View Full Version : What would it take for you to switch to 50

10-07-2009, 01:23 PM
I'm open to discussion -

The last choice should have been I am not switching as long as 68 is available - Beemer, any chance of a change on that?

10-07-2009, 01:32 PM
After 20 years I doubt I would ever totally walk away from the sport. Though I would definitely need to see some performance increase. I like .68 just fine.

10-07-2009, 01:42 PM
I have too many markers now that are in most peoples eyes "Old School" and I don't see them making conversion kits for... Also .50 was tried once before in the past along with .62 and .43,,, I just don't see it going any where... I have seen alot of hype for this not so new .50 and have not seen any hard data to support the claims being made... Also will my current googles hold up to the demand of the .50 from a safety stand point ??? I know others have many questions as well about the data and safeties that will be put in place for this...

I just have too much invested in my current gear to just go out and have to buy new to support a round that I didn't support back in the late '80's...

I will stay .68 until they quit making it and after that I will hang it up I guess...

I also talked with my local pro-shop today about this issue and they said they would not support this because it failed before and will fail this time around as well...

my 2 pennies


10-07-2009, 01:48 PM
I love this sport. I have 13yrs at it. It is hard to say I would walk away. I just hate everything about this .50cal idea. I would walk if I cant shoot my .68cal markers.

chopper duke
10-07-2009, 01:50 PM
Had it been there, I would have chosen "I'll try it but I won't fully convert".

I bought my former stepdaughter one of those Maxx55 guns and a case of paint. I wanted to try it and it was a good size gun to start her on. I paid $13 + shipping for the gun and hopper.

If I find a deal like that on a .50 cal gun and the paint isn't any more than .68 paint, I'll try it, but I'll never fully convert.

10-07-2009, 02:13 PM
I have spent thousands of dollars over the past few years on the equipment I have and doubt very much that I could get away with reinvesting in all new stuff, as my wife would most likely kick my butt to the curb. This would be especially true if the industry was to go full conversion over to .50cal, and eliminate any possibility of recouping any money back out of my .68cal gear. The only way I would continue is if there were reasonably priced conversion kits available for my current set-ups. If I had to take a total loss on what I currently own and start from square one, I would most likely just step out of it and find a new hobby.

10-07-2009, 03:39 PM
I'm with OPBN. I already picked up a new hobby for the winter since I won't be able to play too much.

If they don't come out with a conversion kit for the mag and the industry fully conversion over to .50cal. I'll get me a pump .50 and be done with it, not getting any more crap.

10-07-2009, 03:53 PM
Just curious what sparked the 50 cal talk? Was there an article recently that said it was going forward? If so, can you please put a link up? Sorry if I missed it in another post or thread. Thanks :cheers:

10-07-2009, 04:01 PM
I love mech mags for the same reason a car buff might like a '70 chevelle over a new nissan. I dont care about 'latest and greatest'. As long as there is .68 paint I'll use my mag.

10-07-2009, 04:01 PM
I said i'd walk away ... because i won't switch unless there is no other option, and 50 won't take over completely unless some VERY negative things happen to the sport of paintball, and I think I'll be ready to leave if that happens.

Then I'll take up the new niche sport of 68ball.

10-07-2009, 04:08 PM
Just curious what sparked the 50 cal talk? Was there an article recently that said it was going forward? If so, can you please put a link up? Sorry if I missed it in another post or thread. Thanks :cheers:

PE has announced drop in kits available for EGOs - Dye has announced the same. Some of the big companies are preparing to be able to make the switch if it comes to that. That being said I think most are simply hedging there bets.

10-07-2009, 04:15 PM
I love mech mags for the same reason a car buff might like a '70 chevelle over a new nissan. I dont care about 'latest and greatest'. As long as there is .68 paint I'll use my mag.With that said, I would also refuse to spend much more on paint than I already do... If it goes up to $100.00 for a case of paint at FPO fields, because they are "specialty" , I would play considerably less. As it is, I sometimes pay $75.00(begrudgingly) per case at big events, but use what's left for rec play at BYOP fields, so I can justify it somewhat.

10-07-2009, 04:23 PM
PE has announced drop in kits available for EGOs - Dye has announced the same. Some of the big companies are preparing to be able to make the switch if it comes to that. That being said I think most are simply hedging there bets.

Ah, got ya. Thanks for the info. :cheers:

10-07-2009, 04:30 PM
It's being launched at the world cup by Gi MilSim right about now. The hype machine is rolling and other manufacturers are covering their backsides by rolling out compatible markers or conversion kits.

Although I answered '....from my cold, dead hands' it's a bit more complicated than that. If I get the opportunity to try .50 equipment and the performance is equal to, or better than, .68 AND it's cheaper, then I might switch.

.....provided someone designs a way of using my mag with .50.......which with the size of the powertube and bolt, I doubt.

Interesting info on p8ntballer in the uk is that .50 will still be fired at a max of 300fps, so significantly lighter impacts - which raises all the questions of breaking/bounces alongside the accurancy, range and fill size.

10-07-2009, 08:41 PM
Just remember - EVERY .50 cal ball you shoot keeps Smart Parts in business for just a little longer. Screw them. I will not be re-tooling.

10-07-2009, 08:44 PM
It would have to have at least equal performance and a really nice marker. Something built well along the quality lines of the automag. Not a wompy cnc electro flinger with the latest in "unique" valve systems, but a nice solid machine.

I wouldn't bother to convert jack to 50. I like purpose built, not converted.

10-07-2009, 09:47 PM
For the wife and I the day that only 50 cal. is used is the day we walk away from paintball.

10-10-2009, 03:00 AM
I really just care about keeping the properties of my current gun -- a y-gripped Automag with a q-loader. I've already tried playing with other guns, and they don't work for me anymore.

So basically if I can't get a .50 cal gun in the configuration I like, and everyone switches to .50, then I might as well just stop playing.

Either that, or change to pistol play if they ever come out with decent pistols.

10-10-2009, 07:14 AM
Nothing so far would make change from 68 to 50.


10-10-2009, 07:27 AM
Only reason I'd even consider switching is if: Tom Kaye comes back, and there's a new automag that runs 50 cal...

AGG's have their pros, we have our Tom :P

10-13-2009, 07:25 PM
I have never played with a Smart Parts product and never will. Richmond made a poor choice of partners.

10-14-2009, 07:07 AM
It would have to offer a radical performance increase and it would have to be ludicrously cheaper. And THEN, I'd have to have some kind of incentive from the gun manufacturer like a trade in program to fully commit to buying new guns. With those three criteria met, I'd probably go for it. Therefore, I just selected the last poll choice because very little of that will ever happen.

10-14-2009, 08:59 AM
I picked "If I see demonstrated a noticeable performance edge" but I'd never fully convert (I also doubt that there will be any performance edge) I just like some of the markers I have too much. I'm sure there will always be .68 cal paint (even if it is the guys on MCB doing custom paint orders, they did a .62 cal order this year). I likely won't spend much money on a .50 cal marker (if at all) unless it fires .50 cal First Strike.

Old School 626
10-14-2009, 10:19 AM
What would make me switch...

- Higher velocity, the kinetic energy would need to be around the same as a .68 ball @ 285-300 FPS but dramatically faster velocity.
- Range would have to be the same as .68 or farther.
- Better accuracy, accuracy with a production markers need to be on par with the best custom pump guns currently available with great .68 paint. Yes, paint is only part of the equation but if it's a smaller sphere then I would expect there to be less deflection.
- Lower cost paint. Buying paint I'm really buying gelatin, fill and labor. I would expect to see similar to lower prices for the same volume (not quantity) of paint. I would expect there would be efficiency gains manufacturing smaller balls. (Accountants: it's a generalization, chill out. Yes, I know about S G & A and overhead)
- Marking ability would have to be on par with .68 paint. There are already enough wiping idiots on the field I don't want to make it any easier for them.
- Safety. The paint would have to pose the same risk or less than .68 paint even with increased muzzle velocities. This includes risk to exposed skin, i.e. hands, necks and ears and also to equipment, i.e. hoppers, hosing, anno etc.
- Gas/air efficiency has to be markedly better as well.

And of course it'd have to age at least 10 years and appear on the Antiques Road Show to be considered... Old School

10-14-2009, 01:32 PM
you forgot to add a selection for those who would make fun of people playing with smaller balls ;)