View Full Version : mag RT hanging with new markers on the market

08-10-2009, 03:17 PM

I have not played paintball since about 1999 and my previous marker was a standard valve micro mag with jacko barrel.

I was running compressed air through it and had a ton of ball breaks.

I am now considering getting back into the sport and always loved my old gun so was thinking of going back to it but upgrading to an RT valve and some of the newer upgrades recommended such as lvl 10 etc.

I would probably go with a dye boom stick (unless you guys have high recommendation of an alternative barrel.

My goal is to keep up with newer markers in recreational play (no tourneys).

Can I get your input as to how the older mag with an RT would perform in todays high firepower sport? Will this marker have any issues with range compared to the newer stuff?



08-10-2009, 04:09 PM

I have not played paintball since about 1999 and my previous marker was a standard valve micro mag with jacko barrel.

I was running compressed air through it and had a ton of ball breaks.

I am now considering getting back into the sport and always loved my old gun so was thinking of going back to it but upgrading to an RT valve and some of the newer upgrades recommended such as lvl 10 etc.

I would probably go with a dye boom stick (unless you guys have high recommendation of an alternative barrel.

My goal is to keep up with newer markers in recreational play (no tourneys).

Can I get your input as to how the older mag with an RT would perform in todays high firepower sport? Will this marker have any issues with range compared to the newer stuff?


As far as speed, it should keep up, especially if you get a ULT (which can't go into retrovalves but can go in emag and x valves).

As for range, if you're shooting at 300 fps you'll have the same range as any other gun shooting 300 fps, other than a flatline but that's cause it put's backspin on the ball, and from what i've heard has trouble breaking at that increased distance. Also unless it's upright the shots curve like mad.

08-10-2009, 04:14 PM
what is the typical FPS of todays games?

08-10-2009, 04:20 PM
think 280 is avg for most fields, give or take

and your rt will have no trouble keepin up, even a stock classic mag can still hang with the new toys

08-10-2009, 04:39 PM
thanks guys...input on barrel choice?

what is straight shooting paint these days?

08-10-2009, 04:46 PM
I prefer kits.

Right now I'm having some barrels modified to take freak inserts, but you have plenty of multi bore options.

08-10-2009, 04:47 PM
i still use my boomstick, tho a smaller bore barrel might be preferable

as for paint, i use field paint so no comment there:D

08-10-2009, 05:59 PM
thanks guys...input on barrel choice?

what is straight shooting paint these days?
Find out if your local field is field paint only. If it's not, i got visible impact before, you can find it at wal mart, it actually shot pretty well. Marballizer is ok, diablo i've had mixed experiences with. Just stay clear of the stuff at k-mart, i forget the brands, i think monster or whatever was one.

As for a barrel, as long as it's not scratched inside i've found most barrels to perform fairly well that i've used, most of them the stock barrels. I've heard people support bore sizing, i personally haven't found too much of a difference plus i don't want to shell out over 100 on a barrel kit.

08-11-2009, 09:12 AM
J&J edge kit
cant go wrong with that
or a CP kit (either 2-pieces or multiple one pieces)

but my personal all time favorite is my new style kaner kit
its money

08-11-2009, 09:19 AM
but my personal all time favorite is my new style kaner kit its money
I approve this message.

Deadlywind barrel is sexy nice too but you can get the whole Kaner kit (5 backs with 3 tips 12, 14, 16 inch) for about the same price.

08-11-2009, 09:34 AM
Find out if your local field is field paint only. If it's not, i got visible impact before, you can find it at wal mart, it actually shot pretty well. Marballizer is ok, diablo i've had mixed experiences with. Just stay clear of the stuff at k-mart, i forget the brands, i think monster or whatever was one.

As for a barrel, as long as it's not scratched inside i've found most barrels to perform fairly well that i've used, most of them the stock barrels. I've heard people support bore sizing, i personally haven't found too much of a difference plus i don't want to shell out over 100 on a barrel kit.

marballizer is ok? Are you drunk? Marbs are 60 bucks a case because they are the best! :cheers:

08-11-2009, 09:39 AM
I play on a team here in socal and I tried to bring the RT/ult to the field, it was ok, but to keep up, you will need fast fingers and an ego, dye, or newer pm. All three of those are dead on accurate and super fast. :shooting: I have owned timmies, egos, dye guns, and still stand by the pm8. Cheap and fast!

08-11-2009, 01:16 PM
marballizer is ok? Are you drunk? Marbs are 60 bucks a case because they are the best! :cheers:
Haha, well it's good yeah, but my experience with it is fairly limited.

08-11-2009, 03:24 PM
Find out if your local field is field paint only. If it's not, i got visible impact before, you can find it at wal mart, it actually shot pretty well. Marballizer is ok, diablo i've had mixed experiences with. Just stay clear of the stuff at k-mart, i forget the brands, i think monster or whatever was one.

As for a barrel, as long as it's not scratched inside i've found most barrels to perform fairly well that i've used, most of them the stock barrels. I've heard people support bore sizing, i personally haven't found too much of a difference plus i don't want to shell out over 100 on a barrel kit.

Stay clear of all K-Mart paint they treat it like crap when handling it in their warehouse. Also wherever you go make sure you open it at the register to make sure no balls are busted, and keep your receipt, otherwise you may screw yourself over. I have had HORRID experiences with K-Mart though so don't shop there.

08-11-2009, 09:24 PM
Don't buy paint from any place that don't know how to properly store it.

As for barrels, all you need is a straight hunk of pipe to aim the ball in the right general direction. Unless you are shooting non round paint, it will go fairly straight.

I have had more problems shooting barrels that are too small than too big, so I always shoot a big bore (0.693 or 0.696") and have never had problems. It always goes straight and I can even shoot a football shaped ball through it with a degree of accuracy. Some of the small bore paint is so small that I get about 3/32" of gap on one side of the ball and it still shoots straight. So, even if you have a fitted barrel, have one that is big. That way you can shoot anything.

Also, I have no problems going onto the X-ball field and holding my own against any of the electros using my retro mag or even my AIR valved mag. Its only shooting off the break that is a bit harder. So, if you are a center break shooter playing X-ball, then you are probably better off going electro, but if you are any other position or type of game player, then a nonelectro will do you fine. Its the player not the gun that makes you a player.

08-20-2009, 09:12 PM
1- Most tourneys will not let you use a gun that RT's( found that out the hard way)
2- I normally just shoot my .689 stiifi with any paint
3- I normally shoot all star or marb, I love some marbilizer !!
4- Welcome back to the game !!

I just came back to playing last year after a extended break myself, and I asked the same question about my mag keeping up. I did get in to playing some tourney's but I was playing back, normally home, and I did a lot of shooting off the break. Now let me tell you I have never been the fastest shot, I never really had to be though. I found it hard to cover my lanes with my mag not RT'ing. I picked up a 07 Ego and it helped tremendously. I couldn't really keep playing tourney's so I sold the Ego after only owning it for about 2 - 2 1/2 months. I went straight back to building some more mags. I haven't really got to play much in the last month since I sold the Ego, but to me nothing i have shot yet fits me as well as an Automag. It's what I learned to play with and develop the minute bit of skill I have. I guess in the long run it will come down to what is going to make you happy to play with, for me that is a mag. I have 2 new ones that I can't wait to hit the field with this Saturday, since it will be the first Saturday I will have off to go play a big game since February. Anyway welcome back to the game !!

08-20-2009, 09:52 PM
1- Most tourneys will not let you use a gun that RT's( found that out the hard way)
2- I normally just shoot my .689 stiifi with any paint
3- I normally shoot all star or marb, I love some marbilizer !!
4- Welcome back to the game !!

I just came back to playing last year after a extended break myself, and I asked the same question about my mag keeping up. I did get in to playing some tourney's but I was playing back, normally home, and I did a lot of shooting off the break. Now let me tell you I have never been the fastest shot, I never really had to be though. I found it hard to cover my lanes with my mag not RT'ing. I picked up a 07 Ego and it helped tremendously. I couldn't really keep playing tourney's so I sold the Ego after only owning it for about 2 - 2 1/2 months. I went straight back to building some more mags. I haven't really got to play much in the last month since I sold the Ego, but to me nothing i have shot yet fits me as well as an Automag. It's what I learned to play with and develop the minute bit of skill I have. I guess in the long run it will come down to what is going to make you happy to play with, for me that is a mag. I have 2 new ones that I can't wait to hit the field with this Saturday, since it will be the first Saturday I will have off to go play a big game since February. Anyway welcome back to the game !!
So how is your mini Tac doing?