Umh... Let's see... I know three guys:

And a guy named Mendel Diesendruck


Some guys here who know what a Mag is usually think I'm crazy to still use a Mag. At least untill they see it shooting. Then it's normal to see a line being formed with people wanting to shoot it.

Dude!! I've seen those picts of your collection you could START a field with your collection...

08-09-2009, 09:23 PM
Dude!! I've seen those picts of your collection you could START a field with your collection...

Yeah. 52 guns and counting, 22 of them being Mags. My dream is to build a house with a field on it LOL

Still, I'm way far from it. Maybe someday.

08-09-2009, 09:34 PM
I just recently had a guy come in and buy a Rotor, said he just ordered a Tac-One. So I will not be the only mag player at the field. Tho to be honest I'm not sure I've played much with at the field lol.

08-09-2009, 10:31 PM
at my field, usually just me. and people stare. ive been asked if my Xmag was the new mini, and my karta pneumag poeple just look dumbfounded. If JTWusaf is around, 2 maggers, if not, mainly me.

08-09-2009, 11:29 PM
Just me where I play, but I'm trying to convert a few. I've got some of them to the point where they can identify which of my mags I brought.

08-09-2009, 11:59 PM
Yeah. 52 guns and counting, 22 of them being Mags. My dream is to build a house with a field on it LOL

Still, I'm way far from it. Maybe someday.

That may rival Green Alien doesn't he have like a ton of Xmags lol. Or was that someone else.

Will Wood
08-10-2009, 12:44 AM
I have not played in like 5 years, and since that is the case the answer would probably be none.

But the only mags I ever saw were mine, and my teammates.

08-10-2009, 01:36 AM
2, my dad and i

08-10-2009, 02:02 AM
2, Me and my buddy..

Kinda sad, since years ago the same field used mags for rentals..

08-10-2009, 02:13 AM
3, muahaha, 1 more than the norm it seems:P
granted, it's me, n 2 friends who borrow my loaner mags....

08-10-2009, 09:17 AM
Just me..I play in Southeast Texas..my bud is getting an Autococker going so it will be just like old times.The other players stare at my gun, mostly younger dudes playing with Egos and such.The older guys know what it is and even they call it "Old School". One kid said he had heard you could drop it in a water hole and it would still shoot...so true...Mags are so cool.

08-10-2009, 11:18 AM
I rarely see them at the field I work at, verrrrry rarely. Its an indoor speedball field in RI so its not surprising to me.

08-10-2009, 02:46 PM
I might see some classics with a few ups 3-4 times a year at Lone Wolf in Michigan - all the guys that shot mags with me all shoot Invert Mini's now


08-10-2009, 02:50 PM
Re: Harry + Nikki, no idea, I only really knew them as people who worked at the field, wasn't personally friends with them outside of paintballing :)

Cool to hear there are still some mags around, I remember when you'd see a lot of Emags out there.. still rocking the trusty mech myself.
No emags this year yet. :(

But last october when it was sam's i saw an xmag, and there were a lot of mag users, way more than 15 i would think, and plus a new one thanks to the raffle sam and i funded. I'm hoping that the number of mag users increases exponentially again to what it used to be, i remember the place was lousy with them when i first started playing. :)