View Full Version : NEW emag battery?

dark blade
08-10-2009, 11:58 AM

Ok, now i dont know a junk load about batteries but i know that 900mah is plenty

I also know that it would take 5 of those in series to reach 18.5 volts. which would weight 2.3 ounces

What would stop my from using 5 of those to make an even LIGHTER battery than the current lightest one? is the C rating too low? is it high enough to use? would they be safe? if so... then i have a new project to work on!

08-10-2009, 09:53 PM
it says they are discontinued, so I wonder how many they have in stock

08-12-2009, 06:51 PM
you need a balancing circuit to use LiON batteries, there not as simple as a NiMH or NiCD. search that site or others for LiON balancing boards and chargers.
I've looked into this before, and you'll end up spending just as much for a new battery from KC, plus you'll have to come up with a way to mount the top cap.

But yeah it's possible.