View Full Version : I would like to tell my story....

02-02-2002, 02:43 PM
Alright well Iv been playing paintball now for almost 2 years and I have noticed the amount I have improved. Well there were these two sophmores at school who overheard me talking about my Spyder (I had at the time) and my other friend sitting across from me was talking about his tippman and my friend to the right of me talking about his Spyder shutter, well the two people turned over to us and asked us if we play paintball! lol for the past hour that was all we had been talking about, so we just said yeah we have been playing for a while now acting as if we knew every thing like every newbie does im sure. So they just laughed and said I bet you all suck I mean comon dont say this crap until you have played us, so I was like well hey if you think that then just play us sometime, a big look of misfortune and worry came apon his face and said sure so my friends and I all turned back to or issue of APG. The next day of school they came up to us and asked us where we should play so we told them that I have a course on my property so to come over and we will play on saturday. So along came Saturday and there they were at my house with two other buddies all camoflauged up laughing at us because we just had a pair of army fatigue pants and t-shirts saying "dude your going to get hit so hard today no camo!!" I just laughed and went into my house and got my spyder :) yeah at the time I thought I was king with that thing 16 inch taso windforce 20oz tank kapp drop foward black spyder tl+ dye sticky grip, 32 degrees expansion chambera 9 volt revvey (dont laugh) lol a t-stock and remote. Then came my friend with his tippmann with flatline and my other friend with his shutter and all his goodies I put on my pack and put gas through my remote and said lets go. They all looked like they had all lost their mothers and fathers in a blood bath them standing there with their Brass eagle Raptors and stingrays. So we finally got to the playing and the 9th grade kids who were thought to be "sucky" paintball players and the sophmores with their Brasseagle merchandize were on oppiste sides of the field so I screamed "GO" the game was on, not long I saw one of them comeing at me and began firing and that was the first one then the second and third were taken out by my friends and the last one had a screwey wal-mart raptor that had chewed through a cupseal it seemed and was misfiring. lol Well that was the first and the last game of the day! they all went home with their tales between their legs and the look of defeate bye a bunch of Freshmen. :D :D Priceless I say. Now aday im running a 68 mag and I love it. love this forum (sorry its so long):D :)