View Full Version : "Tournament" Concept

10-05-2009, 10:24 AM
Copied to AO and MCB as well for ideas

I have tried to come up with different concepts to bring back the game as I remember it in a tournament format. At this time I am going to hammer out a concept, make the initial investment to make it work, and do it. So I am going to take some time and effort to hash out the concept.

To limit investment I am going to run it initially as three man

What I envision is a stock class pump tournament. Not enough people around here own pumps and are interested. To overcome this its my intent to get hold of half a dozen Phantoms from CCI and use them as "handout markers". They stay on the field and are simply rotated between players. I will have one or two as backup. Players will be permitted to use there own stock class equipment if they have it.

Teams will be randomly drawn. I am going to keep expectations low and assume you need a minimum of 12 players (four teams) and can deal with as many as 30. Assuming 12 players when you get there you will be given a number (similiar to those used when running) numbers 1-12. I will use a random draw method (I am hoping for a ping pong ball system) to draw the teams based on the numbers.

Intent is to gaurentee every team at least five games. So if we have four teams you would do a double round robin. It is also the intent to vary fields if the venue allows - to play both in the woods and on "tournament" style fields.

As you come on field you will be given 60 rounds and two twelve gram cartridges (though cost might make this end up being modified stock - ie constant air). Thus you have a limited paint tournament.

Prizes: Depending on amount of people who preregsister prizes will be limited. Prizes will not be given out on a team basis. I am thinking a "scoring" system. If you played in the game you get one entrance into random draw. If your team won, you get another, if you were alive at the end of the game you get another.

"It costs too much" I am thinking that I will allow two people to split entrance, and swap playing turns with each other to be decided by them. Essentially they will have numbers 12A and 12B. You will go as number 12 to a team but I will "score" you as 12A and 12B for drawings.

Entrance fee.... This is where I start to try to run figures per person

1 person 5 games =

250 rounds of paint = $5
10 CO2 tubes = $5 (again, you can see where constant air might be used)

$10 in consumed supplies

I figure to want at least four refs. What do refs generally get a day at this point?
Obviously field fees I will work out with the field owner.

I am hoping to keep this at $30 or $40 per person. My question becomes, would you play at that? What do I need to change? Ideas?

10-05-2009, 11:38 AM
I would love to see something like that actually take off.

The field I work has been running a 3 man mech series since before the GFOA season started. It has had a fairly lukewarm reception, which is unfortunate because it is a lot of fun.

What we have been doing is to allow 3 man teams to register, as well as to allow single players to register and then pick up a team when they get there. I have played with several different groups of people during the "series" and it has been a blast. The cost is low, there is none of the fast shooting, scare people away type thing, in spite of being a tourney. The last one I used one hopper of balls for the entire event.

Personally SC is not my thing, but I would love to see more people working to bring back mech/pump/sc class events with the 3 man format. I really enjoy it, and all the people who have played the events we have held have nothing but good to say about it.


10-05-2009, 12:03 PM
I haven't used a pump in over 12 years. But if there were a tourney like this anywhere close to me, I would definitely play. I might even use it as an excuse to buy a pump. It sounds to me like you are going in the right direction with your tourney set up.

10-05-2009, 04:33 PM
Lohman446 :clap: :clap: , Sounds like a good Idea , over in central fl there is a guy that puts on a 2 man 10 ball contest , any marker you want but just 10 balls per player

It's really about how some want to play , I play some pump once in a while & it would intrest me , but others ?? There are a couple guys that I play with that refuse to play in a semi only game :tard:'s

10-05-2009, 04:51 PM
You need to talk with Pumpenstien over on MCB. He does something in that realm here in Houston. I've just never gone to any of his stuff.

10-05-2009, 05:47 PM
I would play for sure.

10-05-2009, 09:49 PM
I would play the crap out of that. It sounds really fun. Like you the only thing I don't know is how fees would work. Like a $40 day(your number) and $10 for supplies so $30 to the "pot" per person. For your 12 man minimum that's $360 minimum. And four refs getting 8hrs(I have no idea how long this day would last) at say minimum wage(7.25) is $232 leaving $128 to the field(prizes?) but also this would not obstruct the rest of the field from being run as you said it would be on one field at a time but....that would be strange having a tourney and regular play though I have seen it done successfully.

I hope this works out for you! :headbang:

10-06-2009, 12:46 PM
Sounds like you're following a modified "Gus Macker" format from Basketball. You might be able to pull it off.

10-06-2009, 05:12 PM
We are doing something like that in North TX Nov 1.

It will be an open class, trophy only pump tourney, with a round robin format of best of three. I think that there are already 6 teams committed to it, and we will limit it to 10 if we are oh, so lucky.

10-12-2009, 09:31 PM
I would do this.

10-13-2009, 06:53 PM
our field here runs 3 and 5 man pump tournies alot. the 3 mans usualy will net 14-18 teams, the 5 mans, 8-12

he will also do a Lottery 3 man which is super fun, similar to your concept.

Hope it takes off, sounds like a great gig. if i were closer, id play for sure.

10-14-2009, 08:04 AM
I had a similar idea a while ago, but it didn't involve pumps.

Basically, any marker was allowed, players just all had to use those 50-round gravity hoppers. That way, the barrier to entry was like $5.

Unfortunately, nobody was willing to try it out.