View Full Version : goggle warning story

08-22-2009, 07:32 PM
Hey, i've been searching and searching and i can't find this one thread with a story of this one guy who used to play in his back yard as a kid and would only wear shop glasses, then decided to go without one day and got hit right in the eye. It's a good cautionary tale and i can't remember for the life of me where i saw it on here, but searching has yielded no results so i was wondering if anyone had a link to it.

08-22-2009, 07:42 PM
This one??


08-22-2009, 07:45 PM
This one??

That's the one, thanks a ton. :cheers:

Now i feel sort of stupid, i must have not been searching for the correct terms at all...

Did it get unstickied? I've been trying to find it so that i have a story to inspire people at breakaway to keep their goggles on, and so i remember all the details about the story.

08-22-2009, 07:58 PM
easy way which is what i do take a gren grape with skin show everyone this is your eye squish it this is aafter a hit or you can tape it to a dummy head and shoot it ...... both work well

08-22-2009, 08:19 PM
easy way which is what i do take a gren grape with skin show everyone this is your eye squish it this is aafter a hit or you can tape it to a dummy head and shoot it ...... both work well
Heh, if i had the time or if i was always doing the orientation that could be a possibility, but the last time i brought this story up i had no problems with anyone lifting goggles, i think there was just one guy that forgot to put on his barrel sock, and that was like after the first game.

Actually i ended up telling this to a bunch of walk on's and the Nordic Marauders (a big group that's been coming to the field for the past 20 years or so, for the most part a good group of guys) and one of the guys that has been with them since the beginning just replied " :cuss: that, it's not worth it." I have to say, that is the most convincing story by far for why you should wear your goggles.

08-22-2009, 08:20 PM
easy way which is what i do take a gren grape with skin show everyone this is your eye squish it this is aafter a hit or you can tape it to a dummy head and shoot it ...... both work well

I use an egg....but a grape might just be cheaper.

08-22-2009, 08:25 PM
grape is closer to an eye than a hard egg but same idea ;)

08-22-2009, 08:42 PM
I like to tell them that your eye doesnt have that crusty shell....and its pretty spectacular when it explodes. Plus its real easy to draw an iris on an egg.

I will give the grape a try tho, if I can hit it from 15' away anyway :)

08-22-2009, 08:50 PM
prob not with ur aim ow zing LOL :rolleyes: :spit_take

08-23-2009, 11:45 AM
Leave it to Beemer...

i dont know if i want to read that article...the thought of gettingshot in the just gets to me...

oh damn... i always wondered why they called him 1-i... hes a mod on the specops forum..

08-23-2009, 11:51 AM
great article. definately a must read! we need to print this out and hand it to all the noobs at OSG lol :argh:

08-23-2009, 06:11 PM
Leave it to Beemer...

i dont know if i want to read that article...the thought of gettingshot in the just gets to me...

oh damn... i always wondered why they called him 1-i... hes a mod on the specops forum..
Yeah, it's a really sad story, but it's definitely worth a read. I actually put a copy up at my field today.