View Full Version : Players who wear glasses!!! Help!

02-02-2002, 08:05 PM
hey i wear glasses to play paintball so that i can see properly. and im having trouble because my glasses fog up really bad and i cant see at all. i bought a vortex fan but it isnt doing the job. what else can i do? can i put no fog spray on my glasses? will it work very well? or will it mess up my glasses? please help.....i cant stand not being able to see when im playing.

02-02-2002, 08:07 PM
Are contacts an option for you?

02-02-2002, 08:14 PM
one of my friends uses some anti-fog stuff on his glasses

02-02-2002, 09:05 PM
Gouge out your eyes and get new ones :)

To be honest I gave up wearing my glasses. I play Hyperball/Sup Air only so I odnt really NEED mine, it makes life a lot easier but I manage without them.

Look in to Lazer surgery to correct them. Its gotten a lot cheaper and better in the last 8 months.


02-02-2002, 09:18 PM
Rob, that's sorta unreasonable... Especially for kids like me! My vision sucks and I can't afford laser eye surgery so bah!

Try making your own fan and spraying some anti fog on your glasses.

02-02-2002, 10:05 PM
I've been using the JT inserts for 2 years now... they don't fog with a older model JT fan.

Maybe I'm just lucky.


02-02-2002, 10:14 PM
A couple of ideas:
I use a fan and I've cut a hole in the goggle top underneath the fan so it can circulate more air.

Make sure you aren't wearing something that covers the top of your mask.

Try a sweatband to keep sweat from going down into your mask.

Yes you can use antifog on your glasses. Ask your optometrist what kind they recommend.

02-02-2002, 10:59 PM
The long term effects of laser eye sergery is you go blind after about 20 or 30 years..i wear glasses, never had a problem with them.

02-02-2002, 11:00 PM
I have a problem with this too. I end up not wearing glasses, but my vision suffers a lot. I'm thinking of contacts. Sometimes I'll antifog spray my glasses... mixed results. It can leave a residue.

02-02-2002, 11:14 PM
Try using automotive windshield anti-fog. I have been using Fog-Gone for the last month or so and have pretty good results. If I keep the lenses from touching my eyebrows, it works great. Make sure you get a kind that is safe for plastic.

I used to just not use my glasses, but with this automotive antifog.....why not. I have better depth perception when I can wear my glasses and it has seriously improved my game.


02-03-2002, 12:15 AM
hey guys thanks for all of the options.....its nice to know that there are people out there that i can ask my stupid questions to. i couldnt really find any info anywhere on glasses and fogging so im really glad that all of you offered the help that you did. i jsut bought a jt vortex fan and im probably going to try the automotive anti-fog spray and some sort of headband to keep the sweat away. thanks again for all the help.

02-03-2002, 09:37 AM
i have scratch resistant (yea right) polymer lenses and i use pmi anti-fog lens cleaner. works great and they don't fog up and it leaves no residue. as for goggles i have v-force they have yet to fog up. so i haven't gotten around to looking into a fan mod for them.

02-03-2002, 03:31 PM
I am 49 years old overweight and nearsighted. I live in Houston, so the humidity is bad. I had a vortex fan but it was marginal. I cut a small hole under the fan and that helped the air flow. However, the mask is unsafe without the fan installed. The best setup I use, which works great in summer, is this. Buy two CPU 12-V cooler fans and use plastic tie wraps to mount them to the top vent on the mask.

Wire the fans in parallel, and then connect them to two 9 V batteries connected in series. This will apply 18 V to the fans, but does not appear to hurt them. An other option is to get a 12 V battery pack (8 AA batteries) from radio shack. I recommend wiring the fans through a microswitch mounted to the visor.

This setup pushes enough air through the mask that you can feel a breeze in the mask. Wear a sweat band and it will also help. I can play with this setup and it will actually clear the fog off my glasses after I forget to turn the fans ON. You should be able to build this fan setup for about $25.00. Good luck! I know its a pain to play when you can not see well.

02-03-2002, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by Forgotten-Son
The long term effects of laser eye sergery is you go blind after about 20 or 30 years..i wear glasses, never had a problem with them.

My neighbor sells the laser surgery equipment. He still wears glasses for the reasons mentioned above. Long term results are grim.
There is a new technology due out soon that is supposed to obsolete the previous generations of LASIK (sp?) surgery.

Do get contacts if you can. That has been a tremdous improvement for me.

02-03-2002, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Forgotten-Son
The long term effects of laser eye sergery is you go blind after about 20 or 30 years..

haha, I can't help but think of Ralph Wiggam, "Mr. Flanders! You're Blindeded!"


02-03-2002, 05:49 PM
lol, good luck with your glasses problem

02-03-2002, 06:12 PM
get contacts

02-03-2002, 06:34 PM
move somewhere less humid :D

02-03-2002, 08:30 PM
Nothing works as well as Cat Cr@p (http://www.campmor.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/ProductDisplay?prrfnbr=608&prmenbr=226)!

Works on glasses & goggles...:)


02-04-2002, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by Forgotten-Son
The long term effects of laser eye sergery is you go blind after about 20 or 30 years..i wear glasses, never had a problem with them.

no one really knows what the long term effects of lasik it hasn't been around long enough.

anyways i know what you are going through with the fogging up. i had glasses for years and they really sucked. i had the lasik surgery and have better than perfect vision now(like 15/20) not to mention fog free play!

02-04-2002, 10:46 AM
i've got an old BE maxvision 280 (almost the same a v-forece) i installed 2 squerl cage fans behind the forhead gard. i then wired them to 2 9volt batterys and 2 switches. i mounted the batterys and switches on each cheak. it works wonders for me, i used to fog the mask never mind the glasses and now it doesn't do ether.

02-04-2002, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by oldguy
I am 49 years old overweight and nearsighted. I live in Houston, so the humidity is bad. I had a vortex fan but it was marginal. I cut a small hole under the fan and that helped the air flow. However, the mask is unsafe without the fan installed. The best setup I use, which works great in summer, is this. Buy two CPU 12-V cooler fans and use plastic tie wraps to mount them to the top vent on the mask.

Wire the fans in parallel, and then connect them to two 9 V batteries connected in series. This will apply 18 V to the fans, but does not appear to hurt them. An other option is to get a 12 V battery pack (8 AA batteries) from radio shack. I recommend wiring the fans through a microswitch mounted to the visor.

This setup pushes enough air through the mask that you can feel a breeze in the mask. Wear a sweat band and it will also help. I can play with this setup and it will actually clear the fog off my glasses after I forget to turn the fans ON. You should be able to build this fan setup for about $25.00. Good luck! I know its a pain to play when you can not see well.

Hmm. I'm no electrician. What would you charge me to do this for me?



02-04-2002, 10:56 AM
Oldguy - easier than 8 AA's or 18V is just slapping a radio shack 12V adapter onto the battery rig. It only costs like $1.89 or something like that.

DR - It might be a good chance to learn some basic soldering skills. $6 will get you a perfectly good soldering iron. Just make sure you buy some flux, and then do some practice. It takes about 10 minutes to learn how to make basic wire joins, and its a good skill to learn. Soldering on boards is a little tougher...

02-04-2002, 10:56 AM
DR, It's not that hard... in fact It's quite easy.

Here is the thread that shows the system I made... The Pics and words should explain it quite easily...


I kept mine on the goggle and off the visor so I still had the choice... but pretty much always wear a visor :)


02-04-2002, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by Thordic
Oldguy - easier than 8 AA's or 18V is just slapping a radio shack 12V adapter onto the battery rig. It only costs like $1.89 or something like that.

DR - It might be a good chance to learn some basic soldering skills. $6 will get you a perfectly good soldering iron. Just make sure you buy some flux, and then do some practice. It takes about 10 minutes to learn how to make basic wire joins, and its a good skill to learn. Soldering on boards is a little tougher...

I actually HAVE the stuff for soldering, I did my own intellifeed, etc. I don't know how to run two fans together with 9v battery contacts, though. If I had a diagram/pictures, I could puzzle it out, I suppose.

Of course, I don't have either of them.


02-04-2002, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by manike
DR, It's not that hard... in fact It's quite easy.

Here is the thread that shows the system I made... The Pics and words should explain it quite easily...


I kept mine on the goggle and off the visor so I still had the choice... but pretty much always wear a visor :)


Which setup worked better? In and out, or both in? In the summer I sweat like a pig and manage to fog up JT Thermals just through pure humidity. I take my goggles off on a hot day and I get a literal flow of sweat out of them, its nasty.

02-04-2002, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by DarkRipper

I actually HAVE the stuff for soldering, I did my own intellifeed, etc. I don't know how to run two fans together with 9v battery contacts, though. If I had a diagram/pictures, I could puzzle it out, I suppose.

Of course, I don't have either of them.


I'll draw up some diagrams later if you want.. I'll post them in this thread.

02-04-2002, 11:03 AM
In and out seems to be a little better. I'm thinking about overdriving the fans but not so sure it's a good idea/necessary at the moment.

It all seems to work well but need some more humid and rainy days to test it out thoroughly.


02-04-2002, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by manike
DR, It's not that hard... in fact It's quite easy.

Here is the thread that shows the system I made... The Pics and words should explain it quite easily...


I kept mine on the goggle and off the visor so I still had the choice... but pretty much always wear a visor :)


That looks great. Where did you get the 9v holder with the on/off switch, and what fans are those?

Interested in making a little cash and rigging one up for me?

[email protected]

I'll pay for the parts and your time/labor and shipping cross the pond.


02-04-2002, 11:05 AM
i get computer fans at cost, so they are dirt cheap. Burning them out shouldnt be an issue :)

02-04-2002, 11:08 AM
All parts are from RS, It's just an electronics store. The switch is a single throw single way toggle switch. The battery holder is just a 9V clip. The fans are mini cooling fans as for computer cpu's etc (not cheap). *edit, Thordic :) Ok so If I over run these as a test you can get me a couple more? Bargain. Overclocking fans here we come hehehe*

DR, I'm not looking to make money sorry, what I am short of is not money but time. Time is more valuable in my world!


02-04-2002, 11:11 AM
Well poop. SOMEONE's got to be interested in a little of my hard earned dough.


02-04-2002, 11:15 AM
DR - if I get around to making one for myself, I'll pick up extra parts and make one for you. No extra money, just my cost + shipping. thats not a guarantee, though. I've got a pretty full schedule this semester between school and work and the bar. :)

02-04-2002, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by Thordic
DR - if I get around to making one for myself, I'll pick up extra parts and make one for you. No extra money, just my cost + shipping. thats not a guarantee, though. I've got a pretty full schedule this semester between school and work and the bar. :)

Thanks Thordic!! :)

I'd be willing to drop you 50-60 bucks for parts and your time/shipping... you'd make a little profit off of that, I think.



02-08-2002, 10:06 AM
hey manike do you know the RS part number for that clip?

also DR i may be able to pick up some parts to make you a fan setup this weekend, if you still need it done let me know, also if you are going to do it i need to know what kind of mask you have so i get the right fans.
all i want is whatever the parts and shipping cost me, i'll just do it at work and they can pay me to do it. ;)

02-08-2002, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by Drizit
hey manike do you know the RS part number for that clip?

also DR i may be able to pick up some parts to make you a fan setup this weekend, if you still need it done let me know, also if you are going to do it i need to know what kind of mask you have so i get the right fans.
all i want is whatever the parts and shipping cost me, i'll just do it at work and they can pay me to do it. ;)

Cool! I use a Raven NUVIS and a Flex 7. :)

The NUVIS is pretty narrow, so if it won't work I understand.

Let me know how much it is before you do anything.
