View Full Version : Micromag clone body sear pin?

09-15-2009, 07:48 PM
Okay, the MotM poll thread had me inspired to take another look at my micro clone body. On examining it, it looks like the sear pin hole is larger on the left side than the right (and I think it might be threaded on the smaller/right side)? I got the body as part of a project gun with a AM/MM sear that jumped out of the gun and disappeared (didn't go all the way into the body in any case), so I guess I'm wondering exactly what sear pin is supposed to go in there? Is this how the threaded micro sear pins from PTP worked? Thanks for any help!

Frizzle Fry
09-15-2009, 08:00 PM
Okay, the MotM poll thread had me inspired to take another look at my micro clone body. On examining it, it looks like the sear pin hole is larger on the left side than the right (and I think it might be threaded on the smaller/right side)? I got the body as part of a project gun with a AM/MM sear that jumped out of the gun and disappeared (didn't go all the way into the body in any case), so I guess I'm wondering exactly what sear pin is supposed to go in there? Is this how the threaded micro sear pins from PTP worked? Thanks for any help!

The threaded pin Micromags were Gen3 and Gen4, the one with the wing over the valve and the vertfeed one. What you have is a clone of the Gen2 which took a standard AM/MM pin, which is supposed to be held in place by a frame with "wings" that extend over the rail/body.

One side is smaller because (on my clone at least) the AM/MM pin fits in on one side, but cannot "escape" out the other. You'll need a winged frame to hold it properly in place, and replacement pins can be purchased from AGDs online store.

All that said, you could probably drill and tap it to accept a threaded R/T style sear pin.

09-15-2009, 08:44 PM
Thanks for the info! What is throwing me is that the AM/MM sear that was in it when I got it stuck out from the loading side farther than what a winged frame (I've got one) could get around to hold it in. . . Maybe it just wasn't drilled deep enough?

09-15-2009, 09:59 PM
yea i had the same issue with mine, so i drilled the hole a tad bit deeper.

as for holding the pin in, i crimped one end a bit, making it wider, kind of like a trigger pin. that way you don't need to worry as much about it.

also, my gen gen 4 micro wasn't exactly "threaded", one end was just thinner, and that end fit into the smaller hole on the other side, and was a somewhat tight fit.

Frizzle Fry
09-16-2009, 05:19 AM
yea i had the same issue with mine, so i drilled the hole a tad bit deeper.

as for holding the pin in, i crimped one end a bit, making it wider, kind of like a trigger pin. that way you don't need to worry as much about it.

also, my gen gen 4 micro wasn't exactly "threaded", one end was just thinner, and that end fit into the smaller hole on the other side, and was a somewhat tight fit.

I'm guessing your Gen4 said "Micromag 2000" on the side. The ones that do were meant to take winged frames, the ones that don't were meant for Emag lowers.

09-16-2009, 01:50 PM
no, arent micro2000 the gen5?

gen4 being the one with the overhand over the valve?

Frizzle Fry
09-16-2009, 03:40 PM
no, arent micro2000 the gen5?

gen4 being the one with the overhand over the valve?

Gen1 = Fixed barrel, no wing, no foregrip, powerfeed.

Gen1.5 = Cocker barrel, no wing, no foregrip, powerfeed.

Gen2 = Cocker threaded, no wing, foregrip, powerfeed.

Gen3 = Cocker threaded, wing, foregrip, powerfeed.

Gen4 = Cocker threaded, wing, foregrip, centerfeed.

Gen5 = MM2k9

I hesitate to call the Gen1.5 a true generation, since it was more a modification of what PTP released as Gen1. Sometimes I call it that but overall it really isn't a specific generation of the marker.

09-16-2009, 05:43 PM
ah ok, i was considering the 1.5 its own generation, so bumped the rest up one:D

Frizzle Fry
09-16-2009, 08:23 PM
ah ok, i was considering the 1.5 its own generation, so bumped the rest up one:D

Yeah. I used to put it that way, but I reconsidered it because thought PTP made the bodies and PK Selective anodized them, people had to buy the bodies and send them to independant airsmiths and send them back. Then again, I'm not the authority on Micromags either, so it's up to PTP what it should be called :p

I love my Gen1.5 but I can't seem to win MOTM classic or open with it... Dunno why :( It's not the usual "collection of parts gun" like the winners of open usually are. I think my major hindrance is that the body, while rare, is not a uber-expensive rare limited-run piece (Not to hate on MOTM, just pointing out a trend. It is a vote, afterall.)