View Full Version : Another pneumatic tread

09-07-2009, 01:12 PM
OK so here is my soon to be problems. I ordered my Pneumag Kitt a few days ago and have been working out how everything should be placed in my frame and I have found a couple things that just aren’t adding up in my head.. I ordered mounting brackets for my intelli frame BUT EVERY PICTURE I have saw of the intelli frames they are missing this big bulky piece of material that’s right in the center of my frame. No, I don’t have the kit yet but I’m not sure it’s going to be in the way, Was this material milled out on everyone else’s frames? Also I have been watching the “Pneumag How-To” video (the one that p-magger put up that’s like 50 min long) he is drilling clean though the piston (obviously not intersecting the center where the plunger is) but in all the pictures on the page where I ordered the kit from it looks like set screws, how the hell is that holding the piston in place? Speaking of those pictures it almost looks like there is a trench milled around the in-side of that frame, or is that just in my head and how do my mounting brackets mount to the sides of the intelli frame? Lastly in p-maggers video he mills a slot in the piston right to the retaining ring to give the sear clearance. Do the pistons in this kit come with that slot (I noticed the sides are milled flat).

Any answers would be very appreciated.

The Kit:

The Frame Now:

09-07-2009, 02:56 PM
The chunk of aluminum in the middle is there for an intelliframe mount, some builds cut that off completely, some cut if off partially and use it to mount the msv-2

As for the set screws and the piston, I always just drill a small indent into the piston, which gives the set screws a place to settle so the piston doesnt move around easily

09-07-2009, 03:00 PM
Have you seen Cyberave's thread on BEO?
