View Full Version : Getting a mag legal...

10-04-2009, 07:33 AM
I would like to start using mag's in tourney play, I know I can get my mag t shoot legal as far as bounce/rt but the 10 bps thing has me worried a bit. I have 2 pnuemo frames mags, and think that when I get it right they MIGHT(I am not that fast but hypothetically) shoot over 10 bps. Anyone have any experience with tests, or tips to get to where I am looking to be?

I really want to go out there and pound on competition play with 10 year old technology, would even consider Emag lowers for both, but don't really think its necessary.

10-04-2009, 08:33 AM
I'm not a tourney guy but if you're rocking a pnuemag and its not bouncing (using the rt effect). I don't see how they could enforce a 10bps limit on you as there are not any limiters on purely mech markers , at least none that I've heard of.

10-04-2009, 08:57 AM
I'm not a tourney guy but if you're rocking a pnuemag and its not bouncing (using the rt effect). I don't see how they could enforce a 10bps limit on you as there are not any limiters on purely mech markers , at least none that I've heard of.

Ditto. I would ask the tournament people, but if you're shooting pure mech, then you should be allowed to shoot as fast as you are able. (And I've seen guys shoot 12-14 bps on pneumags.)

If the tournament guys says that 10 bps is the absolute max, even if you're shooting mech, then you're right to look for emag lowers.... or a hyperframe. They can both be programed to only shoot 10 bps max, even on semi.

10-04-2009, 11:28 PM
Ditto. I would ask the tournament people, but if you're shooting pure mech, then you should be allowed to shoot as fast as you are able. (And I've seen guys shoot 12-14 bps on pneumags.)

If the tournament guys says that 10 bps is the absolute max, even if you're shooting mech, then you're right to look for emag lowers.... or a hyperframe. They can both be programed to only shoot 10 bps max, even on semi.
Thanks to both of you, answered my question of the emag lowers, wasn't exactly sure of thier programming capabilities.

I am not much of a tourney guy anymore either, went back to mags after a 10 year trip to the lame tourney scene. Got back into woodsball, then mags, now I would like to do a few local tourneys with friends and we'll leave the electro's at home(as long as I can skip the emag stepm but I am not sure I would go as far as calling a emag an electro...)

And, 14 bps on an pnuemag?!? Nice.

10-05-2009, 10:47 AM
And, 14 bps on an pnuemag?!? Nice.

Oddly enough, I'd like to test my wife's pneumag. It's probably faster than that even. :eek:

10-05-2009, 02:05 PM
Oddly enough, I'd like to test my wife's pneumag. It's probably faster than that even. :eek:

I wouldn't be surprised. We had a little contest a while back to see who could walk the fastest, and a bunch of guys entered with pneumags. I think the fastest pneumag shooter did around 12 bps.

Here's the link if you feel like trolling around.


10-05-2009, 02:16 PM
I wasn't aware that tourney stuff even bothered with limiting MECH guns. I thought if it wasn't RT'd and was just straight up 1 pull 1 shot that it was good to go.

hmmmmm.... didn't know they bothered with the restriction. I see it as no batteries in the gun, what's the deal? Pull the trigger back and hold it and it shoots one time then it's good. Let the trigger go and it don't shoot then it's good.

Good luck finding your answer.


10-05-2009, 02:20 PM
i used a micromag wirth air valve and our speed was 10.5 single trig and explain to the head of the toury that its a mech marker with NO rt bounce beforehand and he will prob let u rock it ...the guys playing me were like hes cheating check his codes! id knock on my wood frame and say no batteries and the ref laughed said oh ur the mag guy and cleared me for play ..... yup 1bps LOL ahahahahah :spit_take

10-05-2009, 02:26 PM
Oddly enough, I'd like to test my wife's pneumag. It's probably faster than that even. :eek:
let Cam shoot it, he has quick fingers. He got my Xmag up to 16BPS on semi a few weeks ago...

10-05-2009, 02:40 PM
I thought I heard that if the mag even has an RT valve it was illegal to use... even if it was ULT'd/Pneu'd

So classics only or E-lowers.

Is that right?

10-05-2009, 02:59 PM
well if u know the head guy u can hard mount a low psi tank and prove it cant rt if ur using an x and make sure ur putting out like 750 L:OL or use an air valve

10-05-2009, 06:54 PM
Yeah. Basically, if you can't position your finger on the trigger and get multiple shots, then it should be tourny legal, the same as any other mechanical or electronic gun.

10-05-2009, 10:55 PM
i talked with the head ref of the msxl d3/4 xball league they said it didnt matter if it was mech or not if it shot over 10 you couldnt use it

so if someones on you with a pac timer just pull slower

10-06-2009, 01:36 AM
Pull single finger style. It's not easy to break 10 consistently with one finger.

10-06-2009, 04:38 AM
I wouldn't worry about it. If they haven't got a pac timer right on you and they use a radar chrono, just pull the trigger slower. If the reff checks it, thats ok. Most people can't pull that fast on a strange gun.

10-17-2009, 07:19 AM
I wouldn't be surprised. We had a little contest a while back to see who could walk the fastest, and a bunch of guys entered with pneumags. I think the fastest pneumag shooter did around 12 bps.

Here's the link if you feel like trolling around.


Crap... now I've got to find a video camera... I'm willing to give this one a try. It was all audio verified right? (Yes I am too lazy to check the video's because I am about to go officiate a regatta here).