View Full Version : dual air source in put can it be done?

09-26-2009, 12:21 AM
there is your typical valve with the air in put on the "passenger side"
a reverse valve has the air in put on the "Driver's Side"

but can you drill a Mag valve for both?
can you have an air in put on both sides of the valve
so you can move the air in put source to either side as your set up changes?
of course you would need to plug the un-used port.

although if building a double mag could you connect one valve to the air source, and then plumb the second valve from the second port on the first valve?


Frizzle Fry
09-26-2009, 12:51 AM
I've seen an SS valve tapped on both sides that can work for either. It was well done, but frankly it looked ugly as hell and the guy said he'd gummed up his valve with teflon tape each time he switched sides, no matter how careful he was. I've got no idea about doing it to an X-valve, though.

The double mag thing would be tough. It's easy to starve both AIR and R/T valves, though clearly they've both been used on double mags. I thing the issue would be (for the most part) attaching them to the marker; there's a reason that valves twist and lock in to little grooves; they're a safety measure. My solution would be a longer little "pin" thing with a locking device. Overall it could probably be done.

09-26-2009, 04:16 PM
The double mag thing would be tough.
It's easy to starve both AIR and R/T valves, though clearly they've both been used on double mags. I thing the issue would be (for the most part) attaching them to the marker; there's a reason that valves twist and lock in to little grooves; they're a safety measure. My solution would be a longer little "pin" thing with a locking device. Overall it could probably be done.

safety measure?
so that tiny pin hold the valve in place,
and that much larger SS thumb screw has
nothing to do with holding the valve in place
even though it's threaded right into the valve body..... :rolleyes: :p :D

as for starving the valves,
according to Pascal's law the pressure with in a closed system is
equal in all directions;
so untill you actually pull the trigger the whole gas supply system + valve is a closed system.
the pressure should be equal. although i can see uneven chilling if using co2 under rapid shooting.

i'm really just trying to figure out if i really need to hunt up a reverse valve or if I can just have a regular one drilled and tapped accordingly...

09-26-2009, 04:27 PM
i'm really just trying to figure out if i really need to hunt up a reverse valve or if I can just have a regular one drilled and tapped accordingly...

I know for a fact that you can drill and tap a am/mm valve for a second hole. I have done it before. It did eat through a drill bit as it is quite hard steel. I am not sure on a xvalve.

09-26-2009, 04:58 PM
safety measure?
so that tiny pin hold the valve in place,
and that much larger SS thumb screw has
nothing to do with holding the valve in place
even though it's threaded right into the valve body..... :rolleyes: :p :D

safety measure to prevent the BACK half of the valve from unscrewing. Not a huge deal for me, but it's still true

as for starving the valves,
according to Pascal's law the pressure with in a closed system is
equal in all directions;
so untill you actually pull the trigger the whole gas supply system + valve is a closed system.
the pressure should be equal. although i can see uneven chilling if using co2 under rapid shooting.

True for a closed system, but if you rapid fire the system it ceases to be a truly closed system. In that case fluid flow follows the path of least resistance. There will be more resistance going to the left valve in the configuration you're suggesting.

Without testing I don't know if the line losses are significant enough to cause a problem for your use.

09-26-2009, 05:02 PM
herm ///on that note could he put a tspliter in the center of the two valves if he drilled and tapped and pluged bassically making his own reverse valve ? thus splitting the pressure equally correct ?

09-26-2009, 05:09 PM
herm ///on that note could he put a tspliter in the center of the two valves if he drilled and tapped and pluged bassically making his own reverse valve ? thus splitting the pressure equally correct ?

T splitter between the valves, or a dual output ASA with dual (equal length) lines will allow for equal recharge rates. Then your only concern is getting enough flow through the ASA out to the lines to keep up.

While I don't know this for a fact, I'd hazard a guess to say he'll be fine with classic valves. X-valves give me pause though.

However he end's up doing it, I'm looking forward to the results. Need more NastyMag's out there. ;)

09-26-2009, 05:12 PM
tank mounted ones anyhow... the damn wieght issues LOL ehhh scarey i almost dual mounted warpfed longbows on my samuria suzuki 4x4 would look like anti aircraft guns put the warps in ammo cans and run the line straight into the warp setups from the warp feeders in the can with custom funnel hoppers LOL with 18 in freaks ahahahah

Frizzle Fry
09-26-2009, 07:57 PM
safety measure?
so that tiny pin hold the valve in place,
and that much larger SS thumb screw has
nothing to do with holding the valve in place
even though it's threaded right into the valve body..... :rolleyes: :p :D

Ok. You're wrong.

I was just trying be helpful.

Thanks for being a dick.

09-26-2009, 08:06 PM
:rolleyes: ouch

09-26-2009, 10:15 PM
wouldnt 2 rt valves work for this application with rt rails since air goes through the rails it would be super easy

09-26-2009, 11:06 PM
your idea of the drill / tap and connect is very neat and clean looking but,..... :rolleyes:
The idea of the double mag is to throw alot of paint ,so with that said ,starving 1 or both valve's will make it choke after the third ball give or take
take a look @ these older pics

are you fix'in to improve and /or design your own type of double mag? maybe one that doesn't throw alot of paint ?maybe one that's bark is worse than its bite

09-27-2009, 04:00 AM
Pumping 1500+ PSI through the lines will keep them from starving.

Geddon anyone :rolleyes:

09-27-2009, 10:26 AM
Pumping 1500+ PSI through the lines will keep them from starving.

Geddon anyone :rolleyes:

Most definitely , it would need a high output adjustable reg :shooting:
oh and what i was trying to say but left out this part was,...
your absolutely correct about"pascals law" ,just that the recharge rate of those valves needed
has to go through one first to then get to the other .sort of like current in an electrical circuit.
or water flowing through one valve to get to the other . The left valve's reserve will decrease faster then the right .Anything is possisble i guess with enough thought which is what were doing now right :D

Id like to see the finished product when your done w/ it

09-27-2009, 01:33 PM
your idea of the drill / tap and connect is very neat and clean looking but,..... :rolleyes:
The idea of the double mag is to throw alot of paint ,so with that said ,starving 1 or both valve's will make it choke after the third ball give or take
take a look @ these older pics

are you fix'in to improve and /or design your own type of double mag? maybe one that doesn't throw alot of paint ?maybe one that's bark is worse than its bite

actually I've worked out on paper how to make the guns shoot one at a time alternating and keeping the whole set up mechanical. well Pneu-Mag Pneumatic to be exact...
and I'll let you imagination run wild from there...

09-27-2009, 01:38 PM
Pumping 1500+ PSI through the lines will keep them from starving.

Geddon anyone :rolleyes:

actually I have an HPA bottle with an adjustable SP reg. set to 1200 PSI.
She Works pretty good.
GOD just got a bad taste in my mouth from the dirty SP word there!
But I bought it third or fourth hand used so the SP dough heads still haven't gotten any of my money.

09-27-2009, 02:29 PM
Why not have the air source in between the two valves, like have a T fitting between them that connects them and have the air source come up through the middle, if that makes sense. This way you would just need a normal valve and a reverse valve?

09-27-2009, 03:03 PM
Why not have the air source in between the two valves, like have a T fitting between them that connects them and have the air source come up through the middle, if that makes sense. This way you would just need a normal valve and a reverse valve?

well yes that will work.
but I was trying to figure out if I can do this
with out buying another valve.

finding a classic reverse valve might be a tad difficult.

09-27-2009, 07:00 PM
actually I've worked out on paper how to make the guns shoot one at a time alternating and keeping the whole set up mechanical. well Pneu-Mag Pneumatic to be exact...
and I'll let you imagination run wild from there...

ok now i got it runn'in around in my head ;)

wow its going to be SICK ! Like a cranked Tipmann only smother and of course more accurate

09-28-2009, 06:53 AM
You can buy revers valves here dude. Just put up a WTB thread. You shouldn't have any problems getting one and would be the best setup for ya with a T fitting. It'll look good too. :cool:

I'm in the process of building one myself. I have 2 other projects to finish up first but after they're done. I'm going all out on this one.