View Full Version : Some Questions about number of pieces each production lot

09-21-2009, 06:06 PM
i have some questions about, how many guns are in the world.

- automag
- minimag
- micromag
- ptp unibody micromag
- RT micromag
- RT classic
- emag
- micro emag
- xmag
- euromag

i wrote AGD, but nobody answered me till yet. who can help me!?

:bounce: :hail: :headbang: :clap:

Frizzle Fry
09-21-2009, 08:23 PM
For what it's worth, this is what I have on the top of my head. I know there are more but I'm blanking and frankly more blanks can be filled in so feel free to cut 'n paste this and update it.

- 68 Automag
- Automag "68 Classic"
- Minimag
- Double Minimag***
- R/T Classic
- R/T Pro
- Emag
- Xmag
- Euro Xmag
- SFL Emag (Produced for BBT)

Other MFGs (whole markers):
- PTP Unibody Micromag
- PTP Classic-Valve Micromag*
- PTP R/T Valve Micromag*
- PTP Vertfeed Micromag
- PTP MicroEmag
- RPG Paradigm Pro
- Tunaman custom mags**
- SP Smart Mag

Other MFGs (body kits):
- Micromag Clone
- Galactic Z
- Chord*
- Karta*
- Xtreme Depot I.T.

*Several Generations
**Custom Magsmiths

09-21-2009, 08:45 PM
I think he is looking for production numbers ( how many made )
at one point in time I wondered also , then I figured out , the only markers that had finite #'s on were the SFL & mabey the X Mag and there are X Mags floating around that we don't know where they are ( mostly in europe ? )

09-21-2009, 09:48 PM
Didn't AGD do true consecutive serial numbering, as in Valve #14297 was really the 14297th off the assembly line?

So who has the highest of each?

Frizzle Fry
09-21-2009, 10:00 PM
Didn't AGD do true consecutive serial numbering, as in Valve #14297 was really the 14297th off the assembly line?

So who has the highest of each?

Yes, but they were released in no particular order, tons of classic valves were traded in, some #s were screwups that never left the factory, and so on and so forth. It would be nearly impossible to track it that way. What you could do is start a registry, valve type and serial # with a name attached.

Here are all the valve brandings I've encountered:


- 68 Automag

- Automag 68 Classic

- Minimag

- Reverse Minimag

- Rental Valve

- R/T

- R/T Pro

- Emag

- Emaxx

- R/T Pro X

- X Valve

- X

- Reverse X


- 68 Micromag

- R/T Micro

- Micromag 2000

- Micro 2000 R/T

- TunaMaxx

- Tuna-branded X

- ANS 68

- SmartValve

09-22-2009, 10:12 PM
mostly in europe, but not in germany!!
and yes, i'm looking for production numbers ( how many made )
importend for me, how many X-Mags / E-Mags and Euro-mags were made!

09-22-2009, 10:20 PM
dont forget the titanium valve mags in that list either
though it would be hard to tell if one actually has one or not

09-23-2009, 12:07 PM
A Titanium valve would only be easy to ID if you weighed it against a stock valve..

Frizzle Fry
09-23-2009, 12:26 PM
Yeah, they were branded the same as regular Classic Valves, both in serial # and style. To make a distinction there would be like making a distinction based on round v.s. square on/offs... It'd be too hard and there aren't enough kicking around to be worth it.

That said, didn't one person find a titanium valve? Do I remember that, or am I imagining it?

SN toter
09-23-2009, 01:00 PM
So....do we start a serial registry thread?

09-23-2009, 01:05 PM
Motodrom, where in Germany are you located? Mags are a near no go over here. Finding out how many mags were made won't really be possible unless you go by how many valves were made. You see, a lot of us build our own mags out of scrap and aftermarket parts, are they then still to be considered mags or cross breeds of some sort? You'd also then have to account for the valve trade in program that swallowed up a bunch of old A.I.R. Valves being replaced by RT valves.

It certainly is an interesting question and I can give you one exact number: 500

That's how many original fixed-barrel Micro Mags were made.

I can't begin to guess about the rest, but altogether between the ones stashed in closets and the ones still getting used, I bet there are over 100,000 mags out there.

09-23-2009, 01:07 PM
I think the Ti valve didn't go all the way through. There was a claim in the thread though.

Frankly, grinding it is a bad way to go. It IS ~40% lighter, but for equal strength you have to use a thicker part. The Ti valves produced were practically a carbon copy as I understand.

Yeah, start a valve registry thread, provided we can't get any AGD input.

09-23-2009, 03:36 PM
You forgot the rental valves.

SN toter
09-23-2009, 03:44 PM
Yeah, start a valve registry thread, provided we can't get any AGD input.

You know, it COULD help some people find their matching halfs, too. Do a category for mismatched serials as well :)

Frizzle Fry
09-23-2009, 03:50 PM
You know, it COULD help some people find their matching halfs, too. Do a category for mismatched serials as well :)

Thought of that... It's coming, just as a different thread.

09-23-2009, 04:17 PM
Also is there any additional info related to the serial #'s other than just the order they were made. A breakdown of the meaning of serial #'s and letters would be cool. Like VIN #'s tell you where , when and original model type etc. etc. on vehicles.

11-23-2009, 11:21 PM
i come from germany, bavaria (bayern), you know?!
bier and Bratwurst, may a weizen oder weisswurst :D