View Full Version : brass eagle a VERY good brand????

02-02-2002, 10:49 AM

02-02-2002, 10:52 AM
boy is he lucky people can't post comments on EBay....:p

02-02-2002, 11:51 AM
come on...

you took all that effort just to rip on a company? That's not nice.

They've made great improvements over the older guns they had. Give them a chance. If everyone weren't so "BE sucks" you would see they aren't as bad as everyone thinks.

02-02-2002, 12:01 PM
haha. I owned a raptor. I had a reg, double trigger, guard, starfire bolt, drop forward, velocity adjuster with lock, sight rail (got it for a gift), J&J ceramic, J&J brass, CMI thunderpig barrel, stock barrel. The thing still could never out shoot my friends stock spyder TL. so there.

02-02-2002, 12:05 PM
BE.......urgggg, when i was lookin for my first gun, i went to "Dicks" a local sporting goods shop. Me and my dad were looking at a talon. the guy at the counter of the gun Depot. said "Look this thing sucks" "go down the road like a mile and you will find Point Blank paintball."

THE guy gave us directions to another store instead of sayin " Ya this a fine piece of machenery, top of line"

The pump broke off on my friends talon.
another kids stingray exploded on him.

and the worse thing is BE is buyin all the good companys ( VL, and JT) and soon before you know it they will start to sell inferior products.( i donno, the newer VL hoppers are breakin more and more) ( and that new JT mask has its problems too) i got some VL paint once, its brass eagle paint. I dislike brass eagle so much i crossed of the Name Daisey on my BB gun! ( Daisey makes BE)

02-02-2002, 12:44 PM
My friend knows a guy who's blade, I think the co2 tank poped out the back and craked his mask.
My friend stingray blew up on his hands.
BE sucks.

02-02-2002, 12:51 PM
Dwee doop, look what I did to my BE pak.

02-02-2002, 01:10 PM
ya stingrays have a tendency to explode.

02-02-2002, 01:59 PM
When we played a game last year my friend screwed in his CO2 tank, and it started leaking out of every little hole. Then the little internals starting coming out of the barrel and powerfeed. All the parents here in Newfoundland swear they will never touch BE again...

02-02-2002, 02:28 PM
a spyder tl outshoot a raptor, lol I think not. If you mean BPS, umm no, the stock spyder triggers are like 1"+ and can only get about 4bps fanning lol. On my raptor I got 10bps+, yes, i do have the sound clip. And if u mean accuracy, umm, no... All guns shoot the same accuracy.

02-02-2002, 02:50 PM
we ya know the BRASSEAGLE all stars won mardi gras AM.
well no they didn't using any brass eagle stuff, they did use VL products(loader), JT jerseys that are owned by brass eagle, but no stingrays raptors or rainmakers...
and infinity your a lil' off.

02-02-2002, 03:06 PM
how so?

02-02-2002, 05:48 PM
I love how everyone in this forum takes cheapshots at other companies, then get's frustrated and upset when people say something about an AGD product that goes wrong. Most of you guys are hypocrits. If you don't like Brass Eagle/VL/JT stuff, then why do most of you use their products, ala JT jerseys and almost 9/10 of you own a revolution.

02-02-2002, 06:09 PM
Ice cool - My revvy is pre BE so is my JT mask. and whin it comes time for a new mask im probibly gunna go SCOTT. as for my revvy i want a HALO, or Richochet

02-02-2002, 06:23 PM
true dat ice cool

02-02-2002, 06:41 PM
BE had good pumps back a long time ago, before the CEO started doing bong hits while developing products.

My friend has a original Stingray (not a II) and he has had it four or five years, never had problems with it, but... its just not safe. For one, I don't belive there is a velocity adjustment screw, which is WRONG. It is also the HARDEST gun to cock. I mean they give you this little bitty cocking rod which looks more like a screw head than an arm in my opinion. And third, they make it out of PLASTIC. It may be just me, but I don't want to buy a gun that could be harmed if I left it in my car for a half a day in the summer.

02-02-2002, 06:53 PM
I give you exibit 1. http://www.jtusa.com/proteusinfo.html
A mask made by JT under BE owner ship.....
I donno bought u but my old Pre BE mask never had any problems even close to this safty hazard. the biggest problem i had was the foam was uncomfetable for the first time i used my mask.

02-02-2002, 07:36 PM
Jt still makes them though, but that can really happen to any company, like AGD's super bolt stuff... or that PMI traccer gun that had to be recalled.

like both companys, they were prolly in a lil' rush to get'em out and they screwed up a lil' no big dael, they got re-called, money back... every things all good.
but brass eagle doesn't really focuss any thing to higher level players, just begining and lower level rec. ballers.

02-02-2002, 07:45 PM
thats not really my point.... but nice one referin to the superbolt, i got burnt il admit that......

Its just BE has to stop making things outta plastic. they try to make it overly complicated and still plastic. IE: the mask, do you really need clear plastic ear covers???
As for there guns and other products ( VL ) they gotta make them outta stronger stuff. My friends new VL hopper litterly exploded when a paintball hit it. It is noticably thinner material over the old ones.
If the put the talon in some form of metal then im sure it would be a decent gun, mabey a little more money, but still it would break when you trip. They are focusing on the low end players and quanity WAY over Quality.

02-02-2002, 07:58 PM
BE is responsible for bringing lots of people to paintball.
Not everyone can afford a $500 marker, or even a $200.
I dont even know why this thread hasn't been deleted, all it is, is a thread for the flaming of BE.

02-02-2002, 08:02 PM
dude its a friendly discousion. sure not many people can aford 200 but what about a 68$ spyder? its not that we hate BE ( well i Dislike them but not quite HATE) its just they have some quality issues.

02-02-2002, 08:10 PM
Mods do you think we are flaming? If so just tell us and we will stop. Cause i dont think this is a flame. But otheres think elsewise.

02-05-2002, 05:19 PM
Brass Eagle make the Viewloader stuff and people don't seem to complain about that, but I prefer to put round paint in my mag.

02-05-2002, 05:25 PM
Why don't they fix the dang problems they have, like hmm the freaking 1.5" trigger pull. Or mabe those retarded bottom line screw placment. And make the frame able to open up, there are absolutly nothing u can do to a stock spyder trigger cause there is no way to open up the frame. How hard is it to get into their heads that these things make their guns suck. Dang.:mad: :confused:

02-05-2002, 05:32 PM
im not even reading the resonses. the anser is: NO

02-05-2002, 05:33 PM
barral plug, cleaning rode


02-05-2002, 05:56 PM
everyone that says BE sucks and gets pissed at people who say agd sucks is a complete hypocrit. What you people don't realize is that BE does not have to or want to focus on high end markers. It's just plain out dumb. Think about it from a business standpoint. Sell a few $1000 markers (talking about 1000 sales per year) or sell 100,000 Stingray 2 markers. HMMMM. I think i'd sell the Stingray 2. Just from a profit margin standpoint.

Second, the new Revvys have a different body that doesn't break anywhere near as easily as the old ones. It's even tougher than the PreBE revvy shell. Second, the fixed the problems with the revvy sunlight issues and got rid of the delay with the Xboard.

I dislike brass eagle so much i crossed of the Name Daisey on my BB gun! ( Daisey makes BE)
WRONG. BE is its own company, run by BE, owned by BE.

said "Look this thing sucks" "go down the road like a mile and you will find Point Blank paintball."
Ouch. And i bet they bent you over and sodomized you there. Sorry, i just have a little problem with their overpriced merchandise. But I do agree with you on getting a gun better than a talon, just not the prices Point Blank charges.

ya stingrays have a tendency to explode.
mmmk. Depends on the user. If you are a complete idiot, then you could make it explode. I've had 3 (which i've proceeded to destroy by playing with them and dremel tools) and none of them have had problems not caused by myself. I know a lot of people very satisfied with their stingrays and raptors (maybe not so much the rainmaker).

And third, they make it out of PLASTIC. It may be just me, but I don't want to buy a gun that could be harmed if I left it in my car for a half a day in the summer.
I'll pay for the shipping to send you the body of my last remaining stingray 2. It's made out of ZYTEL. Look for it on the net, it's pretty damn strong plastic. No, it's not metal, but it's pretty damn strong in it's own right. If i send this to you, i want you to keep it intact and run it over a couple times with your car. See how cracked it gets (not very if any cracks appear at all). Then take it and put it on your stove, turning the stove up at small increments. See what temp it melts at, i bet it's not 120 degrees F, i'm betting it's above 200* F. (and i'll put money on that, not in my state because it's illegal, but definitely if i was in vegas)

Why don't they fix the dang problems they have, like hmm the freaking 1.5" trigger pull. Or mabe those retarded bottom line screw placment.
I totally agree. While BE isn't as quick of a company to fix things as AGD is (we all know BE is about a year slower in fixing their problems than AGD who fixes them almost immediately), it's still quicker than Kingman. How long has kingman had a huge trigger pull on the spyders? How long have the spyders had too small of a valve chamber, thus NEEDING the "LPC" or high volume cell as it should be called? How long have those bottom line screws been offset and nonconforming to everything else in the industry?

I prefer to put round paint in my mag
Yeah, square paint doesn't shoot too well. However, you need to realize that the majority of problems with the new BE paint comes from Walmart. I know the guys that store it at my local Walmart, it gets left on trucks, left in hot storage areas, left in cold storage areas, thrown around, etc. They make it no secret that they are rough with a majority of their products. If you go to certain paintball fields, you'll find BE paint in unmarked cases. Funny thing is that this paint shoots just fine because it is stored correctly. I've personally never had a problem with BE paint once i learned how to buy it. I only buy the stuff up front because the stuff at the back is just old old paint and i make sure to buy stuff without ball breaks. I only buy like 200 rounds anyways, just when i need to test fire my gun with paint in it and don't want to order it and wait a few days to get it.

Oh yeah, my raptor is pretty nice right now. I kinda like it. It's not my main gun, but i can get it going as fast as i had my old mag going, so i can't complain. And it's shooting at 290 psi right now (280fps). I like it.

waiting for Palmers Pursuit to send back my LP Stabilizer (had it converted from HP to LP)

02-05-2002, 06:50 PM
my biggest beef with raptors is the link pin between the bolt and striker, they break easy and either you pay 8 bucks to get one from BE or you go to walmart and pay 10 for a rebuild kit.

I like stingrays. not the new ones. the long barreled ones. they shoot well enough and if you bury it in the snad/mud or whack it against a tree you dont have to worry about your pretty freak kit getting damaged.

02-05-2002, 06:51 PM
i'm sorry guys but the only brass eagle i would ever buy would be the one pictured below...

02-05-2002, 07:09 PM
AntwanRt.......BE fixed the raptor linkage pin problem. They've got a thicker pin made of stainless steel now instead of the thin aluminum one.

02-05-2002, 07:49 PM
Little history on the Stingray:
They USED to make them outa Zytel... thats the kind my friend has.. its strong.. I admit. It has taken abuse. Now my otehr friend bought a new stingray about 3 months ago. I was a purple see through POS. And it was made out of glass-filled polymer. I belive. Something glass filled I remember. Not as strong as the Zytel. I belvie they couldn't amke the Zytel material transparent so they scarificed strength for (edit) looks. Thats BE for ya.

Edit: There. I got to it first. TAKE THAT!

02-05-2002, 08:00 PM
i made a new one for mine that is SOLID stainless. it only get thinner by about 1/16" at the last 1/2 ". ive never understood why its so "fancy".

Edit: D'OH!

02-05-2002, 08:03 PM
i made a new one for mine that is SOLID stainless. it only get thinner by about 1/16" at the last 1/2 ". ive never understood why its so "fancy".

02-05-2002, 08:03 PM
my bad. I totally forgot about the see through ones. I was talking about the black ones. You're probably right about the transparent and colored ones.

02-05-2002, 09:11 PM
BE is its own company, run by BE, owned by BE.

paintball8869 - are you 100 percent sure? cause iv seen elswise. Im gunna email BE and ask.

Sorry, i just have a little problem with their overpriced merchandise. But I do agree with you on getting a gun better than a talon, just not the prices Point Blank charges.

Where Do you live in MA? Ya i hate there prices too, but it was my first gun and all so.

As for the stingray thing, the gun was fine it worked and all. well until the bolt ( or sumthin like that, im not familiar with the workins of BE guns besides the TALONS) shot out the barrel! and the rest of the contens began to break too.

02-06-2002, 02:36 PM
If i remember correctly, Daisy came first (previous name of BE) while BE was still in Canada. Then they moved down to Alabama or Arkansas (wherever they are now) and are definitely BE now. It's a weird situation, i'll have to call someone at BE to find the exact story. But as of right now, BE is BE, owned and operated by BE (of this i'm 100% sure).

I'm from West Brookfield MA.....i'm going to school at Western New England College in Springfield.

03-07-2002, 07:59 PM
For some reason I am thinking that Brass Eagle is a british company or was a british company, or maybe I am wrong...

Anyway, I had a BE gun that had the same internals as the original Stingrays in like 94 or 95 but it was an all metal gun. I can't remember what it was called, mabe a Scorpion? While it certainly was not the best gun I ever owned, it was still a pretty good product, especially for what I paid for it.

It is unfortunate though that BE has decided to go so far to the low end market, only because quality does seem to have gone completely out the window on their low end stuff. As far as their high end stuff goes, I have a JT mask and Revolution. Both of those products perform flawlessly and I would certainly buy them again, not that I need to of course.

03-07-2002, 08:23 PM
I don't have any problems with vl products, and don't use any jt products. But be paint SUCKS. And my first gun was a raptor. After about two weeks, traded it in on a shutter. Good shop. The thing busted balls left and right. Probably the stock barrel, but I wanted something stock. The cocking pin just would not stay in. Lost it. So I played without it in. Little did I know that it held in the link pin. Lost that. Replaced both. Played. It still sucked. Thats when I got rid of it.

03-07-2002, 08:32 PM
the one problem I have had with my raptor is the sear and striker wear, its realy bad ever 3000 rounds you have to replace on or the other. But other than that its great. Nice trigger after I did a little work.

03-07-2002, 11:59 PM
Brass Eagles makes complete crap. It's sad they bought JT and Viewloader and are responsible for the new Revolutions, Eggolutions, and Proteus masks. They havn't managed to f**k up the jerseys or gloves yet, but give them some time.

I bought a brass eagle VL Revolution because there really wasn't another motorized loader out there when I got it. The ricochet had just came out and the local store didn't have any. My revvy lasted about 6 months before the plastic broke. I duct taped it back together and as soon as it finishes falling apart I'll be getting a ricochet AK or a halo. (probably the ricochet).

I bought an original nightmare pump, and boy let me tell you that it was one gun that lived up to it's name. I took it back and bought a Tippmann, which lasted me the next 10 years. In fact, it still works fine (the tippmann that is. The BE never once worked right) but I sold it on ebay to pay for my RetroValve.

They USED to make them outa Zytel... thats the kind my friend has.. its strong.. I admit. It has taken abuse. Now my otehr friend bought a new stingray about 3 months ago. I was a purple see through POS. And it was made out of glass-filled polymer. I belive. Something glass filled I remember. Not as strong as the Zytel. I belvie they couldn't amke the Zytel material transparent so they scarificed strength for (edit) looks. Thats BE for ya.
I don't know what they make stingrays out of. BUT, Zytel is just the trade name for fiberglass reinforced nylon, which is probably what the stuff you are talking about is. As far as I'm concerned though it wasn't the body that was the problem with the gun. It was everything else.

03-08-2002, 12:32 AM
ok we have had bad experiences with BE. But i have also had problems with other guns such as my spyder i sold off to get a mag.

BE is a good company in my opinion in a couple ways. First they bring many people into the sport by offering guns at fair prices and places u can get them. who doesnt live within 20 minutes or so of a walmart? Once people see and feel what paintball is all about they start to get interested in what they could do to improve their gun. then they find kingman and kingman sells them a spyder because they dont like the plastic feel and the poor quality of BE.

The company i dislike is kingman. my first gun was a spyder that i bought for around 200 dollars and it was full of problems. kingman is very smart in marketing to people in putting their guns in colors which apeal to many people. the only spyder i know that works very well is my friends tl that only is non-stock except the body and a couple o-rings. I really think for the price in my experience your better off going with a BE gun unless u have the money for the step up from the spyder.

Oh and how can i forget the most uncomfortable and shoty looking frame in the world. the AGD stock frame! i mean its great and all but when u have ur beautiful mag and a cheap plastic frame that comes on it u start to think. i really wish that AGD could include a metal grip on the stock mags.

Just my opinions on companies.

03-08-2002, 09:59 AM
"Cheap plastic frame" That's very funny. I guess you didn't see the picture of that "cheap plastic frame" holding up a car.

03-08-2002, 11:14 AM
"Cheap plastic frame" That's very funny. I guess you didn't see the picture of that "cheap plastic frame" holding up a car.
The fact of the matter is they are cheaper to manufacture than the metal frames, which is why they came about in the first place. I've also seen them crack, so I question the durability.

As for holding up a car, when's the last time you needed your paintgun to do that?

03-08-2002, 11:21 AM
Well, BE has improved greatly as of late. The new revs and Eggo's are alot better than the first BE versions, JT's stuff seems to have got better since the buyout, I had a pre-BE Flex-7 IZE and it was a POS, kept falling apart, now I've got a BE era V-Force (The second-gen BE Bubbles are identical to the V-Force Shield), excellent goggles, and the Raptor and Rainmaker aren't bad little markers for the $$. The paints junk, but so is everything else sold at your friendly neighbourhood Crappy Tire.

03-08-2002, 11:30 AM
BE, corperate paintball and it sickens me. Look BE was Canadian it produced brass pump (maybe a few semi) paintball guns that were high end for there day...even today there still not bad in the pump works (man would i like a stock class short barrel nightmare) but they were bought out by daisy, or crossman or some company FOR THERE NAME, the company used the name to market crap. today they buy out companys like VL because they have a good name and good ideas on the drawing boards, they push the ideas threw with minimal testing and mass market them....this is why the EGG sucked, this is why there was a recall on the protus...they build the products as cheaply as possiable (thats why revs that BE first made broke easily, cause hey they can save $$ if they cut down on the thickness of the rev shells). BE is a good way into the sport if you dont have someone to direct you to a M98 or F4 illustrator...

Kingman, well these guys make the same product 124 different ways...maybe they do it in goofy ways, and yes they to are corparate paintball, but they give back to the sport in ways that are good for there products (spyder cup, and payin entry for whatever nppl even that is for any team that shoots all spyders) i dont mind kingman so much because hey everyone owns or has owned or has at least rented/borrowed a spyder...and they dont go around buying good comanies out and turning there product line into

03-08-2002, 02:36 PM
I hate to say it but BE isen't that bad. BE is the company that first got me intrested in paintball. I would have never started playing if I didn't see thoes talons at wallmart and got one for like 20 bucks. Later I went to the stingray II which to me was awsome since i was new to the sport. Later the stingray exploaded right before my eyes the first time i used it in a game. But after that i still was using BE products. I returned the chuncks of plastic back to wallmart without a problem then got a BE raptor. It worked great for like a year untill i saw an automag 68 on the field. Thats when I had to get one. Now i love my automag and e-mag "once you gone mag you'll never go back". But after experiencing BE products i still think they are good to some extent.:)

03-08-2002, 03:12 PM
if you guys wanna hear something funny, the local dunhams by where I live is selling a 200 rd jug of BE paint....the funny part is that about 5-10 of the balls are busted inside and there is like hardened paint on the bottom of the jug.....even funnier the balls are on clearance for 7.99 instead of 9.99 :D if it's still there on sunday when I'm back from guard drill I'll take some pics and show you all....

03-08-2002, 03:15 PM
First things first..i don't care for BE products. Second, I am willing to bet that over half of the people who plays paintball, started out with some type of BE gun, even if it sucked. BE does a good job at introducing people to paintball with their low priced equipment. Also, BE is its own company. They also own Viewloader and JT. Heck, I don't live far from where BE Headquarters is. It is in Rogers, AR and I live at Pine Bluff, AR.

03-08-2002, 06:06 PM
My Stingray ice was almost indestructable. I used it for about 2 months and just a week ago, dug it out of the closet and beat it to death:D

Took around 10 hard hits with a hammer to get the breech to break off. The metal internals actually bent easier than the body cracked. The metal ball detent almost hit me in the eye when the breech cracked. That ball detent killed my bolt though. Aluminum bolt and Steel detent....will they ever learn?:confused: :confused:

Overall, the body is indestructable but I wish I could say that much about the rest of the gun:rolleyes:

03-08-2002, 06:06 PM
King Cobra
Golden Eagle

Now those were some Brass Eagle markers that epitomized durability. The barrel of my King Cobra I could use as a belaying pin, the Jag's internals were meant to be used for a hundred years and I swear that golden eagle weighed ten pounds without a tank on it. I miss the old BE.