View Full Version : Has anyone tried to gind their own rail?

08-22-2009, 08:51 AM
I was looking at my MM rail and wondering if it would make sense to round out the edges on a grinder. If I just did some minor removal do I risk damaging anything?

I'm only considering this from an ascetics viewpoint.

08-22-2009, 09:31 AM
should be fine as long as you don't go too far. :cheers: post up some pics for us when your done.

08-22-2009, 09:38 AM
Short answer ; yes , long answer look around on here ( search ; rail ) you will see many examples of milled & custom cut ( with files , dremels , grinders , CNC machines )

08-22-2009, 10:34 AM
wear goggles, aluminum likes to send large chunks everywhere when grinding:)
only parts you should really avoid grinding are the 2 surfaces on top and bottom, the ones contacting your body and frame

08-22-2009, 11:37 AM
Ok, I'll give it a try. I'll get some before and afters.

I know about the aluminum shards. A large piece in the eye ended my days as a machinist apprentice.

08-22-2009, 09:10 PM
I finished it up tonight. I'll post pics as soon as I can finish the last step in the painting process.