View Full Version : minimag tac one rail help.

09-15-2009, 11:15 PM
so i had my minimag body on an rt rail, i did this myself everything worked well and now i go to do the same thing with a tac one rail by dremeling out the spot in the rail for the body. when i put it together the sear is hitting on the back of the body where it should be going threw to hit the on/off pin. i checked the whole i dremeled but the screw going threw the rail into the body wont allow for the body to be moved back any further. any ideas on what i could try and do to fix this? its hitting on it just the slightest bit to not let it pass threw to activate the on/off pin. the only options i can think of are to either round off the back of the sear a tiny bit or to enlarge the back of the hole in the body. but with that being said could either of those cause problems with tolerances or anything?