View Full Version : Help with Centerflag Tank Reg

08-22-2009, 11:52 PM
Alright so i went over to Tennessee to play today and I had hopes of using my Carelton tank withe the Hyperflow 201 reg. I got it aired up and hoked up to my gun pushed the on/off and it started leaking out from around the pin. I tried lubing the piston and the orings to no avail, i even got some fresh orings from Mann to try and those still left me in the same leaking boat. And to boot the last time i got it filled to see if I had fixed the leak it started leaking while the pin was even in the off position and whenever i turned it on it just vented out the adjustment hole in the front. I had had a problem with this before but i turned int eh little setscrew in the piston and the leak stopped, and it had not leaked since then up until the last time i had it filled. So first off does anyone have disassembly/reassembly instructions? I think i have the on/off together right just wanted to check, and does anyone know why in teh heck it would be leaking from either place?


08-23-2009, 03:17 AM
there is a 4th oring that most miss not the 3 that sit between the on/off brass things that look like lvl10 carriers it is a larger one on the inside

08-23-2009, 07:22 AM
This might help. Same layout as all the Centerflag adjustable


08-23-2009, 09:21 AM
This might help. Same layout as all the Centerflag adjustable

:confused: I registered there and it still tells me i do not have permission to access the atachment.

08-23-2009, 10:11 AM
i will activate your account. when i get home from the hospital in a litt
e while.

08-23-2009, 11:05 AM
Here it is.....
