View Full Version : Help with mag please?

Mr P
02-02-2002, 10:29 PM
i have not shot a mag before but today i filled up my Compressed air tank then gassed up my gun but i had some problems. First things seemed to go fine the trigger went into position but then it was all down hill from there. i pulled the trigger and it fired but when i let go it didnt return to its original position, what does that mean? so the next problem arises its leekin through the power tube i think because i can hear it through my power feed. if anyone has an idea what is wrong please posst here.
ps i dont have a video or manual yet but im gettin one soon

02-02-2002, 10:50 PM
oil up the mag.... make sure you got plenty of air in your tank... dry fire with out the barrel on untill the oil stops sprayin out... replace barrel... see if you can recreate the problem... if yes here is what to check...

trigger rod not returning after you fire...

problem boltstick - fix - get a power tube spacer kit and do what it sayes....

problem leak down barrel... inspect powertube orings replace if nessary...

get a parts kit also.... its a nice thing to keep on hand... for any odd problem that might come up

soilent green
02-04-2002, 01:07 PM
call AGD (847) 520-7225 or oil and put in a complete parts kit