View Full Version : Thanks AO

08-10-2009, 06:34 PM
Well i know it's not entirely original, but when i was reffing yesterday and talking to my friend and was talking about how i'm getting a part that i need to fix my gun for really cheap and i thought about it right then and there and i just said to hi (automagsam) "AO has been really good to me" and that's really true.

When i first got my mag and was having some troubles with it someone clued me in to the smaller power tube spacers and my mag worked fine, sort of, it had an ans bolt which was the problem, but it was still able to fire.

I've gotten great deals on parts due to friendships i've made here, i've gotten people complimenting my setups, criticizing (which made me think about it and i ended up changing it and i'm really happy with it), got my halo, found out why my halo was jamming (improper ball stack). Cyberave with his pneumag kit made it cheaper and a hell of a lot easier to make a pneumag, i traded my classic's rubber grips to devilman for the old plastic ones for my old old classic project (still need an aluminum frame and an old valve, and to stop these little notes because i'm rambling and taking away from my point... :rolleyes: ), and many others have helped me out over the years that i'm sure i'm forgetting, those are the most recent.

And then people also helped me piece together a mag last fall for dirt cheap so that me and sam would have something to raffle off and what ended up being paitnball sam's last big game so they could finally raffle off a mag again, and the people who helped me were sffudapparel and someone who wants to remain anonymous.

Also because of this forum i have been able to get in touch with tom both here and through email, and it was great to be able to talk to who i consider to be one of the greatest minds that was ever in the sport.

There's a ton that i'm forgetting and a ton of people that i'm forgetting to name, and even if i could the list would be long, so i'll just say it to the whole community.

Thanks a ton AO, you've been great to me, and i probably wouldn't be anywhere near involved in paintball as i am now if it weren't for this site and everyone on here.

EDIT: I probably shouldn't have named the names i could remember seeing as i can't remember all of them, but anyway if you don't want your name mentioned in here just shoot me a pm and i'll take it off.

08-10-2009, 06:36 PM
chuff chuff nuff said ;)