View Full Version : Piecing together a Paintball Gun

09-22-2009, 08:41 PM
For a while now I've been wanting to get a electric gun. I thought about buying one, but where's the fun in that?

I know how much people love Ions but I was going to use all aftermarket ion parts. There's only a few million options out there.

From all my research it looks like I could get the operation pressure down to about 120-130. 20+ bps. I was going to throw a board with an OLED screen in it just for kicks.

Or I could just Pneu my mag along with a new paint job.

09-22-2009, 08:44 PM
pneu-mag all the way
it will never let you down
and even if you didnt pneu your mag, you are still playing with a more reliable marker anyday

09-22-2009, 09:29 PM
pneu-mag all the way
it will never let you down
and even if you didnt pneu your mag, you are still playing with a more reliable marker anyday

... or be like me, and build an e-mag :p

If you never used one, try to find someone local who has one and see if he'll let you shoot it a few times. You will fall in love. If you ever do get one, every time you go onto a field people will look at your gun and this is what they will say:

If they are > 20 years old and have been playing for a while:
"Man that's an e-mag, I haven't seen one of those in forever! Can I check that thing out??"

If they are < 20 years old and have just begun playing:
"Is that the 2010 mini??"

Then when you explain how old the design of your gun is, then rip them to pieces with your hot rod of a paintball gun, they will be utterly humbled :D At least this is the experience I've gotten from my e-mag. If you do ever shoot one though, you will probably love it. e-mags have a nice extremely short snappy trigger pull and they feel as good as all other mags feel. They don't feel like a toy when your handling them which is how most new electros feel to me. The big downside is of course they cost alot, but if you already have a mag, buying lowers isn't that much more expensive than building a totally aftermarket ion.

09-22-2009, 09:50 PM
If they are < 20 years old and have just begun playing:
"Is that the 2010 mini??"

the proper response to this question would be...
"nope its the 2010 Large"

J.K. i love my emag too, if you have the cash, get one
they rule

09-23-2009, 06:41 AM
I just built an Xmag and one of my friends was in awe. I let him shoot it at the West Point game and he was giggling like a school girl after the first hopper on Hyper Hybrid :D
Now to let a few more mag owners (one friend has a pneu mag, the other has a mech mag) shoot it and let them see what they are really missing!

09-23-2009, 08:14 AM
Or build an ep-mag (like an ego mag). It also looks like some people are still building spyder-mags as well.

09-23-2009, 08:27 AM
I had alot of fun building my spyderMag. Yeah I know some people would ask why someone would put a cheap spyder frame on there Mag but I'm not rolling in the dough. Personally I dont care to have all the diff. modes to figure out and the frame only cost me $49.00 new. I still have a mech Mag though...I will always have a mech.

09-23-2009, 08:39 AM
I had alot of fun building my spyderMag. Yeah I know some people would ask why someone would put a cheap spyder frame on there Mag but I'm not rolling in the dough. Personally I dont care to have all the diff. modes to figure out and the frame only cost me $49.00 new. I still have a mech Mag though...I will always have a mech.

Not just that, but a spyder mag is waaay lighter than an e-mag. If all you do is play semi then a spyder mag is an excellent idea.

09-23-2009, 08:43 AM
ionowners.com is probably a better place to ask about this unless you're looking for negative feedback. I can't justify the cost, but I do find the idea of snubbing SP by building one of their guns and cutting them out of the loop kinda funny.

09-23-2009, 09:08 AM
I just built an Xmag and one of my friends was in awe. I let him shoot it at the West Point game and he was giggling like a school girl after the first hopper on Hyper Hybrid :D
Now to let a few more mag owners (one friend has a pneu mag, the other has a mech mag) shoot it and let them see what they are really missing!
I still don't know what hybrid is, i want an emag to find out. Argh, i wanted a mini or something as my next gun, the more i read about emags on here the more i want an emag again, still never got to shoot one. :rolleyes:

09-23-2009, 11:52 AM
I'm too damn lazy to build an e-mag, though I'd fork $900 for one setup with a warp and all.