View Full Version : Burst disc placement

09-28-2009, 12:30 PM
I need help knowing which burst disc goes where on a preset Pure Energy 3000psi regulator.

I have one disk that says 1800psi and the other is 5k.

09-28-2009, 12:59 PM
Should be writing on the reg where each one goes. Take a pic so i can see which one you have

Edit: Rule of thumb. The hole closest to the tank or that is in line with your fill nipple is where your 5k would normally go but a lot of those PMI regs have the burst disk holes to include the fill nipple all at the same height so i can't really say until i see which one you have.

09-30-2009, 07:01 AM
On the bright side, if you choose wrong, you'll find out the first time you fill the tank cause the 1800 psi will be in the 5000psi spot, and it will pop and freak out everyone in the room. (I did this myself with a tank.)

So... maybe have a spare 1800 sitting around just in case. :D