View Full Version : Pneu-Frame Question

09-03-2009, 11:06 PM
Has anyone ever tried to pneu-frame anything other then a mag? Ive seen pneumatic assisted cocker pumps abd im pretty sure a semi cocker setup would take way to much custom work and fabrication. What about lower end guns like spyders and tippmanns? Sorry if its a stupid question but im always looking for new thigns to try out and/or getinfo on. lol

09-04-2009, 12:02 AM
Has anyone ever tried to pneu-frame anything other then a mag? Ive seen pneumatic assisted cocker pumps abd im pretty sure a semi cocker setup would take way to much custom work and fabrication. What about lower end guns like spyders and tippmanns? Sorry if its a stupid question but im always looking for new thigns to try out and/or getinfo on. lol
I've tried to think of a way to pneu spyders as they have a special place in my heart as my first marker. The only problem with this is that it if you hold the trigger it would go full auto depending on how you did it. i couldn't think of a very reliable way to do it. It's simply how the mag works that makes it easy.

That being said you can do something like pneuing an electric marker, but that's also very different...

09-04-2009, 04:02 PM
I was really most interested in doing it to a spyder. There has to be soem way to do it. Lime you mentioned there are a few thigns youd need to find a way to work around.

09-04-2009, 04:06 PM
I was really most interested in doing it to a spyder. There has to be soem way to do it. Lime you mentioned there are a few thigns youd need to find a way to work around.
Now that i've thought about it, if you had the actuator on a pivot and being held in place by a spring with a post to stop it from going too far you could do it pretty easily. It's getting it on a pivot that would be the hard part.

09-04-2009, 08:27 PM
spyder could easily do it since it has a self-resetting sear

09-04-2009, 09:51 PM
Does anyone know of a person who does pneu frames for mags that may give this a shot?

09-05-2009, 07:26 AM
I was of the impression that FBM was actually out of business?

Looks like you have things more in hand than most folks looking for things. GL.

09-05-2009, 09:26 AM
FBM isnt out of business really, they just dont really do much anymore. Seems likie they are continuing to sell what they have and thats it. They still offer some anodizing and laser engraving as well.

I found the frame i was looking for now i just need to find a gothic body.

Also, if anyone has a complete gun animation of a basic mechanical spyder it would be great. I know how they work but its easier to visualize things when you can see it on a screen.

09-05-2009, 03:45 PM
spyder could easily do it since it has a self-resetting sear
http://www.zdspb.com/media/tech/animations/spyder.gif there's an animation. THe thing is that it would hit the piston if you held the trigger and would either not recock or would screw your piston. That's why i said you would need a piston that could pivot, to make the sear able to recock without screwing up the MPA-3 or to make it so it's not full auto. That's why all spyder's and spyder clones have that one thing on the back of the trigger that can be pushed in.

09-05-2009, 04:56 PM
Well if anyone on this site is confident they could put together a working and reliable pneu-frame for a spyder lmk. Im serious about having this done.

09-06-2009, 02:20 PM
K mac on custom cockers has made one, and it's surprisingly very, very simple. I had planning on using his blueprint until I got distracted by another pneuframe idea. His frame is a true pneu-frame, not just dropping the sear like you see on the rest of the "pneu-cockers" out there.

Using a trilogy e-frame, all the parts are there and the design already uses about everything a pneu frame would, including a ram the trips both the sear AND moves the 3 way. It has the ram you need and the screw mounts for said ram already made for you. It could also be done pretty easily with an Uprising frame on a cocker. Both frames use mechanical parts to trigger 3 way operation and tie it so the movement of the sear, which a ram can operate. If you know cockers and pneumags at all, take one look into each frame and you'll be able to see exactly what you would need to do. It's unbelievably simple.

09-06-2009, 10:19 PM
Im really only interested in doing it to a spyder but if youve got more info on how to do it to a cocker i wouldnt mind seeing it.

09-08-2009, 12:51 AM
a sealing dump chamber spool would work

but i dont think you meant that going pneu